我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-06-16 17:26:39 演讲 我要投稿



  Now every year, many local ecoenvironmental protection organizations are receiving donations - big notes, small notes or even coins - from housewives, plumbers, ambulance drivers, salesmen, teachers, children and invalids. Some of them cannot afford to send the money but they do. These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in hospitals, who are suffering from ecological damage in their neighborhood. Why? Because they care. Because they still want their Mother Nature back. Because they know it still belongs to them.


  This kind of feeling that I have, ladies and gentlemen, is when it feels like it, smells like it, and looks like it , it's all coming from a scene to be remembered, a scene to recall and to cherish.

  The other night, as I saw the moon linger over the land and before it was sent into the invisible, my mind was filled with songs. I found myself humming softly, not to the music, but to something else, someplace else, a place remembered, a place untouched, a field of grass where no one seemed to have been except the deer.

  And no matter who we are, what we do and where we go, in our minds, there's always a scene to remember, a scene worth our effort to protect it and fight for it.

  Thank you very much.


  s hopes and days, in the modern society there are many people

  who are regarded as the successful. and the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. so most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. but the problem is wether it is real success. we all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. if we keep chasing them, where is the end? what will satisfy us at last? therefore, we can see, to get the real success we must need something inside, which is the realization of

  people’ hopes and ideals.

  different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. but i am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. these are the best treasures. so now i am very proud that i have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. it is my success, cause i raise up to challenge my hope.

  what is success? everyone has his own interpretation as i do. but i am sure

  every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a

  successful life!

  i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed-we hold theses truths to be self-oevident, that all men are created equal. i have a dream that one day on the red hills of georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together at the table of brotherhood. i have a dream my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. i have a dream today! when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and hamlet, from every state and city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of god’s children-black men and white men , jews and gentiles, catholics and protestants-will be able to join hands and to sing in the words of the old negro spiritual, "free at least ,free at last . thank god almighty, we are free at last."


  Time,was a strange thing,it makes all sickness and death。 When there issomething born of time,from that moment the beginning of time has passed。 Howto we do? We can only seize the opportunity to seize life,to do the masters oftheir own destiny.

  I have thought about a problem,what is time? I think that time is of themind in life when the runway,and it is responsible for the pletion of a missionof a subdivision.

  Can not recover the past,the past is a good time regardless,or painfuland have to stay in our memory,our experience has enriched and matured ourthinking. Occasionally,the memories,can regulate our emotions,purify ourhearts。 Has been really obsessed with old things is not desirable because it ismore important now.

  I read a Soviet writer Nicholas? Alec? Ostrovsky's book "How to MakeSteel",I was moved to this section of the article so that impressed me:"Lifebelongs to the people only once. one's life should be spent this way:when helook back,he does not regret the years wasted,not because of the shame.Thus,in death,he will be able to say:'I own a whole life and energies arededicated to the world's most magnificent cause - the cause of humanity andthestruggle of liberation. " Yes ah life time were more valuable it,especially thejuvenile time. From now on,I have to cherish.

  I've heard such a story:The pressure in the rubble and stones following agrass,it is a longing for the sun to reach it the will of Health,no matter howheavy stones above,between the rocks and stones How to narrow the gap,italways twists and turns,the tough and up through to the ground. Its root to thesoil under the long shoots to the ground it stands,this is an irresistibleforce of life,to prevent its stones were thrown to the Xiaocaohu a vitality sogreat that people can not help but sigh.

  Yes ah,life will be like this,like the grass,no matter whatcircumstances,are making progress will never bow,the only way of life is thebest,the most meaningful。 Time is of the essence,time is gone forever,and wemust treasure this good time,study hard,grow up,the effectiveness of themotherland. It is also the so-called "one inch by one inch gold time,gold-inchinch time。 Let us cherish the time with it!


  Whatever one does, one should do it with confidence. If one has no confidence, there is little possibility that one would ever achieve anything, especially when one

  is faced with drawbacks or hardships. This truth seems to be evident. However, in reality we do see a lot of people who complain that they like the ability to do something or that their difficulties are too great to be overcome. For someone, this might be true. But for many others, this only shows that they have lost heart.

  Why do people often feel frustrated even though they are capable of doing something? There are, among others, two main reasons. First, these people do have a correct estimate of themselves. Second, they overestimate the difficulties.

  It is possible to build up faith in oneself by having the right attitude towards one’s abilities. We should never underestimate one’s abilities. But believe in the proverb: “Where there is a will, there is a way.” Confidence is the promise for fulfilling a task successfully.


  Safety has become the focus to us to be safe at school is especially important to us students.

  How to be safe at school is especially important to us t, we should take care not to get ourselves injured while we are having sports.

  Second, there are too many students at school, and our hallways are too don’t crowd with each other especially when we go upstairs or downstairs.

  Or there may be an des, we should be friendly and get on well with others, don’t quarrel or even but not least, we should be careful to eat healthy food and keep away from junk food, which is harmful to our health.

  In a word, it’s important to remember these for us all.


  There was once a guy who suffered from cancer, a cancer that can?'t be cured. He was 18 years old and he could die anytime. All his life, he was stuck in his house being taken cared by his mother. He never went outside but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked his mother and she gave him permission.

  He walked down his block and found a lot of stores. He passed a CD store and looked through the front door for a second as he walked. He stopped and went back to look into the store. He saw a beautiful girl about his age and he knew it was love at first sight. He opened the door and walked in, not looking at anything else but her. He walked closer and closer until he was finally at the front desk where she sat.

  She looked up and asked, "Can I help you?"

  She smiled and he thought it was the most beautiful smile he has ever seen before and wanted to kiss her right there.

  He said, "Uh… Yeah… Umm… I would like to buy a CD."

  He picked one out and gave her money for it.

  "Would you like me to wrap it for you?" she asked, smiling her cute smile again.

  He nodded and she went to the back. She came back with the wrapped CD and gave it to him. He took it and walked out of the store.

  He went home and from then on, he went to that store every day and bought a CD, and she wrapped it for him. He took the CD home and put it in his closet. He was still too shy to ask her out and he really wanted to but he couldn't. His mother found out about this and told him to just ask her. So the next day, he took all his courage and went to the store as usual. He bought a CD like he did every day and once again she went to the back of the store and came back with it wrapped. He took it and when she wasn't looking, he left his phone number on the desk and ran out…

  One day the phone rang, and the mother picked it up and said, "Hello?"

  It was the girl! The mother started to cry and said, "You don?'t know? He passed away yesterday…"

  The line was quiet except for the cries of the boy's mother. Later in the day, the mother went into the boy?'s room because she wanted to remember him. She thought she would start by looking at his clothes. So she opened the closet.

  She was face to face with piles and piles and piles of unopened CDs. She was surprised to find all these CDs and she picked one up and sat down on the bed and she started to open one. Inside, there was a CD and as she took it out of the wrapper, out fell a piece of paper. The mother picked it up and started to read it. It said: Hi… I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.

  The mother was deeply moved and opened another CD…

  Again there was a piece of paper. It said: Hi… I think U R really cute. Do u wanna go out with me? Love, Jocelyn.

  Love is… when you?'ve had a huge fight but then decide to put aside your egos, hold hands and say, "I Love You."


  In this glorious summer, we will say goodbye! Who have experienced life in high school people would say, three years of high school time is very impressive, very profound. This is not only due to the tension of living under high pressure; Chengshan the pile, the examination paper to fly sky; and when the results fall the tears flow and the development plan. Life in the future, we will be thinking slowly, slowly tastes will appreciate the deep spiritual growth of high school three years away, will always cherish the memory of his life the first time all the hard work!

  As your teacher, over the past three years, we have day and night together, together we have the honor to accompany you through life's most beautiful season of youth. We are willing to remember each bright smiling faces and those flowery sun everywhere, in the early morning Shusheng Lang. In this three-year period, we can not give you more things, only doing all, tomorrow you sail for the voyage helped. In the meantime, the harsh criticism and the harsh requirements of hard training, you may be hard to accept once, but we believe that everyone can understand, because as a teacher he has done everything for their own students to do something , in order of their outstanding students.

  Today, we are here the successful completion of the studies, however, the long road of life, and did not know the road to poverty. Secondary education is only the starting point in life, it only teaches you the basis of general knowledge and basic skills. Tomorrow, you will enter the new schools, more beautiful on the knowledge of waiting for you to capture, but also the vast ocean of knowledge awaiting you to travel, but also broad knowledge of the fertile soil in the waiting for you to work, more rugged knowledge of the risk in waiting for passers-by you to conquer!

  Therefore, today's graduation is not only a summary of yesterday, it is the call for tomorrow is all your teachers and friends for your campaign and bolstering departure tomorrow! The journey of the future, accompanied by flowers and thorns, with setbacks and success; I speak on behalf of the graduating class of all teachers, most would like to say is:

  Each person's lifetime can not be winners, General, it is impossible not to encounter setbacks and difficulties that, a critical moment should be to muster the courage to face the grim reality of courage. Said a war hero saying: on the battlefield, even if I fall, I have looked at the front of the eyes. So today, I do not wish you every success in the future; I wish you even after the fall of 9999 times, 9999 times still stand up!


  feeling of youth

  no young man believes he shall ever die。 it was a saying of my brother's,and a fine one。 there is a feeling of eternity in youth,which makes us amend for everything。 to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods。 one half of time indeed is flown—the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures;for there is no line drawn,and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes。 we make the coming age our own—

  the vast,the unbounded prospect lies before us。

  death。 old age。 are words without a meaning。 that paby us like the idea air which we regard not。 others may have undergone,or may still be liable to them—we "bear a charmed life“,which laughs to scorn all such sickly fancies。 as in setting out on delightful journey,we strain our eager gaze forward—

  bidding the lovely scenes at distance hail!

  and see no end to the landscape,new objects presenting themselves as we advance;so,in the commencement of life,we set no bounds to our inclinations。 nor to the unrestricted opportunities of gratifying them。 we have as yet found no obstacle,no disposition to flag;and it seems that we can go on so forever。 we look round in a new world,full of life,and motion,and ceaseleprogress;and feel in ourselves all the vigor and spirit to keep pace with it,and do not foresee from any present symptoms how we shall be left behind in the natural course of things,decline into old age,and drop into the grave。 it is the simplicity,and as it were abstractedneof our feelings in youth,that(so to speak)identifies us with nature,and(our experience being slight and our passions strong)deludes us into a belief of being immortal like it。 our short—lives connection with existence we fondly flatter ourselves,is an indissoluble and lasting union—a honeymoon that knows neither coldness,jar,nor separation。 as infants smile and sleep,we are rocked in the cradle of our wayward fancies,and lulled into security by the roar of the universe around us0we quaff the cup of life with eager haste without draining it,instead of which it only overflows the more—objects prearound us,filling the mind with their magnitude and with the strong of desires that wait upon them,so that we have no room for the thoughts of death。


  Everyone has a dream. Everyone's dream is different. Perhaps we are keen to fly, their ability to be able to rely on an out of the sky. Perhaps we are keen to dance in this short life left in fond life only once, we should cherish it. Machine was no longer in your life do you want to do. Although we are still students, are studying, but we should be ahead of our future planning to do. You asked his high school What to do after graduation? Do you have to ask ourselves, What is the dream? Do you know what to do and learn? From that moment on, you ask yourself well. Since then, you may struggle with the goal, maybe you have from this program, maybe you should know how to cherish life. In that case, you will not waste his life !


  Good morning,everyone!

  I'm so glad to be here and make a presentation. Before my presentation, i’d like to ask you some you know Li na,the famous tennis athlete in China? How much do you know about her?

  I am sure that many students who have watched the Australian Tennis Championship on CCTV 5 during winter break. So today, i would like to talk about my thoughts of this game.

  On January 24, Li na won over Sharapova in the women' s singles final. This is the third time that Li na has gone into the grand slam finals. Once again, On January 26, Li na went against a new opponent name Azarenka. On that day of the game, Li na was in the leadin the first inning, but during the second inning, she accidently fell down twice. People were shocked and sad about how she could not continue the game. But because of the people being worried, she doggedly continue the game, making the audience cheer and applauding her for her effort to continue her game. A t that time ,audience applauded foe her ough she lost the game, he hard effort and insistency moved us and motivated us.

  And this case also appreaded in tthe men singles final the next day. Two opponents named Murray and Djokovic were against each other. Due to the game, Murray's foot had blisters that affected the way he played. The doctor had to treat his wound with medicine. As human beings, if we had blisters on our foot, we may feel a lot of pain and don't want to walk. However, as an athlete, Murray had to withstand the pain and strive for the victory.

  As far as I’m concerned, for professional athletes, games have become a part of their life. They fight inthe match, fight for their dream,and enjoy thir games.

  As students, studying is a part of our life.I know we may be confronted with many different kinds of problems,have you ever wangted to give it up? On the one hand, when i faced with difficulties,i felt sad and didn’t want to continue,on the other hand ,i would tell myself that:He who can sndure the greatest hardships will be the greatest among to my way of thinking, on the road of studying, we need to learn how to keep ourself motivated and continue studying and learn how to make studying a better way to enjoy rather then boring ourself out.


  Good morning everyone , today is my turn to the speech. First of all, I would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. My English is nothigh , I wish I could with in the next two years to learn English well. I hope you will be able to learn English after graduation to have a good future. Finally, I wish the student sand teacher so happy new year, further study and work.Well! I finished the speech.Thank you for listening。




  Good evening,Ladies and Gentlemen:  Thank you very much for choosing to come in such a cold y my topic is about choice and process.A research shows that a man has to make 73 choices one so many choices one day,people easily get so confused and afraid of making wrong choice that they hesitate and finally miss the true part of life. In my opinion,the following part is of much more importance than the choice. There is no absolute right or wrong choice but wonderful or boring life,which the process makes the difference.  Life is a box of chocolate,you never know what you will get. Forrest Gump made no decision by and for himself but he accomplished great success with his strong will in the process. The process is not the road itself but the attitudes and feelings,the caution,courage and persistance we have as we encounter new experience and unexpected obstacles. Take myself as an example,I changed my major when I became a postgraduate. After the choice,days have been harsh for me.I cannot understand the new lessons at all. For they are closely related to mathmatics which I learned nothing about before. However wuth the belief that this is the great chance for me to experience new ideas and challenge myself,I persisted. I asked for help from every channel and reorgonized my life. Gradually I could understand some parts and even found maths over,I learned to act instead of complaining. In retrospect,the choice left no trace in my mind but the happiness and bitterness of the past four months becomes an unforgetable experience in my life.  NO matter what the choice is,enjoy the process. In the process,your potential will be inspired and new discoveries,improvement and progress will come to you. These are the most beautiful sceneries and only on the way can you see e make your life colorful.  There is no need and I donnot want to judge whether it right or wrong for me to be here,but I congratulate to myself for I gain and enjoy this fantastic experience. So my dear friends,never worry about your choice and enjoy the process. I am sure you will get something new and intersting tonight after you chose to come here. Thank you!


  I believe my dream

  hello good evening everyone!

  i'm so happy that i can be admitted by my dreamed school. the new campus gives me a new start so i have a dream that the future me can rise out this small world and hold a place of myself, after several years' experience.

  in order to make this dream come true, i ask myself not only focus my attention on studies ,because i should face all the society not only my textbooks or my classmates.

  i think college is also a small society where i can improve myself .for example i should learn how to get along with other though i may dislike them ,or how to deal with things that i used regard as worthless and so on.

  then i sincerely hope i can find my true friends so that we can struggle for our dreams together!

  although every thing is unforeseeable, i believe my dream will come true as long as i stick to them and never give up!

  finally , i'd like to conclude by thanking everyone who has worked so hard to make this address possible. thank you!


  In china,people believe that,at the beginning,the tiger and the cat were friends,and the cat was much smarter than the tiger cat learned the physical skills quickly,and the tiger was always ually,the tiger had to learn from the cat,and the cat was patient to teach the after day,month after month,finally,the tiger could also run,jump,roll,grasp,tear,and strike as well as the cat.

  One summer afternoon,the cat was taking a nap as the tiger sitting ing at the cat,the tiger suddenly thought,why should he keep befriending with such a small animal since he had already learnt all the skills from the cat?The evil tiger decided to kill the sleeping cat as a before dinner tiger stood up and approached the cat as this moment,the cat woke ing up her eyes,the smart cat immediately realized what the tiger was trying to do and swiftly jumped onto a nearby tall tree and climbed to the top branch.

  The tiger thought he had already learned every skill from the cat he never knew that the cat had hidden the tree climbing from him.

  “I kept the last technique of the tree climbing from you just because I suspected you might be can ungrateful friend.” The cat loudly told the tiger who watched under the tree helplessly.


  There is a wisdom called to let go, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a successful selection and composition of 500 15 choice and successful composition 500 words article 15. Some give up, choose more suitable for their goals, may success closer.

  Materials thinkers in stork say; "The ability of survival needs more than one! Rabbit cannot learn swimming in school make hole, squirrel learn swimming in school to climb trees!" I think this is right. The swimming may really not suitable for a rabbit if give up swimming, choose to make hole maybe it could be a hole experts; Pine swim, climb a tree, I believe it will do very well.

  Ancient find today, up and down five thousand years, nine miles, how many great experience of success is not to give up, to choose process. Tao yuanming abandoned him, not for the bureau count, chose seclusion, will become the place in landscape pastoral poet; Lin xiangru's abandoned their own self-interest, chose the interests of the country, and become a much-told tale; Su Wu give up splendor, chose to remain national moral integrity, so he never go down in history; Romantic poet li bai gave up at the king's officer, chose the grizzled troubadour, then write a lot of historic tion, became the "god".

  Lu xun abandoned medicine from wen, with their sharp pen to write down how many articles, his articles have a deterrent than the bullet, he give up again made his own choice, is to save the Chinese nation. He is a national soul, is a generation of writers, but that's because he give up and the correct choice. Liu xiang, he gave up the sprint, choose the suitable hurdles. Yes, that made his life. He won the one hundred and ten m hurdles champion, broke the world record, for we Chinese proud. If he didn't give up sprint, maybe he can only be an unknown sprinter, to training in a stadium.

  As students, we should give up something, choose suitable courses or movement, the effort, believe that success of flower will fall on your head. Maybe you are not suitable for learning science, you will choose liberal arts, effort, struggle, maybe you are liberal arts champions in the future. Maybe you are not suitable for learning, choose your favorite sport, the future of the Olympic Games will be your shadow. Maybe you give up is not suitable for their own ideal, to choose, you will do better.

  Have you ever thought when you chase some perhaps that is not suitable for me, consider carefully, choose their own advantage, maybe you will be successful. Just as the thinkers, said the crane, the rabbit learn swimming in school make hole. Know yourself, to choose, advantage is really important.

  There is a wisdom called to give up, there is a kind of learning is called choice, there is a kind of victory is called a success.

  Friends believe that wise to give up, careful choices, will make your life bright.









