我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-07-22 11:59:00 签证面试 我要投稿




  1、 你的个人情况如何?

  1) 你的姓名、性别、出生日期、住址、家庭情况?

  Tell me about your basic information: name, gender, date of birth, address and family members. Or please confirm your name, date of birth, etc.

  2) 你目前在哪所学校念书、你现在的最高学历是什么?

  Where are you studying now? And what is your highest degree?

  3) 你感兴趣的科目是什么、你的兴趣爱好是什么?

  What is/are your interested course(s)? What are your hobbies?

  2、 你对自己去英国干什么清楚吗?

  1) 去英国干什么?之前来过英国吗?有去过其他国家吗?

  What will you do in the UK? Have you been to the UK before? Have you ever been to any other country before?

  2) 为什么选择英国作为你的留学国家?

  Why do you want to study in the UK?

  3) 去英国学习相比于留在本国或者去美国、加拿大、澳洲,有什么优势?

  What are the benefits of studying in the UK compared to your home country or USA/Canada/Australia etc.?

  4) 你选择哪所学校?

  Which school will you study?

  5) 为什么选择这个学校?(这个学校情况怎样?)你从何种渠道了解到这所学校的?

  Why did you choose this University/College? How about this university/college? How did you find about it?

  6) 你的学习计划是什么?你的学习计划能使你拿到怎样的学历资格?你认为自己的学习计划可行吗?

  What is your study plan? What qualification will you receive after this study? Do you think it is feasible?

  7) 这门课程结构如何?(具体学什么课程?)为什么选择这门课程?课程何时开始、何时结束、为期多长?这门课程的考核方式是怎样的?学习这门课程对你今后的发展有何帮助?

  What is the structure of this course? (What are the specific modules?) Why did you choose this course? When will the course start and end, and how long will it last? How is this course assessed? What kind of help can it provide for your future development?

  a) 你每周的学习方式怎样?要学多少时间?

  What is your study method every week? How long do you study?

  b) 你知道该课程是什么水平的课程吗?

  Do you know what level your course is at?

  c) 该课程有专业的认证吗?

  Does this course offer any professional recognition?

  8) 学校有什么设施令你印象深刻?

  What facilities are you impressed on deeply at the college/university?

  9) 完成该课程后,你还继续深造吗?

  Are you planning to stay in the UK on completion to study for a higher award?

  10) 完成该课程后,你会转校吗?

  Are you thinking of transferring to another institution on completion?

  11) 你有亲戚也在海外学习相同的课程吗?

  Do you have relatives who have studied at similar level overseas?


  How do you explain the gaps in your study/professional history?


  1) 请问你在英国期间的学费需要多少?(按每个阶段来说)

  How much are your course fees? (Please explain every period.)

  2) 请问你在英国留学期间的生活费大概要多少?800 month each year

  How much are your living fees in the UK?

  3) 总共费用是多少?

  How much are your total fees during the period of your study?

  4) 你有没有预付过学费?

  Have you made payment as part of tuition fees up front?

  5) 谁来负担这笔费用?(或者谁是你的资助人?你们的关系是什么?)

  Who will pay for the money? (Or who is financing your studies? And what relationship they have to you?)

  6) 请问你父母的职业?公司/单位名称?他们的年收入有多少?

  What do your parents do for a living? (Or what are your parents’ occupations?) What are the names of their companies? What is your parent’s annual income?

  7) 现在有多少钱可以供你去读书?

  How much money is available for your study?

  8) 你提供了哪些资金材料?银行存单、股票还是理财产品?

  What is your evidence of financial status? Bank statements, bonds or investment?

  9) 你可以证明这些材料的真实性吗?

  Are you able to verify the genuineness of the documents?


  1) 你对英国了解吗?(人口、组成、领袖、气候、文化、科学技术)

  Do you know about the UK? (For example population, composition, leader, weather, culture or science technology)

  2) 你会预计到你初抵英国时将遇到的困难吗?(饮食、气候、习俗、语言、环境、想家等)

  What kind of difficulties can you image when you arrive in the UK? (For example food, weather, custom, language, environment and homesickness)

  3) 你将住在什么地方?住宿费用是多少?

  Where will you live? How much will your accommodation cost?

  4) 你需要接机服务吗?

  Do you need a meet and greet service for air pick-up?

  5) 你打算何时去英国?何时离开英国?

  When will you go to the UK? And when will you leave?

  6) 你知道自己是否可以在英国做兼职吗?

  Do you know whether you are entitled to work part-time in the UK?

  7) 你知道可以工作多少小时吗?

  Do you know how many hours are you allowed to work?

  8) 你知道一小时的薪酬大概是多少吗?

  Do you know the likely hourly rate of pay?

  5、 你对自己将来的发展清楚吗?

  a) 你现在做什么?

  What do you do now?

  b) 是什么促使你放弃现在的事情、决定赴英国留学的呢?

  Why did you give up your work/study and decide to study in the UK?

  c) 你在英国有亲戚吗?

  Do you have any relatives in the UK?

  d) 你会留在英国工作吗?

  Will you stay to work in the UK on completion?

  e) 你回国的理由是什么?你的职业发展目标如何?

  Why will you come back to China? And what are your career development goals?










