Whenever two people partner to accomplish a common goal, a unique relationship is formed. Effort, intensity, time and togetherness create a potent combination, often vital to completing a given assignment. This sense of connection can, in turn, lead to intimacy.
A partnering relationship requires joint effort. The parties involved must combine theirefforts to accomplish a common goal. They strive together, brainstorm together, and sometimes even sweat together. Often, the length of the task requires a give-and-takeeffort, with one partner switching off with the other as stamina or inspiration swings from person-to-person. Through this effort swing, each person learns to trust and rely on the other.
The synergy that combined efforts provide can be truly amazing. By joining forces, two people can work harder, work faster, and accomplish more than either could alone. The multiplying effect of joint effort can lead to the conclusion that something is special or unique in the pairing. Conversely, the conclusion can be drawn that without the other partner, nothing can be achieved. A dependency upon the partnering has then beenestablished.
In an intense, time-pressured partnership, caution may be thrown to the wind. A person who usually leaves the office at a specific time each day may stay late. A person who is careful to keep a respectful distance from a colleague may allow that zone to constrict under the pressure. In an emergency, whether real or created, people may compromiseor alter guidelines that normally govern their behavior.
The intensity created in the work situation can mirror the intensity we experience in sexual relationships. The feelings of attachment and unity can be similar enough to cause confusion. Even if the conscious mind does not acknowledge the connection, often the subconscious mind will. One or both of the partners may find themselves suddenly considering the other from a sexual point of view.
Intensive, emergency-oriented tasks can fast-forward relationships from work to personal. While intensity tends to blast through relationship boundaries, time tends to erode those same boundaries. The more time people spend together, the more comfortable they may become with each other. The more comfortable people become, the more they share. The more they share, the more they begin to view themselves as a couple, partnered together. They begin to see themselves within a relational context. Coworkers may reinforce this perception of the two being a “couple” by the joint recognition and praise given to the partners for their achievement.
In workplace relationships like the one just described, the time may come when one or the other party will loosen up too much, allowing a boundary to slip. If both partners are not careful to continually reestablish boundaries to keep their relationship within a certain framework, these “slips” can lead to one party beginning to view the partnership as more than just a work connection.
One of the primary arenas for male-female interaction in today's world is the workplace. Out of the average person’s waking hours, a large majority of this time is spent at work or in the office. When you combine this extended time together with the intensity and partnering caused by work-related tasks, it’s no wonder that the workplace breeds romance. Therefore, as co-workers co-mingle, it is up to each individual to set their own set of boundaries in order to keep workplace romance at bay.
On Cloud Nine
等同于“blissful happiness”=充满喜悦的幸福感
从20世纪80年到现在,'cloud nine'的用法已经变得十分普遍,多亏了流行音乐的传播——乔治·哈里森将其作为1987年专辑的名字。
【例句】When I got my promotion, I was on cloud nine. When the check came, I was on cloud nine for days. 当我得知自己晋升了,我真是开心极了。当知道这一切尘埃落定,我几天都乐翻了天。
(Be)in Seventh Heaven
【例句】Since they got married, they've been in seventh heaven. 他们结婚了以后一直过得很幸福很快乐。
Walk on Air
来自水果姐(Katy Perry)同名单曲《Walking on Air》。
比喻型的词组,也是从字面上理解。有两种含义。其一,就是纯粹的高兴,开心,心情愉悦(to be euphoric);其二,兴高采烈到有点得意洋洋的感觉。
【例句】a) When I found out my parents were getting me a kitten for Christmas, I was walking on air for the rest of the day. 当我发现我爸妈圣诞节给我买了一只小猫咪当作礼物,剩下的这几天我一直乐不思蜀。
b) She was walking on air after she found out she'd won the teaching award. 当她得知自己获了教学奖后一直乐的飘飘然。
Over the moon
这个词能“火起来”都归功于利物浦街头足球的流行:当球员踢球踢的很重(好像都要踢到月亮上去了),就会用到“over the moon”。这会让观众看得兴致勃勃情绪高涨。
词源来自《鹅妈妈童谣集》中的《High Diddle Diddle》——其中一头奶牛跳过了月亮。
【例句】I am over the moon at this moment. 现在我好开心。
Tickled Pink
【例句】She was tickled pink after receiving her present. 收到她的礼物后她高兴极了。