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时间:2024-05-25 10:28:58 精品文摘 我要投稿





  学校 The College

  How can I ever forget the beautiful campus in Africa?


  The grounds were covered with dark green grass through which stretched a straight whitestone path .On both sides of the path were planted what I believed to be poinsettias. Now theflowers were surrounded by pinkish leaves instead of bright red ones as they should have been.Trimmed with light green edges,the leaves looked delicate and charming. Along the long pathI often took a stroll which would take me to a wide terrace,where 1 could watch theenchanting glow of sunset,and occasionally catch the sight of a train pulling and hooting onits way southward. On my way back I would pass by the laboratory and library building whoselarge French windows had soft curtains let fall to the floor. Just outside the windows kapokflowers glowed red in full bloom. A short way off stood the dining hall,where I found a treehearing snore-white blossoms so graceful and soft to the touch,Viewed together from thedistance, they were as beautiful as a bridal veil. Later I learned that it was a tree called daturawhich I had so often read about in hooks.


  In the centre of the campus was a newly-built fan-shaped fountain. A number of Chinese taihurocks were arranged in it with a touch of artistry. And there was a story behind it.


  In the courtyard of the house where Chinese teachers were living,there was also a similar butmuch smaller fountain looking like potted landscape. It was built by the Chinese teachers whohad come earlier in their spare time. They had graced it with water plants and goldfish .Perhapsout of a yearning for their homeland,they had even engraved on a taihu rock four Chinesecharacters:“Er Quan Ying Yue’meaning“two springs reflecting the moonlight.”These characterswere painted red and written in an ancient calligraphic style. The homesick Chinese teachersseemed to feel that at the sight of these characters,they could by a flight of the imaginationbring to their presence a native moon smiling beaming over the West Lake.


  One day the president of the college carne to visit the Chinese teachers. Delighted by thebeauty of their fountain he asked them to design another one for the college. Thus in thecentre of the campus, in a field of green grass and colourful flowers appeared a new Chinesefountain spurting out water drops glistening in the sunlight.


  Excellence is not an act, but a habit

  Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits. “Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny,” the maxim goes.

  人的品德基本上是由习惯组成的。 俗语说;思想决定行动,行动决定习惯,习惯决定品德,品德决定命运。

  Habits are powerful factors in our lives. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns, they constantly, daily, express our character and produce our effectiveness or ineffectiveness.

  习惯对我们的生活有绝大的影响,因为它们是一贯的。 在不知不觉中, 经年累月影响着我们的品德,暴露出我们的本性,左右着我们的成败。

  As Horace Mann, the great educator, once said, “habits are like a cable. We weave a strand of it every day and soon it cannot be broken.” I personally do not agree with the last part of his expression. I know habits can be learned and unlearned. But is also know it isn’t a quick fix. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.


  Those of us who watched the lunar voyage of Apollo 11 were transfixed as we saw the first men walk on the moon and return to earth. But to get there, those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth. More energy was spent in the first few minutes of lift-off, in the first few miles of travel, than was used over the next several days to travel half a million miles.


  Habits, too, have tremendous gravity pull- more than most people realize or would admit. Breaking deeply imbedded habitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness that violate basic principles of human effectiveness involves more than a little willpower and a few minor changes in our lives. “Lift off” takes a tremendous effort, but once we break out of the gravity pull, our freedom takes on a whole new dimension.


  1. maxim ['mksm] 座右铭

  2. Our character, basically, is a composite of our habits.


  composite[kɑm'pɑzt] n. 组合,组成物,adj 组合而成的

  composite material 复合材料

  China is a great composite of various nationalities.

  3. Because they are consistent, often unconscious patterns


  consistent[kn'sstnt] adj. 始终如一的, 坚持的, 一致的

  Running is my only consistent habit.

  Losing weight is her consistent slogan.

  4. It involves a process and a tremendous commitment.

  tremendous[tr'mnds]adj.极好的, 极大的, 惊人的

  The city has taken place a tremendous change these years.

  commitment [k'mtmnt]n. 承诺, 保证, 承担承诺, 献身

  Don't offer any commitment if you can't fulfill it.

  5. Those astronauts literally had to break out of the tremendous gravity pull of the earth.

  gravity['ɡrvti]最喜欢的一首歌《Defying Gravity》 没听过的一定要去听哦!

  5.Breaking deeplyimbeddedhabitual tendencies such as procrastination, impatience, criticalness, or selfishness.


  imbedded[m'bdId] adj 嵌入的

  My whole life is imbedded in teaching English.


  First, academic The total three-year academic ranking: 5 Comprehensive results of three years the total ranking: 2 (See schedule number: 45) English proficiency: Sophomore English 4 adopted by the outstanding certificates, achievement 89.5 6 sophomore through English, or a certificate of achievement 75 Junior English through interviews in Hong Kong, access to Hong Kong to participate in training opportunities (see below) Third, to participate in the research and social practice activities

  1999 July ~ August Yunnan Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd. Shanghai Bio-engineering Co., Ltd. Green A marketing project

  Yunnan Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd., Shanghai, Green A Biological Engineering Co., Ltd.

  Successfully assisted in the establishment of the Yangpu District, Shanghai sales network

  In which I played a more crucial role

  20xx August

  Eastern China to investigate the use of rural land

  Zhejiang University School of Management

  College teachers to assist first-line investigation

  Paradise Valley students of Zhejiang University Business Plan Competition

  Hangzhou Municipal People's Government, Zhejiang University

  To enter the finals and achieved rank

  Specific place Are not yet available

  20xx July ~ August

  New era in the management of the fourth training program

  Chinese University of Hong Kong Kowloon, Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

  To obtain a diploma, as the main members of which a number of crown

  In the training scheme, I outstanding performance demonstrated the presence of Zhejiang University


  美丽的秋天The Beauty of The Autumn

  Call - call - call! Hear the voice of wind. Ah! Autumn is finally here!


  Garden, chrysanthemum competing opened! There are white the light yellow of ... .... Colorful chrysanthemums flourish in light wind, as if greeting them with people! Sweet-scented osmanthus trees out of the light yellow flowers. A wind blowing, a fresh wind into the nose, ah, really incense!


  Orchards, the apple red, like little brothers face. Aunts and uncles are tiptoe with apple picking. Thunk! A ripe apple from the tree fell down. Persimmon tree, hanging on a persimmon tree, far from looking like a red lantern! Grapes on a channeling channeling a , as one finally purple beads, purple was black, people really want a bite it.


  Fields, the endless golden rice, just like the earth covered with a layer of gold to the carpet. Farmers are busy on the busy man under, while cutting rice, while rice into basket. Face expression of joy and happiness.


  Autumn is a season of charming scenery, it is a harvest season. Ah! The fall, you really beautiful you!


  陪在你身边Ill always be there for you!

  No matter what happens, I ll always be there for you!


  In xxxxan 8.2 earthquake almost flattened America, killing over 30,000 people in less than four minutes. In the midst of utter devastation and chaos, a father left his wife safely at home and rushed to the school where his son was supposed to be, only to discover that the building was as flat as a pancake.


  After the unforgettably initial shock, he remembered the promise he had made to his son: No matter what, Ill always be there for you! And tears began to fill his eyes. As he looked at the pile of ruins that once was the school, it looked hopeless, but he kept remembering his commitment to his son.


  He began to direct his attention towards where he walked his son to class at school each morning. Remembering his sons classroom would be in the back right corner of the building, he rushed there and started digging through the ruins.


  As he was digging, other helpless parents arrived, clutching their hearts, saying: My son! My daughter! Other well-meaning parents tried to pull him off what was left of the school, saying: Its too late! Theyre all dead! You cant help! Go home! Come on, face reality, theres nothing you can do!


  To each parent he responded with one line: Are you going to help me now And then he con tinued to dig for his son, stone by stone. The fire chief showed up and tried to pull him off the schools ruins saying, Fires are breaking out, explosions are happening everywhere. Youre in danger. Well take care of it. Go home. To which this loving, caring American father asked, Are you going to help me now


  The police came and said, Youre angry, anxious and its over. Youre endangering others. Go home. Well handle it! To which he replied, Are you go ing to help me now No one helped.


  Courageously he went on alone because he needed to know for himself: Is my boy alive or is he dead He dug for eight hours...12 hours...24 hours...36 hours...then, in the 38th hour, he pulled back a large stone and heard his sons voice. He screamed his sons name, ARMAND! He heard back, Dad!! Its me, Dad! I told the other kids not to worry. I told them that if you were alive, youd save me and when you saved me, theyd be saved. You promised, No matter what happens, Ill always be there for you! You did it, Dad! Whats going on in there How is it the father asked.


  There are 14 of us left out of 33, Dad. Were scared, hungry, thirsty and thankful youre here. When the building collapsed, it made a triangle, and it saved us.


  Come out, boy!


  No, Dad! Let the other kids out first, cause I know youll get me! No matter what happens, I know youll always be there for me!



  That day he decreased the distance between him and the ship by three miles;the next day by two-for he was crawling now as Bill had crawled;and the end of the day found the ship still seven mailes away and him unable to make even a mile a day. Still the indian summer held on, and he continued to crawl and faint ,turn and turn about; and ever the sick wolf coughed and wheezed at his heels. His knees had become raw meat like his feet, and though he paddled them with the shirt from his back it was a red track he left behind him on the moss and stones. Once , glancing back, he saw the wolf licking hungrily his bleeding trail, and he saw sharply what his own end might be-unless-unless he could get the wolf. Then began as grim a tragedy of existence as was ever played-a sick man that crawled, a sick wolf that limped, two creatures dragging their dying carcasses across the desolation and hunting each others lives.


  Had it been a well wolf, it would not have mattered so much to the man;but the thought of going to feed the maw of that loathsome and all but dead thing was repugnant to him. He was finicky. His mind had begun to wander again, and to be perplexed by hallucinations, while his lucid intervals grew rarer and shorter.


  He was awaken once from a faint by a wheeze close in his ear.The wolf leaped lamely back, losing its footing and falling in its weakness. It was ludicrous, but he was not amused. Nor was he even afraid. He was too far gone for that. But his mind was for the moment clear, and he lay and considered.


  The ship was more than four miles away. He could see it quite distinctly when he rubbed the mists out of his eyes. But he could never crawl those four miles. He knew that, and was very calm in the knowledge. He knew that he could not crawl half a mile. And yet he wanted to live. It was unreasonable that he should die after all he had undergone. Fate asked too much of him. And , dying, he declined to die. It was stark madness, perhaps, but in the very grip of Death he defied Death and refused to die.


  He closed his eyes and composed himself with infinite precaution. He steeled himself to keep above the suffocating languor that lapped like a rising tide through all the wells of his being. It was very like a sea, this deadly languor, that rose and rose and drowned his consciousness bit by bit. Sometimes he was all but submerged, swimming through oblivion with a faltering stroke;and again, by some strange alchemy of soul, he would find another shred of will and strike out more strongly.


  Teach him to sell his brawn and brains to the highest bidder, but never to put a price on his heart and soul.


  Teach him to close his ears to a howling mob...and to stand and fight if he thinks hes right.


  Teach him gently, World, but dont coddle him, because only the test of fire makes fine steel.


  This is a big order, World, but see what you can do.


  Hes such a nice little fellow.



  "The Games of the 29th Olympiad in 20xx are awarded to the city of Beijing." The International Olympic Committee selected the Chinese capital as the 20xx host in Friday's vote during Juan Antonio Samaranch's last IOC session as president.The attraction of staging the Games in a country which has the world's largest population, as well as huge economic potential, won the IOC's heart. Beijing defeated four other bidding cities, including Toronto and Paris, to secure the country's first-ever Olympics. Osaka was the first city to go out, and it only took one more round for Beijing to win the Olympic race. The announcement, read out by the 81-year-old Samaranch, was answered with wild jubilation from the Chinese delegation in Moscow, and with fireworks in Beijing.IOC senior member Kim Un-Yong said after the voting that Beijing deserved the Olympic Games. "Beijing is capable of staging a great Olympic Games," said the 71-year-old South Korean. "The result wasn't a surprise to me." With the motto "New Beijing, Great Olympics", Beijing promises to host a "Green Olympics", a "Hi-tech Olympics" and the "People's Olympics". The 3,000-year-old city is becoming a truly international city and showing a new, vigorous image through its ongoing economic reforms. Beijing enjoys the widest popular support among the five bidding cities. A Gallup opinion poll commissioned by the government showed 94.9 percent of the public in favor of it. The IOC's own surveys found support even higher. The Chinese government has pledged to spend 20 billion U.S. dollars building sports complexes and refurbishing the Beijing infrastructure. There are plans for a new exhibition center with twin skyscrapers that could be taller than any in the world.



  Youth is not just a stage of life; it is a state of mind.


  It is not a matter of rosy cheeks,red lips and supple knees;


  it is a matter of the will, a quality of the imagination,a vigor of the emotions.


  It is the freshness of the deep spring of life.


  Youth means the predominance over of courage over timidity, of adventure over the love ofease.


  This often exists in a man of sixty more than in a boy of twenty.


  Nobody grows old merely by living a number of years.


  We grow old by deserting our ideals.


  Years may wrinkle the skin,but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul.


  Worry,doubt,self-distrust,fear and despair - these bow the head and turn the growingspirit back to dust.


  Whether sixty or sixteen,there is in every numan being's heart the love of wonder,


  the sweet amazement of the stars and the starlike things, the undaunted challenge ofevents,


  the unfailing childlike appetite for what-next and the joy of the game of living.


  You are as young as your faith,as old as your doubt, as young as your self-confidence,


  as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair.



  Once President Roosevelt’s house was broken into and lots of things were stolen. Hearing this, one of Roosevelt’s friends wrote to him and advised him not to take it to his heart so much. 美国总统罗斯福的家曾经失窃,财物损失严重。朋友闻此消息,就写信来安慰他,劝他不必把这件事放在心上。

  President Roosevelt wrote back immediately, saying,”Dear friend, thank you for your letter to comfort me. I’m all right now. I think I should thank God. This is because of the following three reasons: firstly, the thief only stole things from 3 me but did not hurt me at all; secondly, the thief has stolen some of my things instead of all my things; thirdly, most luckily for me, it was the man rather than me who became a thief…”


  It was quite unlucky for anyone to be stolen from..

  However, President Roosevelt had such three reasons to be so grateful. This story tells us how we can learn to be grateful in our life. 对任何人来说,家中失窃绝非幸事。但是,罗斯福总统却能找到三个感恩的理由。这个故事告诉我们,生活中,我们应该学会感恩。

  Being grateful is an important philosophy of life and a GREat wisdom. . It is impossible for anyone to be lucky and successful all the time so long as he lives in the world. smile and so will it when you cry to it. ” If you are grateful to life, it will bring you shining sunlight. 感恩是一项重要的处世哲学,是生活的.大智慧。人生在世,不可能事事顺通。对于各种失败和不幸,我们要豁达大度,勇敢地面对,并想办法解决。

  We should learn how to face failure or misfortune bravely and generously and to try to deal with it. If so, should we complain about our life and become frustrated and

  disappointed ever since then or should we be grateful for our life, rise again ourselves after a fall? William Thackeray, a famous British writer, said, “Life is a mirror. When you smile in front of it , it will also 面对困难,我们是懊恼抱怨、沮丧气馁,陷入绝望,还是对生活满怀感恩之心,跌倒后再爬起来呢?英国著名作家威廉;萨克雷说过,“生活是一面镜子,你对它笑,它也会对你笑;你对他哭,它也会对你哭。”

  If you always complain about everything, you may own nothing in the end. When we are successful, we can surely have many reasons for being grateful, but we have only one excuse to show ungratefulness if we fail. 如果对生活感恩,你的生命将充满灿烂的阳光;如果一味怨恨,终将一无所获。我们成功时,有千万个理由感恩生活,而失败时,只要一个借口就会表现出忘恩负义。

  I think we should even be grateful to life whenever we are unsuccessful or unlucky. Only by doing this can we find our weakness and shortcomings when we fail. We can also get relief and warmth when we are unlucky. This can help us find 5 our courage to overcome the difficulties we may face, and receive great impetus to move on. We should treat our frustration and misfortune in our life in the other way just as President Roosevelt did. We should be grateful all the time and keep having a healthy attitude to our life forever, keep having perfect characters and enterprising spirit. Being grateful is not only a kind of comfort, not an escape from life and nor thinking of winning in spirit like Ah Q. Being grateful is a way to sing for our life which comes just from our love and hope. 我想,不论是遭遇失败还是不幸,我们都应该感谢生活。只有这样,失败后,我们才能发现自己的缺点和不足,不幸时,我们还能感受到安慰和温暖。这些就能帮我们找回勇气,战胜困难,并获取前进的强大推动力。我们应像罗斯福总统那样,换一个角度去看待生活中的失败和挫折,永远对生活充满感恩,才能时刻保持健康的心态,积极地生活,并能保持完美的人格和不断进取的精神。感恩不仅仅是一种精神慰藉,也不是对现实的规避,更不是阿Q的精神胜利法。感恩源于我们对生活的热爱和希望,它是我们歌颂生活的一种方式。

  When we put a small piece of alum into muddy water, we can see the alum can soon make the water clear. If each of us has an attitude of being grateful, we’ll be able to get rid of impulse, upset, dissatisfaction and misfortune. Being 6 grateful can bring us a better and more beautiful life.



  Why do leaves change color in the fall? asks Patricia Brown, of New York City.

  Autumn's cool days are trimmed with deep blue skies and golden light, and brilliant leaves of yellow, orange and red. Leaves changing color in the fall are a tree's way of preparing for long winter, rather like we put up storm windows and pull warm clothes and blankets out of storage.

  In summer, the leaves on trees like pin oaks and sugar maples are green because they are chock-full of the green pigment chlorophyll.

  Trees need sunlight to produce chlorophyll. In turn, chlorophyll uses sunlight's energy to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen. Meanwhile, leaves also absorb carbon dioxide gas from the air. The end products of leaf chemistry: carbohydrates (homemade plant food for the tree), and oxygen, released into the air (the gas we need to breathe)。 The whole process is called photosynthesis.

  Along with green chlorophyll, most leaves also contain yellow, orange and red-orange pigments celled carotenoids. Trees don't need light to make carotenoids. Botanists call them "helper pigments," because carotenoids absorb some sunlight and (nicely) pass the energy along to chlorophyll. We don't see much of these deputy pigments (carotene, lycopene, and xanthophyll) in summer, because they are masked by abundant green chlorophyll.

  But the ever-shortening days of fall mean less daylight and colder weather. The average tree is rushing to save all the nutrients it can for its winter hibernation. Nitrogen and phosphorus are pulled from leaves for storage in branches. A layer of corky cells grows between the leaves' stems and their branches, reducing the leaves' supply of nutrients and water.

  With diminished sunlight, water, and nutrients, chlorophyll synthesis slows. Old, worn-out chlorophyll breaks down at the usual rate--ironically, sunlight destroys it--so each leaf's stock gradually dwindles. And as the green fades, yellow and orange emerge from hiding.

  Unlike the green and yellow pigments, red and purple pigments (anthocyanins, part of the flavonoid class) actually form in leaves in the autumn, tinting leaves scarlet and burgundy.

  Botanists have long wondered why some trees are genetically programmed to manufacture anthocyanins in the fall. New research indicates that anthocyanins may be a tree's own sunscreen.

  Anthocyanins are made in a leaf's sugary sap, with the help of lots of sun and cool temperatures. Botanists think that anthocyanins shield the leaves' fading photosynthesis factories from too much sunlight, rather like the pigment melanin protects our skin from the sun. While the red pigments act as a shield, the tree feverishly breaks down and pulls nutrients out of leaves and into its limbs and trunk before leaves drop or die.

  Anthocyanins may also act like Vitamin C or E, scavenging so-called "free radicals" before they can do oxidizing damage to a fall leaf's fragile structure.

  Upper and outer leaves tend to be reddest, since they are most exposed to sunlight and cold. In some trees, like sugar maples, the reds of the anthocyanins combined with the yellows of the carotenoids make especially brilliant orange leaves.


  Venice is a fascinating city between sea and sky. It is built on 117 islands. There aren't any cars or buses because there are no highways in Venice. But it has 150 canals and 400 bridges. The narrow streets, with theirhistoric names, are paved with flagstones, but have no footpaths. They are lined with flower-decked balconies, Madonnas, shop signs and lanterns. Artisans' stalls and palaces stand side by side. The squares are charming. The brick bridges, with white stone trimmings, are pitched high to allow barges to pass under them. Every year thousands of touristsfromthe five continents visit this beautiful city.

  They are always amazed at the charm of her water and pellucid light, which can make them freefromall dust and cooled by the sea breezes. But because the level of the surrounding waters is constantly rising, the exceptional position of Venice constitutes a threat to its very existence. And the Venetians love their city and want to stay there to save Venicefromthe sea. Now carious measures have already been taken and a plan to safeguard and remedy the position is under investigation.


  野草 Wild Grass


  There is a story which goes like this:


  Someone asked, "What is the most powerful thing in the world?" There was a variety of answers. "Elephant," someone said. "Lion," another said. "Buddha's guardian warrior," still another said half-jokingly. As to how powerful the Buddha's guardian warrior was, no one was sure.


  In fact none of the answers was correct. The most powerful thing in the world is the seed of plants. The force displayed by a seed is simply incomparable. Here goes another story:


  The bones of a human skull are so tightly and firmly joined that no physiologist and anatomist had succeeded in taking them apart whatever means they tried. Then someone invented a method. He put sonic seeds of a plant in the skull to be dissected and provided the necessary temperature and moisture to make them germinate. Once the seeds germinated, they manifested a terrible force with which he succeeded in opening up the human skull that had failed to be opened even by mechanical means.


  You may think this is too unusual a story to be grasped by the common mind. Well, have you ever seen how the bamboo shoots grow? Have you ever seen how frail young grass grow out from under debris and rubble? In order to get the sunshine and bring its will to grow into play, no matter how heavy the rocks are and how narrow the space between the rocks, it will wind its way up irresistibly, its roots drilling downward and its sprouts shooting upward. This is an irresistible force. Any rock lying in its way will be overturned. This again shows how powerful a seed can be.


  Though the little grass has never been said to be herculean, the power it shows is matchless in the world. It is an invisible force of life. So long as there is life, the force will show itself. The rock above it is not heavy enough to prevent it from growing because it is a force that keeps growing over a period of time, because it is an elastic force that can shrink and expand, because it is a tenacious force that will not stop growing until it is grown.


  The seed does not choose to fall on fertile land but among debris. If it is filled with life, it is never pessimistic or sad, for it is tempered by resistance and pressure. The grass that fights its way out since the moment it is hom can be called "strong' and “temacious"; only the grass that fights its way up since its birth has the right to laugh with justified pride at the potted plants in glassed green houses.


  My Cat Sitting Adventure

  Why and how I got myself into this situation is still unclear to me. A lady friend, a quite good looking lady friend, (okay, okay, so I do know why and how I got myself into this situation) asked me to check her two cats while she was out of town for several days. I said, "Sure." I thought to myself, "How difficult could it be to check on her cats?" Before she left she told me that one of her cats was on medication for dry skin. Yes, dry skin. I thought to myself, "Give me a break!" However I kept my mouth shut because she is a good friend and as I said before, quite a good looking friend. Her one cat was required to take two pills a day and also needed to have Neosporin put on a sore on his skin. "No problem", I foolishly replied.

  First of all, I do not, never did, and probably never will understand women and their fascination with cats. Cats like their independence, they never listen to you and they won"t come to you if you call them. They are lazy, enjoy sleeping all day and staying out all night. If they drank beer and watched sports on television then they would be just like most of the men that these women have dated in their lives. Yet they LOVE their cats. Many single women I know have cats. They never seem to have just one cat, they usually have at least two cats. Why? So the cats will have company when the woman is away. I never did understand why a cat, an animal that is very independent, would need or even want company when its owner is away. I would think that most cats are probably happy when their owner is away. They finally have got the entire place to themselves. However many women I know insist on having a second cat to keep the first cat company. All of these women are single. I also know of one woman who owns seven cats. She is also single. I believe it is because she owns seven cats.

  Day One Of My Cat-Sitting Adventure

  I arrived at my lady friend"s house at 11a.m. and found a note instructing me what to do. "Check food". The food is A-OK. "Check Water". Well, the water dish was a little low so I"ll add some water. However the note instructed me to "ONLY GIVE THEM BOTTLED WATER WHICH IS IN THE REFRIGERATOR"! I thought to myself, "Bottled water? The cats only drink bottled water?" When I visit my lady friend and ask for water, she gives me tap water. I may have to re-evaluate my friendship with this lady friend. I filled the cats" water dish with the aforementioned bottled water. I read the rest of the instructions she had left for me. The note went on saying, "poopy bags are in the flowered green fabric holder hanging off the metal rack beside the litter box." Yes, you read me right, she wrote, "poopy bags." I REALLY have to re-evaluate my friendship with this woman.

  Now it is time to give Lucas, the male cat, his medicine. I was instructed to hide the pill inside some veggie cheese. Yes, the cat likes veggie cheese, made from soy. Apparently Lucas is a bottled water drinking, vegetarian cat. I did as instructed and put the pill inside the veggie cheese. The cat not only ate all of the veggie cheese, he also somehow managed to eat around the pill. All of the veggie cheese was gone yet the pill remained. I now must think of a "Plan B."

  I decided to hide the pill in a piece of turkey. What the heck? I could not have any worse luck, could I? Lucas ate the turkey and once again managed to eat around the pill. One thing was certain. Lucas is not a vegetarian. I next attempted to hide the pill in some tuna. Albacore, actually. Again, Lucas ate all of the tuna and left the pill. Another thing was certain. Lucas likes to eat.

  I then remembered my lady friend saying that I could hide the pill inside a cat snack treat. Aha! The old hiding the pill in a cat snack treat routine. I proceeded to find the cat treats. There were "Grilled Yellowfin Tuna Flavored Treats" and "Shrimp and Crab Medley Flavored Treats" and "Oven Roasted Breast of Chicken Flavored Treats" and "Hearty Beef Flavored Treats" and "Salmon Flavored Treats." These cats eat better than most people. I decided to first try the "Whiskas Temptations Salmon Flavored Treats." Why? Because on the package it read, "What Cats Want". That was good enough for me. Unfortunately it was not what this cat wanted. I put the pill in each of the treats and Lucas would not go near any of the them. One more thing was certain. Lucas was full. I now must wait until he gets hungry again. I had not thought that this would be an all day event.

  While waiting for Lucas to get hungry again I thought I would make an attempt to put the Neosporin on his sore. This went better than expected. I accomplished this task in a mere 45 minutes and I successfully managed not to bleed on any of my friend"s furniture as I ran to the bathroom to cleanse my multiple scratch wounds. Although Lucas may not hold a high regard for Neosporin, I have a new found appreciation for it.

  Afterwards I noticed Lucas licking the Neosporin off of his sore. My first thought was, "Well, that was a complete waste of time and blood!" Then I got an idea. I"ll put some Neosporin on his pill. He seems to like the taste of Neosporin. And you know what? IT DID NOT WORK EITHER! So much for shouting with glee and becoming rich off of my idea for a "Neosporin Flavored Cat Treat".

  I looked at my watch. It was almost 2 o"clock. This unsuccessful ordeal had taken almost 3 hours! And I am supposed to do this twice a day for the next four days. Yet one more thing was certain. I must come up with a "PLAN C".

  Knowing that I had made a valid attempt made it easier to implement "Plan C". Because of "Plan C", day two, three, and four of my cat-sitting adventure went smoothly. My lady friend arrived home late on day four, none the wiser, thanking me again and again for looking after her beloved cats. What was "Plan C"? Well, "Plan C" was a simple plan. I figured that since Lucas was required to take 2 pills a day for 4 days then that would equate to 8 pills. (Thank God for calculators!) I took 8 pills out of the bottle and threw them in the garbage. I used the Neosporin on my own wounds thus making it look like I used it on Lucas. I did not bother going over to her house to check on the cats at ALL on day 2 or 3. I went over just on day 4 to change the water and litter box in order to make it appear like I did everything she wanted me to do. You may be asking yourselves, "Doesn"t he feel any sense of guilt for his deceitful ways?" The answer is, "No!". Well, maybe someday I will, after my wounds heal and the scars fade away. I did not want to implement "Plan C" but I had no other choice. I could not afford to waste several hours of my valuable time along with losing a pint of blood each day. Not when there are "Friends" rerurns to watch on television. Besides, that will teach her to give me tap water!


  到现在我还是不明白我是为什么以及是怎样卷入这件事情的。一个女性朋友、一个长得很好看的女性朋友,(好啦!好啦!不要再嘲笑我啦!我现在知道自己是怎样卷进来的啦!)问我能不能在她不在的时候帮她照看一下她的两只猫。我说:“当然可以。” 我想,“帮她看看猫有什么难的呢?”她走之前对我说有只猫因为皮肤干燥问题在进行涂药治疗。没错,她是说干燥皮肤,我当时想,“饶了我吧!”但是我没说什么,因为她我的朋友,而且我也说过,她长得很漂亮。其中一只猫每天要吃两个药片,并且要给它涂抗生素软膏以止痛。“没问题!”我自作聪明地答应下来。

  首先,我从来不明白,也可能永远也无法理解女人,以及女人对她们猫的迷恋。因为猫是喜欢独立的,它们从不听主人的话,主人叫它时它也不会应声跑过来。它们天性懒惰,喜欢成天睡觉,整晚呆在外面。如果它们也喝啤酒、看电视体育赛事,那它们就跟这些女士们一生中所约会的大多数男人没什么两样了。但她们还是喜欢她们的猫。我所认识的许多单身女性都养猫。而且看起来她们从不只养一只猫,她们至少有两只或两只以上。为什么?因为在她们外出时猫才有伴! 我从来都无法理解,为什么一只猫,一个惯于独立的动物,会在它主人不在的时候需要或喜欢一个伴呢?我认为大多数的猫在它们的主人不在时可能都挺高兴。它们终于可以享受所有地方了。但是我认识的许多女士坚持要再养一只猫来给另一只猫作伴。所有这些女士都是单身。我还认识一个养了七只猫的女士,她也单身,我认为她单身正是由于她养了七只猫的缘故。


  我在上午11点时到了我的那位女性朋友家,看到了她留给我的一张纸条,上面写着我该怎么做。“检查食物。”食物没有问题;“检查水”,嗯,水少了点,我得加点水。但是纸条上叫我只能给“放在冰箱里的罐装水”。我想:“罐装水?猫只喝罐装水?” 我到她家向她要水喝时,她只给我自来水喝。看来我得重新考虑一下我与这位朋友的关系。我用上面提到的水加満了猫的水碟。我看了看她给我说明的'其他注意事项。上面写着:“猫粪袋放在有花饰的绿色布袋里,绿色布袋挂在垃圾箱旁的铁钩子上。”是的,你也看清楚了,她写的是“猫粪袋”,我真得再衡量一下我与她的友谊了!





  不久我就发现卢卡斯把涂在它身上的抗生素软膏一点点地舔了下来。我的第一反应就是:“啊?我的时间和鲜血算是全白费了!” 突然我想到了一个新主意,那就是把一些抗生素软膏涂在药片上,看起来它有点喜欢抗生素软膏的味道。结果怎么样呢?还是没戏! 枉我一片苦心才想出这个“抗生素软膏味猫点心”,开始时我还开心得大喊大叫,我真是受够了!


  有了第一次的实践经验实施“C计划”就容易多了。由于“C计划”的缘故,我第二、第三和第四天照看猫的工作进行得非常顺利。我朋友在第四天很晚时才回来,不用说,一遍又一遍地感谢我对她的心爱的猫的照顾。我的“C计划”到底是怎么回事呢?唔,“C计划”其实很简单。卢卡斯每天吃两片药,连吃四天那一共是8片。(感谢上帝!计算器帮了我很大的忙!)我从瓶子里拿出了8片药片并把它们扔进了垃圾箱里,我还把抗生素软膏涂在自己被抓伤的手上,这样看起来就好象用在了卢卡斯身上一样。第二天和第三天我根本就没去她家看她的那些猫,我只是第四天去查了查水和那小碟子,这样看起来就好象我每天都按她的吩咐做了的样子。你可能会问:“他难道不为自己的欺骗行为感到愧疚吗?”答案是:“不!”嗯,或许某天我会觉得愧疚,那要等到我的伤痊愈及疤痕消除后。我本不想执行所谓的“C计划”,但实在没有办法。我不能每天浪费好几个小时的宝贵时间,并且每天流下那么些血。起码在电视还在播放《六人行》的时候是不行的。另外,这也算是她让我喝自来水的报应! (:夏根建)


  Dream to Be a Hero

  Most parents who want to send their kids to camp in the summertime have to pay hundreds, even thousands of dollars.If your kid happens be a really good basketball player,you probably won"t have to pay a dime.Your kid will go to camp,basketball camp,courtesy of Nike Adidas.those shoe companies scour the country for the best basketball talent and compeite like crazy to get those kids into their brand,offering free shoes,free tips,free camps to even younger players.

  Inteviewer :How old were you when they started

  To singling you out? Were you just a little kid?

  Tyson Chandler:It was about 5th garde,6th grade.

  When we first met him in 1997,Tyson Chandler had just finished 8th grade but he and his teamnates on the southern Califolia all stars were already sponsored and equipped by Nike.

  Interviewer:You are all wearing Nike.


  Interviewer:You are Nikemen

  Chandler:AlI Nike.

  Nike and Adidas have turned summertime into a huge basketball

  bazaar,spending millions of dollars to coral every kid with a decent jump shot.Betting that one Of two of them wiIl develop into supestar and human bi11boards.

  As soon as kids are finished with their junior high or high school seasons in the spring,coaches armed with free shoes are weid1ing to recruit them from Nike summer teams or Adidas summer team that will play all the way through August.

  Both Nike and Adidas have sponsored youth tournaments in LasVegas.Hundreds of kids as young as 12 showing their skills on the court,and strutting their stuff on the strip. At an age when them only mail most kids get is birthday party nvitations,Tyson

  got recruitment letters from UCLA and Arizona and Syracuse.

  They wanted him for later,Nike already had him.Both companies also have their hooks in high school basketball teams,all around the country.

  There are more than a hundred Nike high schools and a hundred Addidas high schools.They get free shoes,free uniforms and free equipment and often cash for the coach.In return Nike and

  Adidas get exposure,loyalty and a pipeline for promsing players.More and more,the best teenage players are turning

  pro right from high school.

  Tyson"s mother is worried that things are moving to fast for her son.

  Interviewer:Do you worry sometimes about what this is doing to your kid?

  Mother:Yes,I do,I worry cause I don"t want him to move too fast,I still want him to be a kid.

  Interviewer:He is a kid.

  Mother:Yeah,but a lot of people overlook that because of his height.



















  Since the pre-historic times,man has had an urge to satisfy his needs. Be it hunger,shelter or search for a mate,he has always manipulated the circumstances to the best of his advantages. Probably this might be the reason why we human are the most developed of all living species on the earth,and probably also in the universe. As we climbed the steps of evolution with giant leaps,we somehow left behind common sense and logical thinking—we forgot that we have stopped thinking ahead of times.

  If you are hungry,what do you do?Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?Just like your stomach,even your mind is hungry. But it never lets you know,because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover,favorite star and many such absurd things. So it silently began to heed to your needs and never let itself grow. When mind looses its freedom to grow,creativity gets a full stop. This might be the reason why we all sometimes think“What happens next?”,“Why can‘t I think?”,“Why am I always given the difficult problems?”Well this is the aftermath of our own karma of using our brain for thinking of not-so-worthy things.

  Hunger of the mind can be actually satiated through extensive reading. Now why reading and not watching TV?Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life,we have to take help of reading. You have innumerable number of books in this world which will answer all your“How to?”questions. Once you read a book,you just don‘t run your eyes through the lines,but even your mind decodes it and explains it to you. The interesting part of the book is stored in your mind as a seed. Now this seed is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed if used many times,can help you link and relate a lot of things,of which you would have never thought of in your wildest dreams!This is nothing but creativity. More the number of books you read,your mind will open up like never before. Also this improves your oratory skills to a large extent and also makes a significant contribution to your vocabulary. Within no time you start speaking English or any language fluently with your friends or other people and you never seem to run out of the right words at the right time.

  Actually,I had a problem in speaking English fluently,but as I read,I could improve significantly. I am still on the path of improvement to quench my thirst for satisfaction. So guys do join me and give food for your thoughts by reading,reading and more reading. Now what are you waiting for?Go,grab a book,and let me know!

  Deepak Chandrasekaran

  篇二:Weakness or Strength (将弱项变为强项)

  Sometimes our biggest weakness can become your biggest strength. Take,for example,the story t of one 10-year-old boy who decided to study judo despite the fact that the had lost his left arm in a devastating car accident.

  The boy began lesson with an old Japanese judo master. The boy was dong well,so he couldn‘t understand why,after three months of training,the master had taught him only one move.

  “Mister,”the boy finally said,“shouldn‘t I be learning more moves?”

  “This is the only move you know,but this is the only move you‘ll ever need to know,”the master replied.

  Not quite understanding,but believing in his teacher,the boy kept training.

  Several months later,the master took the boy to his first tournament.

  To his surprise,,the boy easily won his first two matches. The third match proved to be more difficult,but after some time,his opponent became impatient and charged;the boy deftly used his one move to win the match. Still amazed by his success,the boy was now in the finals.

  This time,his opponent was bigger,stronger,and more experienced. For a while,the boy appeared to be overmatched.

  Concerned that the boy might get hurt,the referee called a time-out. He was about to stop the match when the master intervened.“No,”his master insisted,“let him continue.”

  Soon after the match resumed,his opponent made a critical mistake:he dropped his guard. Instantly,the boy used his move to pin him. The boy had won the match and the tournament. He was the champion.

  On the way home,the boy and his master reviewed every move in each and every match. Then the boy summoned the courage to ask what was really in his min.

  “Mister,how did I win the tournament with only one move?”

  “You won for two reasons,”the master answered.“First,you‘ve almost mastered one of the most difficult throws in all of judo. Second,the only known defense for that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.”

  The boy‘s biggest weakness had become his biggest strength.

  Everyday English


  Olympic Games

  Every four years, the best athletes from countries around the world come together

  in the spirit of peace and friendship to compete in the Olympic Games.

  With the lighting of the Olympic flame the games begin — the Olympic spirit kept alive.

  That flame has been brought many thousands of miles by relay runners all the way from Olympia,

  in Western Greece, where the ceremony began 2700 years ago.

  This simple ceremony, and the lighting of the torch,

  is the spark that renews the Olympic flame wherever the games are played.

  The games symbolized the early Greeks’ ideal of man’s unity,

  their vision of peace, and of human perfection.

  The Olympic began as a religious ceremony.

  The First Games in recorded history took place in the year 776 BC.

  This was the time of the Western Zhou period in China.

  All the Greek city-states participated.

  States at war with each other would end hostilities for the duration of the Games.

  The Olympic motto is universally accepted as “Swifter, Higher, Stronger.”

  One athlete from the games host country takes an oath at the Opening Ceremony

  on behalf of all the competing athletes:

  "In the name of all competitors, I promise that we shall take part in these Olympic games,

  respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them,

  in the true spirit of sportsmanship, for the glory of sport and the honor of our teams.”

  In ancient times,

  winners were crowned with wreaths of the sacred olive.

  Their names were proclaimed throughout the Greek city-states.

  Things have not changed much in this regard.

  Today, first place winners are awarded gold medals,

  second place winners, silver, and third place gets the bronze.

  And, as in ancient times, Olympic stars become internationally famous.

  Let us hope that this living experience of peace and friendship between all the peoples of the world

  that began in Olympia, in ancient Greece, will continue for many centuries to come.


  The silence of men in general is overtalked about and overcriticized. To be sure, men never open up as much as women want them to, but there is a wordless understanding in which we function fairly well especially in friendships.

  I believe, in fact, that most women would prefer a man to be gloomily uncommunicative than to spill his guts at the drop of a hat.

  The push for men to express their feelings presumes that we have feelings, and we do have a few, but they remain submerged, and the airing of them often violates their authenticity.

  I am no biologist, but my guess is that the male human animal was programmed for silence. I would go so far as to argue that men were programmed to be isolated from one another and that aloneness is our natural state. Silence in male friendships is our way of being alone with each other.

  Once men have established a friendship that itself is the word. The affection is obvious, at least to us. A main component of our silence is an appreciation of the affection.














