punch the time clock ( 打卡 )
punch in (out) (上/下班打卡 )
confirm the day's schedule ( 确认一天的'工作表 )
staple the documents together ( 把文件钉在一起 )
punch holes in the papers ( 用打孔机给文件打孔 )
file the papers ( 把文件存档 )
look over the documents ( 将文件过目一下 )
stamp the document ( 在文件上盖章 )
submit the document ( 提交文件 )
correct mistakes with white-out ( 用涂改液改正错误 )
run off copies ( 复印文件 )
fax someone a report ( 把报告传真给某人 )
exchange business cards with clients ( 与客户交换名片 )
turn on the computer ( 打开电脑 )
sort the mail ( 拣选信件 )
make out an invoice ( 开发票 )
write out a receipt ( 开收据 )
work overtime ( 加班 )
set the copier for reducing (enlarging) ( 将复印机设定在缩印 ( 放大 ) 模式上 )
run out of paper ( 复印纸用完了 )
place a large order ( 大量订货 )
trip over the cord ( 被电线绊倒 )
bow over the phone ( 打电话中猛点头 )
take notes over the phone ( 把电话内容记在本子上 )
hang up the phone ( 挂断电话 )
input the data ( 输入资料 )
All visitors must report to the office. 来客必须到办公室登记。
All visitors please report to the gate warder. 来客请到门房登记。
Anyone caught using this lift will be removed. 用此电梯者将被清走。
Business office 商务办公室
Close the door behind you. 请随手关门
Demonstration available 可以进行演示
Electronically operated gate 电动门
Floor cleaning in progress 正在清扫地板
Front entrance 前门入口
Head office 总部
Interview in progress 正在面试
Lift out of order 电梯发生故障
Lift out of use 电梯停止使用
Meeting in progress, quiet please. 正在开会,请保持安静。
No food is to be consumed in this area. 此处不准吃东西。
No littering 勿乱扔废弃物
No smoking in this area 此处禁止吸烟
No smoking in this lift 电梯内禁止吸烟
Office to let 办公室出租
Please ensure that both the top and bottom of this door are closed. 请确保此门上下关紧。
Please keep this office tidy and use the bins provided. 请保持办公室整洁,使用所提供的垃圾箱。
Please wait here for enquiries. 请在此等候咨询。
This is a smoke-free building. 楼内禁止吸烟。
We do not make purchases at this door. We do not buy at this door. 谢绝推销。
Note down 记下来
跟对老板人生可以很精彩,每次开会,小本本必不可少 Did you note down the main points from the meeting?你把我会议的重点都记下来了吗?(哪敢不记呢...)
Come up 发生
如果来了急活儿,老板会告诉正准备下班的你 An urgent situation has just come up. 有个紧急情况发生了。(得,加班吧,我猜我未来男友现在一定还在高考)
Call off 取消
当老板因为儿子在学校打架被老师叫去训话的时候,会喊你 Can we call off the conference call?我们可以取消电话会议吗?(哈哈哈...)
Fill out 填写
回想刚入职,人事部的小姐姐总是塞给你一堆表格,轻声细语的说 Could you fill out the registration form for me please?你可以帮我填写这个登记表吗?(好的呢...)
Set up 设置
技术部的小哥哥们,打印机没墨,换新电脑的时候,他们就是大神 Could you help me set up the new computer?你可以帮我设置这台新电脑吗?(你好,电脑盲上线...)
Run out of something 用完 The printer ran out of ink.
Back up 备份
还有可爱的小伙伴,据说每个办公室都有电子设备杀手,我们这儿叫"一摸坏",这个时候你就需要 Make sure to back up your files!确保你的文件都备份了!(你们都怎么称呼这类大神?)