我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-06-04 11:57:28 祝福语 我要投稿
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  1. Write all the blessings into the short message, knock on the auspiciousdoor, and pay a happy New Year early!

  2. On the eve of the New Year, I have only one thing to tell you: I didn'teat breakfast and lunch today, and I will come to see you after work! Get thesilver ready! I wish you a happy New Year!

  3. May the joyful singing haunt you all the time. May happy years be withyou forever. Bless you: Happy Spring Festival, good health, happy family and allthe best!

  4. Cold winter! A warm and happy festival! Let go of your busy work!Friends and family celebrate the Spring Festival together! I wish all my friendsa happy Spring Festival!

  5. In Mukden, the emperor said, "Ai Qing, for many days, she has devotedherself to her work. On the occasion of the coming of the Spring Festival, I amspecially given a personal message to show her concern. Hope love qing take it,qin this!

  6. Happy New Year! I wish you good health in the new year! Work smoothly!Happy life! Have a good mood every day!

  7. Capture the warm sunshine and start the auspicious year of the ox.

  8. Hello! Here is the song-ordering station. Your friend ordered the song"Jingle bells" for you. Because the network is busy, you can't listen directly,so you have to hum it yourself. thank you

  9. One year's hope, one year's expectation, one year's hard work, oneyear's struggle, one year's harvest and one year's happiness, starting from theSpring Festival this year! Happy Spring Festival! Happy new year!

  10. There is a saying that I cherish. I want to say it to you, because itmay only be said once a year. I think it's time to say it out loud. I want toshout … Happy New Year!

  11. When the New Year arrives, I will write health, fill happiness, addgood luck to Anson, attach good luck, stamp good luck, postmark true feelings,and mail happiness to you. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and goodhealth!

  12. Happy New Year's Eve, happy New Year's Eve, blessing message, greetingswill not be shallow. May you be happy, happy and healthy in the new year,accompanied by Anson!

  13. This message has four functions: first, remind you to miss me, second,confirm your position in my heart, third, bring my blessing, and finally, wishyou a merry Christmas in advance! Happy New Year!

  14. Laughter is a beautiful sister and an artist's charming child; Laughteris a good cure, healthy friend. When you are recuperating, let me send you adeep blessing, always happy and happy Spring Festival.

  15. On the first day of the New Year, let my blessings float likesnowflakes, and let my greetings be like continuous spring rain, flowers, words,sounds and cares, accompanied by happiness, and send happiness to you!

  16. It is safe all the year round, healthy every month and every month,beautiful and colorful every 52 weeks and happy every 365 days a year. Happy NewYear!

  17. Happy every second, happy every day, happy every year, healthy forever!Happy new year!

  18. I wish the New Year today, the present year, the monthly salaryincrease, the weekly lottery, good mood every day, good luck every day, meetingthe God of Wealth during the day and counting money at night.

  19. I wish you a happy family on New Year's Eve, and happy laughter willfill the hall!

  20. May good luck and peace bring happiness, success and health, happinessand peace, and a smooth year. Happy Spring Festival!


  1. The sky is far away from the mountains, and it is clear to miss thedistance; Open the distance but pull the latitude and longitude, and the sincereemotion is irreplaceable; As time goes by, the years are not old, and theintimate friendship is always there. Spring Festival, I wish you a wonderfullife forever!

  2. Make a wish to travel in 20xx: take an adventure on the red soil. Standon this vast land, close your eyes and feel it in many ways: strong, hard-core,mysterious and gentle.

  3. I wish you in the new year: your career is in the middle of the day,your body is as strong as a tiger, your money is countless, your work is nothard, you are leisurely like a mouse, your romance is like music score, and youare the only one who is happy! Happy New Year!

  4. Open the auspicious postal parcel, extract the good luck, and shine thelucky star; Release happiness and have unlimited happiness; Spread the joy andbe elated; Give health and live a long life; I wish you a happy New Year and allthe best!

  5. Lamei confides the joy of the years, the greetings of the windy season,the dancing of the New Year with snowflakes flying, the Spring Festival coupletsconvey the wishes from the bottom of my heart, and the red candles sway the pureblessings. Happy new year.

  6. The Singapore dollar begins with laughter and sorrow, and it is pleasantto be happy in every year. It's hard to sleep at night, and enjoy the wholehospital day without rest. Geely magpie may step on its branches, while peacefulwarblers sing. Fortunately, the good times are blessed, and the building isfilled with wealth.

  7. After a year's busy work, the New Year's BLACKPINK is on the stage, andit is a wonderful opening. I wish you happiness and well-being, good luck willfall from the sky, your income will increase every day, happiness will flow inyour heart, hope will be opened in the New Year, and good things will be inpairs in the New Year!

  8. Happy New Year is here, give up the psychological leave and reduce thepressure; Send short messages to friends and wish good luck to arrive early;Fill happiness and keep troubles far away; I wish you a happy childhood in theNew Year.

  9. There is a kind of thinking, which is not often mentioned, but hidden inthe bottom of my heart; There is a kind of affection, which has been cherishedover the years; There is a greeting, no need to say more, only because of tacitunderstanding; There is a kind of blessing, a few faint words, and a smileappears after receiving it. Good luck in the Year of the Ox and everything goeswell.

  10. New year, new wishes, new hopes, new life, I wish you a new year and anew life, be good!

  11. Cups, dishes and bowls tell the delicious food, candlelight swaying thewarmth of reunion, laughter whispering the beat of happiness, and thousands ofwords converge into the warmth of short messages. Wishing you a happy New Yearand a prosperous Year of the Ox.

  12. Carry forward the past into the new year, celebrate the golden cupspring with thousands of households, keep pace with the times, celebrate thehappy new year, and spread laughter and delight thousands of people.

  13. Deep blessings, friendship and thoughts turn into a gift and stay inyour heart, wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

  14. The colorful spring adds joy, the flowers compete for joy, the wholefamily is happy and happy, the Chinese people smile, thousands of lights arered, the atmosphere of toasting and dancing is strong, the circular party isbright for the future, the grand festival is proud, and there are endlessblessings for short messages. I wish you peace, beauty and happiness!

  15. Happy New Year's auspicious cover, Wanjia reunion is happy; Rich SpringFestival couplets have a wide range of financial resources, and sweet winetravels in Anson; The fireworks shine with hope, and the rich taste of the yearis happy; Friendly friendship to eternity, warm greetings to warm the body andmind; Wish my friends a happy New Year and all the best for the whole family.Happy new year!

  16. New Year is coming! I want to send you some money and find that you canearn more than me; I want to send you some clothes and find that you areprettier than me; I want to give you something to eat and find that you arebetter than me; I want to give you some happiness and find that you can laughmore than me; I have to send you four words: Do you want to do what youwant!

  17. You should also get up early in 20xx, so as not to delay everyone'sprogress towards a well-off life.

  18. If you are too shy to say Happy New Year to me, don't mind sending mean e-wallet.

  19. I wish you joy in the festive season and good luck in the New Year.

  20. welcome the new year with joy and happiness.

  21.20xx, may someone frown for me, stay up all night, and have no regretsfor my whole life!

  22. I wish you a happy New Year, happiness and happiness!

  23. Blessing sounds warm the heart and spleen, and love you and me for tenthousand years.

  24. Happy New Year, happy life and good health!

  25. The New Year is coming. I wish you a new year and meet yoursuccess!

  26. Goodbye, 20xx. Hello, 20xx. Bless you in the name of struggle, come on,come on!

  27. In 20xx, keep your heart moving and live an interesting life.

  28. Six rivers are in the same spring, and six rivers are smooth.

  29. I wish my friends a happy mood and a happy family reunion. Happy newyear!

  30. I wish you cherish your time, strive for progress and write a wonderfulfuture.


  1. When I think of you, my heart warms, and I think of you, my dear, happyNew Year.

  2. Let's spread the bell of Spring Festival, and let's sprinkle love andpraise to the world. My friend, I will bless you forever!

  3. Bless the New Year! May the peaceful atmosphere of the New Year gentlybrush your elegant skirt and let you feel my quiet and peaceful love.

  4. Countless stars light up, write down your name in the sky, and when thesnow falls, I can send my thoughts and blessings to you! Happy new year!

  5. In the distant thoughts, what changes is my face, but what remainsunchanged is the heart that loves you forever. I really wish you a happy NewYear!

  6. Just like a key, it opens up the yearning of all days. Blessed cloudsare carefully talking about our expectations, wishing you a happy New Year!

  7. May the beautiful snowflakes fly to you with my best wishes, wishing youa happy New Year and a prosperous career.

  8. Wife, to live now is to live for you and to live for our baby in thefuture. So I will work hard and hard! Happy new year, wife!

  9. I miss you very much at the moment, please take care of yourself for me.New year and new atmosphere, wish you a good start from scratch!

  10. Long time no see, I miss it very much. In this warm day, we oftenrecall the years of coexistence. I wish you a happy New Year and all your wishescome true!

  11. On your New Year's Day, I can't be with you, can't give you my warmth,can only leave my wish, wish you happiness every day!

  12. There is not much magnificence, but only one sentence: I like you, butit can make each other care. I wish you a happy new year.

  13. endless love and blessings to my lover, you will always be my preciousnew year gift and everything to me!

  14. I haven't heard your voice for a long time, and no one has listened tomy heart-to-heart talk for a long time. I really miss you in the days whensnowflakes are flying. Happy New Year.

  15. The new year is about to begin. At the end of the year, I found that Ionly gained my age.

  16. Touch the sincere heartstrings, remember the bitterness of growth, andyou can never be separated from your success. Dear teacher, I wish you happinessforever!

  17. Are you safe in the distance? In the distant thoughts, what changes ismy face, but what remains unchanged is the heart that loves you forever! I wishyou a happy New Year's Eve!

  18. The New Year is coming, and I will send you 50 million yuan: Be happy!Be healthy! Be sure to be safe! Be content! Don't forget me!

  19. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy holiday season at thismoment of sharing happiness, missing friends and being warm and sweet!

  20. I wish you a clear sky, a happy heart, freedom floating in the wind,physical health, vigorous enthusiasm and successful achievement of yourdreams!


  1. Your efforts are the foundation of our growth, your efforts are thedriving force of our development, your happiness is our goal, and your happinessis our unanimous intention. It's 20xx. I wish you a happy New Year and smoothwork!

  2. The sound of firecrackers fades away, and friends separate things. TheNew Year holiday is over, and a new chapter is waiting for you. Cheer up, beambitious, and be vigorous and earn your future. Hard work is not backward, andeveryone admires success in career. I wish you a new year and an earlyrealization of your dreams.

  3. I miss you like a curl of smoke, and my blessing to you is the tinklingsound of a gurgling stream. Maybe the years will fade the past, and maybe thespace will be isolated from each other. But what is worth cherishing is thefriendship you gave me. Say to you again: Happy New Year!

  4. The whole family is in harmony, happy for one year, happy for one life,safe for one life, full of spirits every day, happy every month, and abundantfinancial resources every year. Happy new year!

  5. A new year, a new beginning, everything starts from scratch. A goodbeginning is half the success. I wish you will always be a winner.

  6. Give a warm blessing to your friends. Happy and peaceful New Year's Eve,crackling firecrackers make a street full of excitement, and a house full offestive couplets are posted! On this day of national celebration, give myfriends a warm blessing: Happy New Year! Good luck!

  7. It's not easy to run around for a year, but it's hard to struggle for ayear. Take advantage of New Year's Day, have a good rest, spend time with yourfamily, meet friends, sleep late, watch a movie, and give yourself a happyholiday. Never forget to love and cherish yourself at any time. No matter howtired or busy you are, don't forget to take good care of yourself.

  8. The New Year is approaching, you are full of enthusiasm, happy aroundthe house, and you are in a good mood; Friends connect with each other, cherisheach other, remember thousands, and give a blessing.

  9. At the end of the year, welcome the beauty of 20xx with great glory.What is treasured is memory, but what is forgotten is troubles, so that ourhappiness can be in line with the happiness in 20xx, and our life can bewonderful every day!

  10. Congratulations, in the new year, Bodhisattva will bless you, the Godof Wealth will support you, Guan Gong will protect you, and XiShen will surroundyou. Congratulations! Live a long life!

  11. This text message has two main purposes: one is to exercise fingering,the other is to connect with feelings. I tell you responsibly that the New Yearis coming, and I must send a technical sentence happily: Happy New Year!

  12. One firecracker brings joy in spring, two firecrackers bring laughterin the Year of the Ox, and the sound of firecrackers ignites the passion of theNew Year. Happiness and good luck bloom in the air. Wishing you a happy Year ofthe Ox and a prosperous New Year!

  13. Hot dumplings are the most touching warmth in the winter solstice; Thewhite earth is the warmest romance of Christmas; A happy smiling face is thehappiest reunion in the New Year. The "Three Festivals" are coming. May you havea happy holiday.

  14. After the end of the year, send blessings by SMS. I wish you happinessand all the best. I wish you happiness and smile. I wish you peace, health andlongevity. I wish you luck and a great deal of money. Finally, I wish you ahappy New Year in advance!

  15. Happy New Year holidays. If you want to give them, give them "Fu ManDuo": "Fu" means family happiness, "Full" means happy life, "Many" means happyevents, and my gift is cheap, but if you accept it, you can cash it all!

  16. Seeing that the New Year is approaching, the New Year is over in theblink of an eye, and life is back to normal, the school should go back toschool, the workplace should go back to the workplace, the business field shouldgo back to the business field, and on the way to struggle, start again.

  17. The New Year is coming soon, and the couplet is posted with a doorphoto; Fireworks burst into the night sky, and the joy was lively; Call SMS tosay hello, and the family will gather and smile; Health revolves around wealth,and happy life is always embraced. Happy new year!

  18. May all good dreams come true when you sleep sweetly. May all thewealth hang over you, and you will get rich at sunrise and get rich at sunset.May all lucky stars take care of you, always be lucky, and be safe all the yearround.

  19. Meeting is a melodious song, getting to know each other is a mellowwine, getting along with each other is a wild goose flying south, and knowingeach other is an ancient vine. When you are quiet, you will always be blessedsilently. May happiness and peace be with you forever.

  20. It's not easy to work hard for a year. Today, we all get together toraise our glasses for our success in 20xx. We are very excited. I wish everyonein 20xx good health, all the best, happy work and great achievements. Thecompany will create brilliant achievements in the coming year and take off inthe Year of the Ox to create miracles.


  1. Make new wishes in the New Year, restore the blank, write a new chapter,swing away the past years, turn sadness and tears into dust, let happiness andhappiness soak in your heart, and place hope in your heart. Happy New Year!

  2. Do not receive gifts in New Year, but receive blessings. I wish you goodhealth first, and your health will not be discounted. Again, I wish the familyhappiness and reunion are not lonely. I wish you a prosperous career anduninterrupted development. I wish everything goes well and happiness neverstops.

  3. In 20xx, it is popular to fight for houses, cars, meals and games. Ialso follow the trend and send you a big blessing platter, so that happiness,good luck and happiness can spell a blessing for you: I wish you all the best inthe New Year!

  4. Light colorful fireworks, set off happy firecrackers, enjoy a reuniondinner, fill with happy wine, be filled with auspicious happiness, and make goodwishes, wishing you a happy, healthy and safe New Year!

  5. When the New Year is coming, you should catch up with the New Year. Goodluck will run with you. Good luck will surround you. Money will come into yourpocket. Everything will come true. Happy Spring Festival. My blessing is soearly. Please receive it!

  6. The king's words are written on your head. They are colorful and mighty.The new gold clothes keep up with the trend. Compared with anyone, you are notrustic. Gold ingots go to your home. You can't block them if you want to!

  7. Ruixue is a good year, and everything is lucky. The sound offirecrackers brings good luck. Fireworks are running around, and people of allages are laughing. Take pictures in front of lanterns, and live a better life. Iwish you a happy new year!

  8. I wish: the first dew in the New Year is beautiful and crystal clearbecause of you, the first Leon Lai Ming in the New Year is cozy and quietbecause of you, and the first sunshine in the New Year is warm and comfortablebecause of you. Sincerely wish you a happy Spring Festival!

  9. The happy New Year train has just passed, and happiness will always godown in history. Bring the joy of the New Year, welcome the new life, abandonall worries, throw away the confusion in your heart, plug in the wings ofsuccess, and soar to a bright future tomorrow. I wish you success in your careerand your dreams come true!

  10. I will give it to you on New Year's Eve, wishing you and your family alifetime of peace and happiness!

  11. Happy New Year, boss. Thank you for your care. Wish you happiness andprosperity! May all happiness accompany you and all joy follow you!

  12. I wish you good health like a tumbler, soaring career like flying akite, and sweet love like spring breeze. Good luck every day, good luck everyyear!

  13. May you get better every year, and wish you a harmonious New Year!

  14. The best, the best, the best, the best, the best, the best now, thebest in the future, all the best. Happy new year!

  15. Happy New Year! Always happy! In the new year is our new beginning! Ihope I will be the first friend to send you blessings in 20xx! Wake up in myblessing, with a happy smile on my face!

  16. I sincerely wish you in the new year: all your expectations will cometrue, all your dreams will come true and all your efforts will be successful!may you have a happy new year!

  17. send you a happy, let you happy to old age.

  18. May you walk and sing all the way towards happiness and be healthy allyour life!

  19. Please forget your troubles in a second, think about the New Year in aminute, spend an hour with the people you like, and then receive the blessings Igave you in advance with a smile when the old and the new turn!

  20. Make a wish in the New Year, pass on the wishes from friends, be luckyand willing, be happy and voluntary, and be happy and wishful. In the Year ofthe Ox, everything will come true, realize the long-cherished wish for manyyears, and achieve a beautiful wish: I wish you happiness!

  21. When the New Year is coming, I say hello, happiness and well-being, andgood luck surrounds you. Good luck will come soon, and money will go into yourpockets. I wish you all the best in the New Year.

  22. Ruixue covers the seedlings and warms the sun to hang the treetops.Pines and cypresses are still green, and wintersweet spits new plums. This sceneadds happiness, and happiness goes hand in hand. School charming scene,prosperous time good mood. I wish my friends happiness in the new year. Happyspring festival!

  23. My friend, when you remember me, it is also the moment when I miss youthe most. In this missing day, I want to greet you how you have been recently.Happy? may you have a happy new year!

  24. May happiness and wealth be with you forever. Happy New Year!

  25. Wine is memorable, music is intoxicating, good books are read withoutregret, affection goes hand in hand, and holiday greetings are the mostvaluable. At the end of the year, I wish you happiness and health, smile fromear to ear and wish you a happy New Year's Eve!

  26. I quietly put my New Year's wishes and hopes under the melting snow,and let them grow along the spring seedlings, giving you full year's richnessand fragrance! Happy new year!

  27. The Year of the Ox makes great fortune! Good health and all the best!At the beginning of the year, happiness comes.

  28. From today night to tomorrow day, your mobile phone will have goosefeather blessings, your mood will be mainly sunny, laughter will sweep aroundyou, and it is expected that the next week will keep blowing smoothly!

  29. I made a wish for wealth and prosperity.

  30. When the Year of the Ox arrives at the Welcome Gate, send happiness andblessings. I wish you a happy Spring Festival, all the best, a happy family, ahappy Pepsi, good luck, happiness and a happy life!


  1. My dearest friend, in the New Year, I hope I will be the first person tosend you a blessing this year. As a confidant, I can only say to you from thebottom of my heart: I wish all your wishes will be successful!

  2.20xx When the New Year is coming, I wish you yes man, full career love,worries and bones, harmonious and happy family, happy life forever, sweet lifeand everything you wish, the God of Wealth comes home with abundant financialresources and good fortune.

  3. Holding Harry Potter's magic wand in my hand, I sincerely pray: I willturn all the celebrations into cream, knead all my blessings into chocolate, andmake cakes with happiness forever … I will smash you! Happy new year!

  4. I would like to love me and all the people I love, and be healthy andhappy. Every New Year is more happy than the previous year. I hope my enemiescan have a good life today, but every day after today is getting worse everyday.

  5. New Year's greetings, are you safe in the distance? In the distantthoughts, what changes is my face, but what remains unchanged is the heart thatloves you forever! I wish you a happy New Year!

  6. Red Spring Festival couplets, writing good luck; Sound firecrackers willplay happiness; Warm greetings, passing happiness; Deep blessings will continueto celebrate; New Year is coming, I wish you a happy family and a happy NewYear!

  7. Flowers bloom and fade, and it is another year. May the change of timebring you a beautiful mood, with my blessings floating around you. may you havea happy new year! Happy every day!

  8. Everyone welcomes the New Year, and the sound of firecrackers isendless. Anson is lucky to clear the way, and wealth and good fortuneaccumulate. Friends and family get together and raise their glasses for comfort.Short message ceremony is thin and heavy, I wish you all the best!

  9. I hope 20xx will be in a good mood! Delete troubles and smile on yourface every day; Blacken the past and start again every day; Shield the sadnessand live proudly every day!

  10. I will send you a in the New Year, wishing you good luck in yourlife; Give you a look in the New Year #, and hope that you will be happy andhappy; I'll send you a pile of RMB in the New Year, wishing all my dreams cometrue. Happy new year, never stop!

  11.20xx Spring Festival, numbers bring symbols, you are hit by love, birdssee you sing, magpies see you laugh.

  12. New Year's warm reminder: there are many holidays, few activities, andoccasionally always sleep late; Less greasy, adjust diet, prevent fataccumulation in advance; Eat more vegetables, drink less, and suffer fromovereating; Fresh vegetables should be washed, clean and fresh, and not sick;May you be healthy, happy and energetic in the New Year!

  13. The sun is combined with candlelight to add a little warmth to the NewYear; Rainbow lights fireworks, making the Spring Festival more romantic;Greetings with blessings, let the festival be lucky again and again; SpringFestival is coming, I wish you a safe, healthy and happy family!

  14. In 20xx, open good luck. May all the hurdles before me pass, and allthe things I worry about will have good results!

  15. When the Year of the Ox comes, Fu Rat wishes you happiness and goodluck. Auspicious rat wishes you wealth and good luck; Lucky rat wishes you goodluck and all your wishes come true. Ling rat wishes you happiness every day,happiness and well-being; Friends wish you a happy Year of the Ox and everythinggoes well!

  16. Happy and peaceful New Year's Eve, crackling firecrackers make a streetfull of excitement, and a house full of festive couplets! On this day ofnational celebration, give my friends a warm blessing: Happy New Year! Goodluck!

  17. When singing to the moon, Chang 'e comes with the golden monkey to payNew Year's greetings to everyone! I wish you all good luck in the Year of the Oxand good luck in life, material and entertainment.

  18. New Year is coming, and New Year is early; Send you a cup of mellowwine, and wish you good luck; Send you an auspicious painting, and everyone willboast of happiness in life; Send you a red lantern, and everything will beprosperous; Happy New Year, congratulations in advance!

  19. There are always regrets and regrets, helplessness and reluctance,simplicity and complexity, emotion and coldness, unforgettable and want toforget, but life still needs to go up, and dreams still need to be busy. May20xx be accompanied by happiness and last longer.

  20. It is the working day again, and the blessing is for you: adjust yourmood and throw away all your troubles; The temperature climbs straight, andexercise does not forget; Although work is busy, happiness should last.Greetings to you: I wish you happiness at work and good luck after work!

  21. Chinese New Year! I will sow a happy seed for you, which will givebirth to happy germs, grow auspicious leaves, bloom happy flowers and breedsweet fruits. Don't forget to water it with the water of friendship! HappyChinese New Year!

  22. At midnight on New Year's Eve, the New Year's Day shows its face; Atseven or eight in the morning, blessings are in the heart; At 12 noon, happinessis boundless; At six or seven in the afternoon, sweet and full of fields; At 90o'clock in the evening, blessings are still being added. Happy New Year's Eve inadvance!

  23. You are like a drizzle in spring, moistening my dryness; You are aswarm as the summer sun, warming my MoMo; You are like the maple leaf in autumn,filling my emptiness; You are like snow in winter, covering my desert garden.Dear, Happy New Year's Eve!

  24. A congratulatory message condensed my wishes to you, wishing my dear ahappy New Year.

  25. Immediately outside Qian Shan, Spring Festival blessings are likesounds of nature. Years have changed, and thoughts are still there. Greetingthousands of miles away, good luck will be with you in the New Year, successwill wait for you, happiness will bloom for you, and happiness will neverfail.

  26. New Year's Eve is just around the corner, and I wish you a happy andprosperous year, a happy and lucky year, a happy and happy year, a happy andauspicious year in peace and happiness.

  27. In this season when even the air is My Sweetie, the deep romance iswrapped in sweetness like sugar, which makes people feel at heart. Classicalfestivals add infinite feelings. I wish you and your lovers immersed in today'sbeauty and a happy New Year.

  28. Old bells, wake up the auspicious picture; Firecrackers explode, andthe new year is happy; As the stars move, happiness changes in turn; Happy,peace is another year; The weather is good, Wuzhou Feiteng has seen it all over,China is full of vitality, and the old appearance adds a new look; Blessings aresent, and good luck is accompanied by the north! Happy spring festival!

  29. Happy New Year with singing and laughing. I wish you a new year, a newhigh and a new hope! I wish you the Year of the Monkey, the Dragon will soar,the Dragon will leap, and the Dragon will become auspicious!

  30. On New Year's Eve, cross the threshold of time and walk towards theembrace of spring! Facing the new year, we will move towards new glory andcreation! Bless my dearest friend with good luck, good things and gooddreams.


  1. On New Year's Eve, I send a blessing, which only the people I care mostabout have! Only those who are healthy in the New Year have it! Only those wholive happily in the New Year have it! I don't send it to ordinary people!Hehe!

  2. I don't know when to meet again, but I think of you, and my eyes arefull of happy memories. Whether or not you are thinking of me, I think it isinevitable, because you see, a meteor has just fallen, and it is passing yourblessing to me. Happy new year!

  3. Go through countless mountains and rivers, cross countless cities,satisfy your soul, and wash your tiredness. May every blessing and joy be anote, which will give you happiness and bless you!

  4. On the 30th New Year's Eve, the fifth shift is pided into two years,and even two years old at night. The lights are bright all night, driving awayall the gods of plague, staying happy all night, changing the old symbols forspring peaches, and celebrating the New Year with laughter. I wish you a happyNew Year's Eve and a lucky New Year!

  5. Hot dumplings convey peace and warmth; The happy mood shows happinessand happiness; Sweet smile, blooming harmony and reunion; Sincere greetings,convey friendship and greetings: New Year's Eve is coming, good luck!

  6. The breath of New Year's Eve permeates the air, the taste of New Year'sEve spreads in the sea, a happy smile blooms on the face, the feeling ofhappiness comes to mind, sweet love is doomed, and a good life is just aroundthe corner. Send the deepest wishes by SMS, wishing you a happy New Year's Eveforever!

  7. Smile is a fire, happiness is dry wood, life is ribs, and happiness is apot. Light happy firewood with a smiling fire, burn red happy pot and cookfragrant sparerib soup. This is my blessing to you in the Year of the Tiger.Happy spring festival!

  8. Without the romance of Titanic hero and heroine, without the love oflife and death of butterfly lovers, what we have is the most ordinary love inthe world. May this love last forever! Happy new year!

  9. My love, you have made me understand the true love in the world, and youhave given me the power of love. Our time together is the happiest time in mylife. I would like to hold hands with you in this life.

  10. The New Year is coming, and the blessing sounds come to report: Mayhappiness always be with you, good luck and safety before and after, happinessand sweetness around your heart, success in your hand, and worries and sorrowsaway. Happy New Year! A bumper harvest!

  11. Do you want roses? I won't give it to you! Want to eat chocolate? Icrave you to death! Do you want me to kiss you? You are beautiful! My dear baby,don't be angry, I just want to Doby you, haha. Happy new year, wife!

  12. The Spring Festival of the Year of the Rat has arrived. According tothe local reality, the following goals are issued. Please earnestly implementthem: watch the Spring Festival Evening on New Year's Eve, pay a New Year'sgreeting on the first day, visit relatives and friends on the second day, andtake time off on the third day. Happiness means peace and harmony, and happinessmeans simplicity! What do you say?

  13. Sticking Spring Festival couplets, wearing flower coats, and welcomingthe Spring Festival to meet the God of Wealth. Wrapping dumplings with gold,making rice cakes, makes a fortune in the Year of the Rabbit. Two kicks, doublecannons, good luck. I wish you peace and good health on New Year's Eve, andhappy Year of the Rabbit without worry!

  14. Tonight, we get along with two places, and the Yaoyao Galaxy isseparated from each other. The distance between the two places can't stop Lang'sfeelings and concubines. We also have a magpie bridge where our hearts meet!Dear, Happy New Year!

  15. The Spring Festival is coming, and the New Year is new; Festive, happydays; Spread jubilation, peace and wealth; In the new year, dreams come trueearly; Text message arrives, warm blessing arrives. Dear friends, I wish you ahappy spring festival, beautiful days and happy flowers!

  16. The feeling is true, the meaning is earnest, and when one misses totake a break, the people in the Ming Dynasty depend on the building. Love islong, thinking is long, and when will love stop, unless the water flowsback.

  17. Flowers are bright and silent, while the moon is bright and silent.Butterflies dance wing to wing, while mandarin ducks swim in the water. My heartis kind and pure, and I offer it quietly without regret. On the occasion ofSpring Festival, I say, wife, I love you. You can't show your deep love, and youwill love each other during the Spring Festival.

  18. Not a mountain, not a character without a mountain; Not the sea, notthe feelings without the sea. Clouds are lonely, and winds are comfortable. Youwill understand that one heart is enough to contain the joys and sorrows of yourlife! Happy New Year!

  19. May your spring be charming, your Xia Lu cool, your autumn wind cool,your winter snow bright, and you have a fruitful new year. I wish you a happyNew Year!

  20. Write a couplet and write the joy of the New Year; Cut the windowgrilles and paste the warmth of the New Year; Light a lantern and wish a brightfuture for one year; Burning firecrackers, exploding the beautiful scenery ofhappiness in the New Year; Send a blessing, I wish you a good mood;Congratulations. May you be happy and prosperous every day!

  21. Dear teacher, I want to express my wishes to you in the New Yearthrough this short message, and let it bring you warm love, sweet smile and deepexpectation. I wish you a happy New Year!

  22. The New Year is approaching, send you a blessing earlier: the old yearis perfect, and the new year hopes to start; Happy smile more, worry less; Letthe days become happier, and be happier than a little. Happy springfestival!


  1. As New Year's Eve approaches, the wonderful bell will ring again, sothat it will ring your lucky door in 20xx, and bring you good health, peace,happiness and good luck throughout the year. Wish you a happy Spring Festival inadvance!

  2. Spring Festival is coming, I wish you could immerse yourself in theworld of affection and enjoy happiness and good fortune.

  3.20xx New Year Gift: I wish you always "Chang 'an" in your life,"Dunhuang" in your career, "Luoyang" in your youth, and "Changchun" in yourbody. You will be a heroic "Wuhan" and go out to "Fujian" every day and"Qiqihar" every year. Please "Kaifeng" for acceptance.

  4. The recipe on New Year's Eve is not cold and depressed, only full ofwarmth; There is no sadness in the diary of New Year's Eve, only every word ishappy; In addition to blessing, the message on New Year's Eve is a blessing,wishing you happiness and fragrance in the coming year.

  5. Firecrackers are ringing, which is the horn of the New Year; Fillingwine is a continuation of wealth; Singing carols is the transmission ofhappiness; Writing Spring Festival couplets is a prayer for peace; Blessingsweetness is a greeting of happiness. Spring Festival, I wish my friends a happyNew Year of the Ox!

  6. Plenty of blessings, happiness, round everything, sweet smile, smoothsailing, two monkeys soaring, three Yang opening Tai, four seasons safe, fiveblessings, six or six big shun, seven stars shining high, eight parties comingto make money, nine or nine concentric, perfect! Happy Spring Festival!

  7. A round table, surrounded by family members; A big meal, Fu Lu Shou Caihas been on the whole; A glass of wine fills with joy and sweetness; A blessinghas spread to thousands of families: I wish my uncle and aunt a happy New Yearand happy events!

  8. People on high mountains can always be the first to see the sunrise inthe new year. With your foresight, your career will have brilliant prospects.Wish you a bright future!

  9. When the Spring Festival arrives, the blessings are delivered early: Iwish you: big things and small things are busy, and everything goes well;Lovers, friends and family, everyone is healthy; It's sunny, rainy, snowy andhappy every day. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy New Year!

  10. Firecrackers dazzle the starry sky, and fireworks bloom with goodfortune. Taste dumplings to welcome the new and resign the old, and eat birthdaynoodles to increase your age. Wine smells of happiness, and red lanternsoverflow with happiness. Send a text message to congratulate you on the NewYear. Happy Spring Festival. I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

  11. Meteor is the expression of the sky, wish is his mood, flowers are theexpression of spring, beauty is her mood, happiness is the expression of time,happiness is your mood, I wish you peace and happiness in the SpringFestival.

  12. The Spring Festival is the starting point of the year; Happiness is thefocus of life; Worry, always drop to freezing point; Time is the hour offriendship; Blessing is the focus of short messages. In the New Year, I wish youto occupy the commanding heights of happiness and enjoy infinite springeverywhere!

  13. Long-hidden thoughts are expressed in the Year of the Ox, missedbeautiful ones are redeemed, rolling wealth is counted in the Year of the Ox,and great prospects are planted in the Year of the Ox. I wish you a brilliantYear of the Ox book.

  14. Spring Festival, I wish you happiness forever, happiness forever andgood luck forever!

  15. Fill a car full of happiness, let peace clear the way, abandon alltroubles, let happiness surround you, store all warmth, drive away the cold,release the true feelings of your life, and let happiness smile at you forever!Happy New Year's Eve!

  16. There are fast food for eating, instant coffee, quick-frozen drinks,quick-speed training courses, and fast speed is the focus of today's society, somy blessing should be sent to you step by step, wishing you a happy New Year!Everything goes well!

  17. celebrate the new year, wear new clothes, and be happy.

  18. On New Year's Eve, when the bell rings, Taurus is in good spirits,showing good fortune, people are healthy, all work well, every family is rich infinancial resources, every household has food in Man Cang, and every place issafe and sound.

  19. Fuhai Lushan has a good financial road, and the Year of the Ox issmooth and prosperous!

  20. Big money and small money are rolling in.

  21. When the New Year is coming, you should catch up with the New Year.Good luck will run with you. Good luck will surround you. Money will come intoyour pocket. Everything you wish will be done. Happy Spring Festival! Myblessing is so early, please receive it!

  22. I can't forget what we once said forever, but inadvertently added amiss. On the occasion of Spring Festival, I always miss it. The distancelengthens our journey, and the time shortens our embrace. With the arrival ofthe festive season, my blessings will be sent, our friendship will last long,and the Spring Festival will be happy!

  23. I wish you a new beginning, a new harvest, a happy New Year and all thebest in the new year.

  24. The air is filled with the taste of happiness, the face is full ofhappy smiles, the heart is filled with the feeling of happiness, and the wordsreveal sincere blessings. I wish you a happy Spring Festival, a happy family andmore than a happy celebration!

  25. There is no sleep on New Year's Eve, and fireworks cover the sky. Everyfamily has a banquet to celebrate the New Year: I wish everything istrouble-free and everything is smooth and safe; He Kangle rejoices in the NewYear, reuniting the whole family! On New Year's Eve, I wish you good luck in theNew Year and all the best!

  26. Open the curtain of the New Year and step onto the spacious stage.Light up the headlights that chase the light, and show extraordinary talents.Spring Festival of the Year of the Ox is coming. I wish you could start fromscratch, be an excellent self and perform your wonderful life.

  27. The New Year is coming at a tight pace, and everything needs to berevived in the footsteps of the New Year. When the earth is frozen, it isgestating with vitality. Let us keep the beauty of the past year in our hearts,forget the unhappiness of the past year, and greet the new year with peace ofmind; Step into the new year with an enterprising attitude. In the new year,continue to work hard.

  28. Happiness and happiness accompany you and walk through every day; Warmand harmonious with you, spend every moment; Health and safety accompany you andwalk every minute; My blessing will accompany you to spend every second. I wishyou a happy New Year and all the best!

  29. The New Year's bell rings a happy reunion; Brilliant fireworks, wrote afestive beauty; The mellow wine carries wealth and peace; Warm blessings conveyinfinite friendship. As the Spring Festival approaches, I sincerely wish you ahappy New Year, good health, all your wishes come true and everything goeswell.

  30. New Year is coming. I wish you a long and relaxed time.



  I wish you a good luck in the coming new year.


  Warm hearted wishes for a happy New Year filled with all your favorite things!


  I open my arms to spend the Spring Festival with you.


  Happy New Year’s Eve, enjoy your life!


  Happy new year, every day.


  I wish you peace and happiness.


  I wish you a happy new year and everything goes smoothly.


  I wish you a sweet day, a happy career and a happy Spring Festival!


  On New Year’s Eve, I wish you a happy family and a happy and healthy life.


  On New Year’s Eve, the lights are shining brighter and brighter.


  I wish you all the best in the New Year! Everywhere!


  Happy New Year’s Eve, wishing you a happy family and happy New Year’s Eve!


  On New Year’s Eve, auspicious falls, happiness comes, sleepless tonight, happy and happy!


  Friends wishing to go home for the new year, warm and serene on New Year’s Eve!


  Please accept my sincere wishes for the new year. I hope you will continue to enjoy good health.


  Waiting for a happy night, looking forward to a brilliant tomorrow.


  New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you!


  New year’s Eve is coming. May you have everything and everything in the world!


  I wish you a good luck in the Spring Festival and a happy life.


  Happy new year, happy forever!


  With very best wishes for your happiness in the new year.


  I wish you all the best of health and prosperity.


  Happy New Year’s Eve family reunion, good luck!


  Wishing you joy and happiness throughout the new year.


  May the coming New Year bring you joy, love and peace.


  You are my only love for this new year and for every new year to come.


  Thousands of mountains and rivers keep thinking of you on Christmas day.


  I would like to wish you a joyous new year and express my hope for your happiness and good future.


  Bless the safe, healthy and lucky shield. Happy Spring Festival!


  A friend, I wish you a happy new year, happiness forever!


  Good luck and happiness throughout the Spring Festival.


  I wish you a happy new year, happy and happy.


  Happy Spring Festival.


  I wish you a happy Spring Festival and a happy new year.


  Happy New Year’s Eve, dear, happy New Year!


  I wish my friends a happy and happy Spring Festival.


  I wish you health and longevity in the new year.


  The Spring Festival is coming. May your wishes come true!


  1. Be happy for another year. Be sure to laugh.

  2. Although you will grow white hair one day, although your appearance haschanged, you are still the most beautiful beauty in my heart. Dear, I will loveyou forever. Happy spring festival!

  3. Time flies, we are no longer that naive child, we grow up, a new year, anew start, let's have happiness!

  4. In the new year and new beginning, we are one year older, and we areheading for the palace of dreams.

  5. Let me hold your hand, walk with each other warmly, and then come to theSpring Festival, leaving your breath, willing to love you all my life! Happy newyear!

  6. I admit that I can't use it with one heart, because I can onlyconcentrate on you; I admit that I can't help myself, because you have takenaway my soul! Happy new year, baby!

  7. Are you safe in the distance? In the distant thoughts, what changes ismy face, but what remains unchanged is the heart that loves you forever! Love, Iwish you a happy New Year!

  8. The new year is coming again, and there are new changes every year, butmy heart has not changed, my vows have not changed, and I want to grow old withyou.

  9. Missing is the fragrance of flowers in a season, which overflows thevalley and covers you and me, while blessing is boundless attention, whichoverflows eyes and reaches the bottom of my heart. May the joy of the festivalaccompany you all your life.

  10. How many days and nights I miss, how many fine and dense love weaves,you are my life's concern. The New Year is coming, and I love you more and moredeeply. I wish you a happy New Year, dear!

  11. Happy New Year! Dear, because I hold your hand, I want to hold yourhand. Give you happiness, give you happiness to accompany you forever! I loveyou!

  12. Everything is updated, old diseases are healed, and the past iscleared, love and hate are random.

  13. When winter comes, beware of catching a cold, screaming in the strongwind, wearing clothes and hats, ringing your cell phone, wishing you well,having no troubles and happy hugs, New Year's Eve, resigning the old andwelcoming the new year, and having a happy New Year!

  14. Butterflies dance wing to wing, and mandarin ducks fly in the water. Onthe occasion of Spring Festival, they say, love you without words, and love youdeeply.

  15. In the new year, some are new beginnings! Forget all the troubles, andcross over to the first day of the New Year with joy! New Year's Signs, HappyNew Year!

  16. The initial version of New Year's Eve gift has arrived! Not enough todecide! Happy New Year's Eve, everyone!

  17. Cherish every day I have passed with you, care about every year I havespent with you, and have a happy New Year! Happy every day! I love you!

  18. Countless stars light up, write down your name in the sky, and when thesnow falls, I can send my thoughts and blessings to you! Happy new year!

  19. If I can, I would like to spend every minute and every second of mylife with you, but now all I can do is think of you every minute and everysecond. Happy New Year!

  20. When firecrackers ring, there are two thousand gold, fireworks are fullof children and grandchildren, and rice cakes are steamed, the position willrise. When the word "blessing" is put up, the wealth of blessings will flourish.I wish you a happy New Year every day! Healthy and happy!

  21. Your love is the hope of my life, so every tear of yours has turnedinto my sorrow. Dear, I wish you a happy New Year and a happy life.

  22. I miss other you, a photo is you, a puppy is just like you, every bonebelongs to you, and it is you when you land on your feet. I really want to leadyou every day, and wish you a happy New Year.

  23. Snowflakes all over the sky are flying butterflies, collecting thefragrance of missing, conveying the flowers of blessing, and taking you to asweet sleep. I wish you a good man a safe life!

  24. New beginning, new hope, I wish you a new look, a new journey and a newscenery in the new year, I wish you a new atmosphere in the new world, and Iwish you a happy New Year.

  25. When the New Year is coming, I will send you 50 million yuan: Be happy!Be healthy! Be sure to be safe! Be content! Don't forget me!

  26. Let me kiss your mouth, and the soul will not break up. May our lovealways be more delicate and charming. Happy new year!

  27. Some people's encounters are like meteors. In an instant, an enviablespark appears in generate, but it is destined to just pass by in a hurry. Dear,Happy New Year!

  28. On your New Year's Day, I can't be with you, can't give you my warmth,can only leave my wish, wish you happiness every day!

  29. We are the ideal aspiring youth flying in the streets on New Year'sEve!

  30. What you write is words, what you send is blessings, what you take iscare, what you receive is joy, and what you enjoy is true feelings. I wish yougood luck in the New Year, good health, successful career and sweet love!


  1. endless words will always be the truest blessing from the bottom of myheart.

  2. There is a concern in my heart, and I will send it to you far away. Mayhappiness always accompany you.

  3. On the first day of the first month, I wish you a happy New Year and allthe best, five blessings!

  4. May good luck be like a mine, and you will step on it from time totime.

  5. Store up the new year's goods, live a good year, and get better andbetter in 20xx.

  6. I wish you a double harvest of career and love, which is getting higherevery year!

  7. I hope that if you are tired at the moment, you will be happier if youpersist for a while.

  8. Four seasons are always in peace and spring, and financial resources arerolling in for the new year.

  9. Tread on stilts, dance yangko, and have fun.

  10. Happy New Year and all the best!

  11. You should get up early in 20xx, and don't delay everyone's progresstowards a well-off life.

  12. Happy New Year, dear.

  13. May happy years be with you forever.

  14. I wish our 20xx, unload the confusion of 20xx and make great stridesforward!

  15. Happy New Year brings happiness, adds happiness and health, brings youa better life, and brings you happiness.

  16. The scenery in spring is really beautiful, and the taste in spring isreally sweet. I wish you a happy new year.

  17. Send you a happy one, which will be printed on your heart.

  18. New Year's greetings come early, and I wish you all the best!

  19. In the New Year, good luck will bow to you and happiness will smile atyou.

  20. Wine and food toast, happiness and family happiness. May the New Yearbe bright and the festive season be sweet and enjoyable.

  21. New Year is coming, I wish you a happy holiday: happiness is as good asthe East China Sea, and happiness is higher than the sky!

  22. Wave goodbye to 20xx and welcome the new 20xx. No matter how unhappyyou are, no matter how many things stay in 20xx.

  23. In the new year, a new self, a new heart and a new exchange. Wish you anew and happy new year.

  24. Be safe and healthy.

  25. I wish you a lot of business and good luck next year.

  26. In 20xx, my life wish is simple: an acre of fertile land, a hut, and adeposit of 100 million yuan!

  27. Time flies and youth never grows old. I wish you a happy New Year.

  28. New Year, I wish my family happiness, all the best and all the dreamscome true.

  29. send a true blessing, wishing you a smooth life forever.

  30. It's really lively to organize new year's goods and prepare deliciousfood.


  1. May the bright and festive New Year symbolize and warm every day andnight of your year, and wish you joy in the New Year and the Year of the Ox.

  2. At the beginning of the new year, I wish good things one after another,the mood is like spring all the year round, life is colorful and colorful, andoccasionally "eight" little money is made, and my troubles are thrown away.Please accept my heartfelt blessing: Happy New Year!

  3. The sky is far away but connected to the mountains, and it is clear tomiss the distance; Open the distance but pull the latitude and longitude, andthe sincere emotion is irreplaceable; As time goes by, the years are not old,and the intimate friendship is always there. I wish you a wonderful life foreverin the Year of the Ox!

  4. In the new year, I wish you: high position, light responsibility, moremoney, less work, close to home, sleeping till dawn every day, cramping yourhands when you get paid, accepting gifts when you spend money, and raising yoursalary when others work overtime!

  5. Chicken, duck and fish are served on the table, and they are happy andfull of happiness; Wrapped in new clothes, resigning the old and welcoming thenew; It's so happy to get together with friends and relatives, and enjoy thewine in the cup; I wish you a happy New Year and Year of the Ox by SMS!

  6. The spring snow bursts with red berries, and it has drifted to the endof the world. Chimonanthus praecox is fragrant, and congratulations on the newyear's fragrance. Flying immortals in the sky linger around the beam, and WeaverGirl is blessed with refined dresses. Thumb keeps blessing your busy life,wishing you happiness and health. Happy new year!

  7.20xx, is about to pass, 20xx, coming head on, looking back on the year,downplaying gains and losses, ignoring success or failure, forgetting joys andsorrows. Facing the New Year, let go of your burden, rekindle your hope,activate your power and recreate your glory!

  8. In the past year, hard work is your assistant, diligence is your aim,hard work is your backing, and finally hold the hand of success; As the new yearcomes, I hope you will stick to last year's policy, cheer up and get a bumperharvest in your career!

  9. Hello, sister, I haven't been to your house for a long time because I amtoo busy, I hope you will understand; The New Year is coming. Here I send you myblessing. I hope you will be happy and rich in financial resources in the newyear.

  10. See the falling snowflakes? That is my true feelings; See that coldwind? That's my voice greeting. Jesus asked me to tell you that you will have agood time this year. From the beginning of the New Year, forget the troubles ofthe past, and tomorrow will be even better!

  11. New Year is the prelude of reunion, people are grateful believers, andhappy transition between years. Let go of haste and understand with your heart.It turns out that happiness has lived in your heart for a long time.

  12. New Year's goods are piled up in the kitchen, and Spring Festivalcouplets are filled with good luck. The glass is full of happiness, and thefragrance of spring plum is as good as ever. Chun Xue cheered when his pocketwas stuffed with red envelopes. Mobile phones are full of blessings, and the NewYear is healthy and prosperous. Wish: Happy and auspicious New Year!

  13. Go your own way and let others take a taxi. Wear other people's shoesand let them go barefoot. Give you New Year's greetings now, and let others envyyou. Happy new year!

  14. Deep friendship and blessings, continuous thoughts and greetings, onthis special day, bring wishes to you in the distance along with short messages:Happy Spring Festival!

  15. New Year's Eve presents gifts: one gift gives you good health, thesecond gift gives you high fortune, the third gift gives you a wide career, thefourth gift gives you peace and happiness, and the fifth gift gives you familyhappiness! Happy Year of the Ox!

  16. I wish you a happy New Year: work and life are not tiring! Happyconsumption is not afraid of expensive! It's not too expensive to buy a house!Fly in a BMW! Eat well and sleep well! There are snacks to stimulate appetite!How sweet life is! Live a good life!

  17. As the saying goes, when you don't do anything, I don't do anything tobless you on the first day of the new year, and I don't stop doing things tobless you on the second day of the new year. I wish you a happy lucky strike,and you can't run away successfully. Happy days for your family!

  18. When the New Year arrives, send a text message and spend the money withyou; Take a look at the information, happiness surrounds you; Read theinformation, be happy and you are the master; Good luck keeps company wheninformation is passed around. I wish you a prosperous love and a prosperouscareer and earn a lot of money!

  19. The thick accumulation of happy memories, in the cold winter, alwayssurges. Although you and I are far apart, the warm memory is maintained, and wehave never forgotten it. 20xx New Year, send blessings to you far away, happyNew Year.

  20. Friends not only laugh and talk, but also share their troubles. I can'tmeet you often, but my friendship remains the same. I didn't contact you often,but kept you in my heart, wishing you a happy New Year!



  Happy new year, every day.

  2 、祝福一片片,愿你日子甜甜,事业顺顺,春节快乐!

  I wish you a sweet day, a happy career and a happy Spring Festival!


  On New Year's Eve, the lights are shining brighter and brighter.

  4 、除夕夜,吉祥飘落,幸福来临,今夜无眠,快乐开心!

  On New Year's Eve, auspicious falls, happiness comes, sleepless tonight, happy and happy!

  5 、新年来临,祝新年快乐,愿你时时刻刻幸福欢乐!

  New Year time is here. I hope you have a wonderful New Year. May every day hold happy hours for you!

  6 、祝你春节好运伴,生活幸福上一层!

  I wish you a good luck in the Spring Festival and a happy life.

  7 、恭祝新年吉祥,幸福和欢乐与你同在。

  Wishing you joy and happiness throughout the new year.

  8 、千山万水,隔不断我在佳节对你的`思念。

  Thousands of mountains and rivers keep thinking of you on Christmas day.


  A friend, I wish you a happy new year, happiness forever!

  1 0 、祝你除夕佳节,快乐不间断,喜笑又开颜!

  I wish you a happy new year, happy and happy.

  1 1、除夕夜祝亲爱的你,新的一年快乐每一天!

  Happy New Year's Eve, dear, happy New Year!

  1 2、春节到了,愿你心想事成!

  The Spring Festival is coming. May your wishes come true!









