我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-21 15:24:49 英语试题 我要投稿
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  What is an American? An American is someone who loves their country and the people in it, and believes in bettering their own lives as well as the lives of those around them. Does it really matter that these individuals may be of German or Chinese descent? No, not at all; their ethnic background has nothing to do with being American. To say that the majority of people in the United States have some sort of tie with an ethnic background from a different country would be a safe assumption. This is what makes our American Culture unique. Immigrants bring to our country strong family structures and strong morals. Foreigners also help our economy prosper. Immigrants are what help make America be America; by being a multicultural society standing united. 美国人是什么?美国人是这样的人:热爱自己的国家,热爱这个国家的人民,坚信自己的生活和周围人的生活都会越来越好。如果这些美国人是德国或者中国的后裔情形会有所不同吗?不,一点也不会。种族背景与成为美国人毫不相干。如果说大多数美国人都来自不同国家,有不同的种族背景,这种假设肯定成立。正是这点使得美国文化独一无二。移民带给这个国家坚固的家庭结构和强烈的道德观,为经济繁荣也做出了贡献。正是移民帮助美国成为所谓的美国,使得一个多文化的社会联合在一起。


  In today’s American society it is not uncommon for people to be families broken up by divorce or other domestic disturbances. However, immigrants seem to have much stronger family values. For many immigrants, family comes first over everything; for many of them family is all they have. This is especially true of traditional developing societies. Many of these newcomers have strong traditions and beliefs which are strict and are instilled in their children. Immigrants coming to America with this type of beliefs and strong traditions sets good examples for our western civilization. By receiving new cultures to our society it is a chance to absorb their rules and respect they have for one another. This is ideal to help restore our family values. 今日美国社会,人们对于因离婚或其他家庭纠纷造成的家庭破裂早已司空见惯。但移民似乎具有更加强烈的家庭观念。对许多移民而言,家庭重于一切,家庭就是他们拥有的全部。这种情况对于传统的发展中的社会尤其真实。许多新来者带着强烈的传统和严格的信仰,并且会渗透到子女身上。具有这种类型信仰和传统的移民来到美国,为西方文明树立了良好的榜样。通过接受新文化,美国社会有机会相互借鉴,彼此尊重。这对于恢复美国的家庭观念非常有帮助。

  It has been said that “immigration is a threat to our economy.” This statement is so absurd. Immigration increases purchasing thereby, increases demand for labor. Immigration not only takes jobs, but also creates them. (Wall Street Journal) For instance, a man comes to America from China. This man opens a small Chinese restaurant. The restaurant makes outstanding business. Ten years later this man owns twelve restaurants and employs three hundred Americans. Stories like that happen all the time, which help our economy. 有人一直在说“移民对美国经济是个巨大的威胁”,这种论调荒谬可笑。迁移能增加周围的购买力,扩大劳动需求;不仅占据工作岗位,而且还创造工作机会(华尔街杂志)。例如,一个人从中国来到美国,开了一家小的中餐馆,由于经营良好,10年之后拥有12家餐馆,雇用300名美国人。类似这样的故事层出不穷,对美国经济大有裨益。

  Immigrants are what help America be America. They say that America is just a melting pot. This is what makes our country unique. We have many cultures, many ideas, and traditions, but all of us have the same dream. That Dream is the American Dream. The same dream that keeps Americans in America and immigrants to come here. Diversity of cultures helps people understand and learn from each other. Taking immigration away would hurt this country more than economically, but, socially also. 移民帮助美国成为美国。人们常说美国就是个熔炉,这是美国之所以独一无二的原因。我们有许多不同的文化、观念和传统,但大家都有一个同样的梦想:这就是美国梦。同样的梦想,让美国人坚守美国,让各国移民纷至沓来,文化多样性促进人们相互理解和学习。取缔移民美国不只是经济上遭受损失,社会生活也同样受损。

  Immigration, I feel is extremely important. Being an Italian American myself, I understand the importance of immigration. My family has traditions and beliefs that they teach me and I’ll teach my kids some day. And no one should be denied the opportunity my parents and I have to be a part of America.











