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牛津小学英语优秀课评比Unit 7 It’s late教学设计

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牛津小学英语优秀课评比Unit 7 It’s late教学设计

  一. 教学目标:

牛津小学英语优秀课评比Unit 7 It’s late教学设计

  1. 能听得懂,会说,会读和会拼写单词和句型:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten . What’s the time ? It’s …

  2. 能听得懂,会说和会读日常交际用语: It’s late. What time do you…? I …at…/At…

  3. 通过歌曲,对话等多种形式,激发同学学习英语的兴趣。

  二. 教学重,难点:1. 能掌握数字1—100。

  2.会运用句型What time do you...? I...at.../At...进行交际。

  三. 教学用具;多媒体课件

  四. 教学过程:

  Step 1 Free talk

  Step 2 Sing a song

  Step 3 Revision

  1. Ask and answer (设同学迟到情景)

  Teach : late -----I’m/You’re/She’s/He’s…late .

  2. Revise some phrases .

  Chant: Get up, get up, I get up.

  Go to school, go to school, I go to school.

  Have lunch, have lunch, I have lunch.

  Go home, go home, I go home.

  Watch TV, watch TV, I watch TV.

  Go to bed, go to bed, I go to bed.

  Step 4 Presentation

  一 .Teach numbers:

  .(多媒体出现动物) 1. Count 1----20. (数字单词出现)

  2.(跑来一只)Teach “ twenty-one” (出示23, 25,28)

  (多媒体出现30,40只动物)3.Teach “thirty , forty” (出示36,37,42, 49)


  4. 出示数字:50 60 70 80 90 100 (a hundred)

  5 Numbers: 6 10

  8 35 (由滴答 “ :” 加入)

  2 40

  4 15 (由数字过渡到时间)

  二.Teach the sentences:

  (课件钟) 1. Ask and answer : What’s the time, please? It’s …

  The way : T----Ss/Ss—T/S1---S2---S3…

  2. Practice into pairs.

  3.Teach “I…at/At…” T: I get up at 6:00.

  Teach “at ” at 6:07/ 4:45/ 11:32/ 8:55 (Read from one by one )

  At6:30----I get up at 6:30 .(S1---S2----S3----S4…)

  4.Teach “ What time do you get up ?I get up at …”

  (1) The way : Ask and answer . (2) Practice into pairs .

  5. Teach “ breakfast-----have breakfast” (课件出现钟,早餐,人物)

  The way : break—break---breakfast. have breakfast, have breakfast ,

  It’s time to have breakfast. (以你拍一,我拍一形式出现)

  (1)What time do you have breakfast ? I have breakfast at…

  The way : Ask and answer .

  (2) Practice .

  6: T: Do you want to know other friends’ situation? Let’s ask them loudly:

  (多媒体出现六位同学) Ss ask , then listen .

  get up 6:20 have breakfast …What time do you go to school ?


  have lunch

  Chant : What time do you …? I …at … (先跟说后跟音乐说)

  Step 5 Introduction

  Show the teacher’s situation. (The way : Ask and answer )

  Step 6 Do a survey

  Ask some students to ask and answer .

  Step 7 Introduce someone’s Day

  三年级第一册第Unit 6第1课时案例杭州师范学院继续教育学院承办的‘杭州市新课程“课堂优秀教案——专家点评——反思与生长”(小学英语)‘评选活动资料冠军选手: 沈 丹 莹任职学校: 杭州市学军小学

  一、 课堂优秀教案 【课堂优秀教案按时间:0~10,10~20,20~30,30~40(45)分四个时段记录】(鉴于篇幅有限,略)


  (一) 教学目标:


  同学已有的对数字认知水平为one—five; 本节课在此基础上继续学习数字six—ten. 要求同学能听说认读数字1-10;能听懂Let’s do里的指示语,并能依照指令做出相应的动作;2.能力目标:拓展同学对数字的应用,感受数字在生活中存在的`广泛与重要;通过一系列任务活动,培养同学主动思维、大胆实践、自主探究的学习能力; 3.情感目标:结合实际生活,创设真实情境,引导同学关注生活,激发学习兴趣和热情,提高学习的积极性和主动性;培养同学团结合作的意识和精神。4.战略目标:鼓励同学积极运用多种学习方法和战略,自主获取信息,主动交际,分享交流;延伸数字教学,透过数字找规律,拓展渗透数字10—100,让充沛运用所学知识与技能,以建构新的语言知识。


  本课时的教学内容为数字1—10的教学。由于同学在平时学习、作业中已不时接触并熟练掌握了数字1—5,因此在进行优秀教案时,充沛考虑到同学这一实际认知水平,对教学做了简单调整,通过游戏,快速回顾了数字1—5,并自然过渡到数字6—10的教学。教学重点: 数字6,7,8,9,10的认读;教学难点: 如何结合实际生活,创设大量真实、生动的语言环境,拓展同学对数字的应用,让同学感受到数字在生活中广泛存在,并发挥着重要作用。能否让同学学以致用是本课教学成败的关键。


  情境探究法; 任务探究法;讨论法;


  1. Warm-up (1) Ps sing an English song.

  (2) Free talk between teacher and Pupils.

  2. Revision直接引出课题:Numbers请同学说说自身所知道的数字:1,2,……(复习数字1—5,边出现相关数字图片。若有同学能说出新的数字,则随机教学新数字。)3.Presentation (1) Numbers learing1/ Telephone numbers (播放课件,请同学快速认读电话号码)

  “110(报警电话); 120(急救电话);”




  2/ T (take out a pencil): Look! What’s this? P: A pencil.

  T(take out some pencils): Oh, yes. And how many pencils? Let’s count!

  T-Ps: one, two, three……seven, seven pencils.引出数字“seven”的认读教学。(请多位little teacher带读)

  3/ T (take out some oranges from the pocket): Look! What’s in my hand? P: orange(s).

  T: Guess! How many oranges? Ps: ……T: Now, let’s count! One, two, ……eight. Oh, eight oranges.(请同学帮助拿出老师口袋里的最后一个橘子。并把小橘子奖励给猜对的小朋友。)——引出数字“eight”的认读教学。(Play a game: Warm & cool) 4/ T 拿出钥匙包: I have some keys. Do you know how many keys here? P guess: 1? 3? 6? 9?……T: Let’s count, how many keys here? One, two,……ten. Oh, I have ten keys.——引出数字“ten”的认读教学。Play a game: 听音敲词游戏——复习巩固数字1—10. (2) Ps open English books, listen to the tape, then read the text. (3)Watch TV, and do it.(看课件,学习Let’s do) “Show me 1 and 2; Show me 3 and 4; Show me 5 and 6; Show me 7 and 8…引导同学边说边做,突出and, 为下一环节的实施铺垫。


  (1) Solve math problems with numbers① 播放课件,出现一个数学算式:3+4=? T: What’s 3 and 4?P: 7! T: Super!

  出现句子:What’s 3 and 4?② 出现下一个数学算式:1+6=?

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