More women are becoming billionaires than ever before, driven by a marked rise in the number of female Asian entrepreneurs, according to a report into global wealth.
The number of female Asian billionaires increased from just three in 2005 to 25 in 2014, the UBS/PwC Billionaire report revealed, with just over half of them first-generation entrepreneurs.
瑞银/普华永道亿万富豪报告(UBS/PwC Billionaire report)显示,亚洲女亿万富豪的数量已从2005年的仅仅三个,增至2014年的25个,其中一半多一点是第一代创业者。(上图为中国首都北京最大的房地产开发商SOHO中国有限公司CEO兼执行董事张欣。)
Family businesses are driven by women far more in Asia than in the US or Europe, the report notes. Ninety-six per cent of ultra-wealthy women in Asia are still “active wealth creators”, compared with 57 per cent in the US and 63 per cent in Europe. Overall, the number of women billionaires now stood at 145 in 2014.
“The rise of female and Asian billionaires over the last two decades is creating an entirely new billionaire demographic,” said Josef Stadler, head of global ultra-high net worth at UBS. “While there is no such thing as a typical billionaire, virtually all are focused on building a lasting legacy for future generations.
“过去20年里女性和亚洲亿万富豪的崛起,正在形成一个全新的亿万富豪群体,”瑞银全球超高净值部门负责人约瑟夫施泰德(Josef Stadler)表示。“虽然不存在‘典型亿万富豪’这样的模子,但几乎所有富豪都聚焦于为子孙后代打造持久的遗产。”
The survey of 1,300 billionaires, which analyses data from the past 19 years, also shows how the global financial crisis shook up the ranks of the super-wealthy. Of 289 people in the 1995 report, just 126 remain on the list today. While 66 have died, the report notes, 73 fortunes “have disappeared due to business problems and other reasons”, while 24 have “been lost through family dilution”.
“The report suggests that we need to revisit the old saying, ‘The first generation builds the business, the second makes it a success and the third wrecks it’,” said Michael Spellacy, global wealth leader at PwC US. “Our findings reveal that it is in fact the second generation that all too often undermines the value of the business the first generation created. To prevent this, business decisions must move from the kitchen table to the boardroom.”
“这份报告似乎表明,我们需要修正那句老话,‘第一代创业,第二代使其成功,而第三代是败家子’,”普华永道美国的全球财富主管迈克尔斯佩勒西(Michael Spellacy)表示。“从我们的调查结果看,实际上很多情况下是第二代糟蹋第一代所创建的企业的价值。为了防止这种情况,经营决策的地点必须从餐桌转移到董事会会议室。”
However, the 126 billionaires who have retained their place on the list still created a total of $1tn of new wealth since 1995, particularly in the consumer and retail, technology and financial services sectors. Tech billionaires in particular tend to be most durable, the report notes.
“Money is just one way of keeping score,” said Sebastian Dovey, co-founder of Scorpio Partnership, a wealth management consultancy. “It’s legacy that makes a difference. Unless those individuals start to do things that make a lasting difference — investing in climate change prevention or houses for the homeless — then balance sheet numbers can come and go. Legacy goes beyond money.”
“金钱只是一种记分的方法,”理财咨询公司Scorpio Partnership的联合创始人塞巴斯蒂安多维(Sebastian Dovey)表示。“真正不同的是遗产。除非那些人开始做一些具有持久作用的事情——投资于气候变化预防措施或容留无家可归者的住所——否则资产负债表的数字可能上上下下。遗产超出金钱范畴。”