我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2021-02-09 11:19:46 办公室英语 我要投稿


  1 Sound Design

  When it comes to creating a productive office environment—it’s more than just four walls. According to a Cornell University study, even low-level noise in open-style offices can result in higher levels of stress and lower task motivation. If you’re going to go with an open office plan, be sure to think about where you place employees who operate at higher decibel levels. Also keep in mind placement of loud appliances such as copy machines.


  2 Watch That Dial

  Room temperature can directly influence productivity at work. Cornell University studied the effect of increasing temperatures in the workplace from 68 degrees to 77 degrees. Errors at the company fell by 44 percent and typing output increased 150 percent with the increased temperatures.


  3 Tech Intrusion

  Nearly 60 percent of work interruptions are—you guessed it—thanks to the Internet. Yes, you can blame Fail Blog for not getting your work done. And don’t forget the time spent on social media, e-mail, and switching back and forth between on-screen applications. According to a survey by market research firm uSamp, while social media use can encourage coordination among employees, there’s no denying it’s a huge distraction.

  你猜60%的员工工作时会因为什么而走神?没错,答案是上网。你可以说都是Fail Blog(社交网站)的错,让你流连忘返没完成工作。但是别忘了你花在社交媒体、电邮以及屏幕上各种应用程序上的时间。据uSamp调查公司统计,社交媒体的.使用对员工之间的合作关系起到很大的促进作用,虽然这样的确也很耗费时间。

  4 Social Butterfly

  Telephone calls, walk-in clients, that talkative colleague across the way: Unplanned conversations can have a dramatic affect on productivity in the workplace. Phone calls, talking with co-workers, and impromptu meetings make up 43 percent of work interruptions, according to a market research survey.


  5 Sitting Pretty

  The design of office workstations is often linked to health, comfort, and productivity in the workplace. Chairs that are not adjustable and desks that are too small can cause sore backs and contribute to carpal tunnel syndrome. A study coordinated by Health and Work Outcomes, an independent health research and consulting company for office furniture manufacturer Steelcase, found that individuals who received office ergonomic training and sat in a highly adjustable chair increased average productivity by 17.8 percent after a year.


  6 Space Matters

  The Wall Street Journal recently published findings from a number of worldwide studies suggesting the space around your workstation could affect not only your productivity, but the style of work you accomplish. Low ceilings encourage analytical thinking, while high ceilings can encourage abstract thought and creativity. Color and light can also change the way we think. Surrounding workers with red walls could stifle creativity, but fuel inside-the-box thinking for tasks that call for small details and accuracy.












