我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-05-18 13:35:39 外贸英语 我要投稿




  G: Mr. Wang, we regret to inform you that the toys you shipped us do not accord with the required specifications in the contract, and we are compelled to lodge a claim against you.

  乔治:王先生,我们很遗憾地通知你,你 运送给我们的玩具与合同要求的规格不符,我们不得不同你们提出索 赔。

  W: Can you explain to me exactly what the matter is?

  王:具体是什么情况,你能给我解释一 下吗?

  G: After the arrival of the goods, we are surprised to find that some of them are seriously damaged. This is the certificate by the security department.

  乔治:货物到达后,我们惊奇地发现其中 一部分严重受损。这是货物安检部 门的相关证书。

  W: Our packing is always very strong,and suitable for long distance transportation. There ought not to have issues.I am in the opinion that this may be caused by careless handling.

  王:我们的.包装是很结实,而且适合 长途运输的,不应该出现问题。 我觉得可能是由于操作不慎造成 的。

  G: No, after the arrival of the goods, I supervise there almost every day. And the certificate also clearly tells that due to the improper packing, the goods are damaged in transit.

  乔治:不是的,货物到达后,我几乎天天 都在码头监督。并且这个证书上也 明确说明了由于包装不当,造成了 在运输中货物受损。

  W: Well, in view of our long and friendly relationship, I will meet your claim.


  G: Thank you for your friendly attitude.


  W: Then how do you want to solve it? I wish to hear your opinion.

  王:那你们想要怎么解决呢?我想听听 你们的意见。

  G: I think since you admit it is your fault, you should take full responsibility.

  乔治:我觉得既然这是你们的原因引起 的,你们应该负全部的责任。

  W: We will try our best to compensate you. We will give you reduction of 5% on price, and send the technical personal to repair the defective goods. How do you think about the suggestion?

  王:我们会想办法补偿你们的。我们给 你们降价5%,另外派技术人员把 坏的玩具修理好。你觉得这样怎么 样?

  G: That is great. But I do hope you will take care of your packing later.

  乔治:这样很好。不过还是希望你们以后 注意产品的包装。

  W: Thank you for your warning. We will. We didnt expect this situation, either. There will be no such thing again.

  王:谢谢你的提醒,我们会的。出现 这样的情况是我们也没有预料到 的。以后不会出现这样的情况 了。









