我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-07-31 19:16:13 金磊 外贸英语 我要投稿
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  如蒙惠顾, 请寄订单为盼.

  Should you think favourably of our application, kindly hand us your order-sheet.

  我们相信, 近日内必能收到贵公司的试销订单, 为此恭候来函.

  We trust that you will favour us with a trial at an early date, and await the pleasure of hearing from you.

  据我公司记载, 自上笔交易以来, 我们的业务已中断了很长时间, 不知是否因为我方服务不周所致, 敬请告知。

  According to our records, it has been a long time since we last had the pleasure of serving you, and we are wondering whether something has "gone wrong".

  不论收到贵方任何订单, 我均非常感谢. 确信必将如期完成, 并使贵方感到满意.

  We shall greatly appreciate any order that you may have for us and feel confident that it will be filled to your satisfaction.


  请寄我公司在本月 5日函中所详述的抽水机三个. 其价格按照贵公司来函所定价格。

  We request you to hand us the three pumps described in detail in ours of the 5th inst., at the prices fixed in your letter.

  请按照贵公司提供的样品, 供应我司50吨煤炭, 谢谢。

  I shall be glad if you will forward fifty tons of coal, in accordance with your sample.

  价格表已收到, 请尽可能迅速以铁路货运下列商品, 当不胜感激。

  I have received your price-list, and shall be glad if you will send me by rail as early as possible as follows:

  请送马路用, 医院用, 学校用, 以及办公室用的各种大小适当的灯, 一共 100个, 谢谢。

  I shall be glad if you will let me have 100 Lamps of each of the various sizes, suitable for streets, hospitals, schools and offices.


  1、We would like to place an order for 100 units of your latest model.

  2、Please send us your catalog for reference before we proceed with the order.

  3、Im interested in ordering a bulk quantity of your products.

  4、Could you provide a quotation for the items listed in the attached file?

  5、We are ready to submit our purchase order for the agreed-upon items.

  6、Our order will be shipped to the address provided on the order form.

  7、Is there a minimum order quantity requirement for new customers?

  8、We need to modify our existing order; could you please assist us with that?

  9、Please confirm the availability of the items weve ordered.

  10、Can we expect a discount for placing a large order?

  11、The payment terms for this order are 30 days net after receipt of goods.

  12、Wed like to expedite our order; is there a faster shipping option?

  13、Could you include a sample of the new product with our next order?

  14、Were placing a repeat order for our best-selling item.

  15、Please provide a tracking number once the order has been shipped.

  16、Were experiencing a surge in demand; can we increase our order quantity?

  17、The order details have been finalized; please proceed with production.

  18、Is there a lead time for custom orders?

  19、We need to cancel one of the items in our current order.

  20、Can we customize the packaging for this order?

  21、Please note that we require separate invoices for each order.

  22、Our order requires special handling; please ensure its noted on the shipping label.

  23、Were placing a test order to evaluate your product quality.

  24、The order will be placed via our online ordering system.

  25、Could you provide a detailed breakdown of the shipping costs?

  26、Were looking to place a standing order for monthly deliveries.

  27、The order is urgent; please prioritize it in your production schedule.

  28、We need to make a change to the shipping address for this order.

  29、Please confirm that the payment has been processed for our recent order.

  30、Our order requires strict adherence to quality control standards.

  31、Were interested in exploring bulk pricing options for future orders.

  32、Could you provide a sample invoice to preview the final billing?

  33、The order includes both in-stock and back-ordered items; please clarify the delivery timeline.

  34、Were placing an order under our companys credit account.

  35、Please ensure all items are in their original packaging for resale.

  36、Our order includes a mix of product sizes and colors; please verify the details.

  37、Wed like to request a proof of delivery upon completion of the shipment.

  38、Could you offer a volume discount for our upcoming seasonal order?

  39、The order is for export; please provide the necessary export documentation.

  40、We need to add an additional item to our current order; how can we proceed?

  41、Please clarify the return policy for defective or incorrectly shipped items.

  42、The order includes fragile items; please handle with care during shipping.

  43、Were placing an order for promotional materials for an upcoming event.

  44、Could you provide an estimated delivery date for our custom order?

  45、The order is for a one-time event; please ensure timely delivery.

  46、Were considering placing a long-term contract for regular deliveries.

  47、The order includes items from multiple categories; please ensure accurate fulfillment.

  48、Were placing an order on behalf of a client; please invoice them directly.

  49、Please notify us if there are any delays or issues with our order.

  50、Our order is complete; thank you for your prompt service and quality products.










