我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-05-28 16:51:11 考研英语 我要投稿





  standard usage includes those words and expressions understood, used, and accepted by a majority of the speakers of a language in any situation regardless of the level of formality. as such, these words and expressions are well defined and listed in standard dictionaries.

  colloquialisms, on the other hand, are familiar words and idioms that are understood by almost all speakers of a language and used in informal speech or writing, but not considered appropriate for more formal situations. almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language. slang, however, refers to words and expressions understood by a large number of speakers but not accepted as good, formal usage by the majority. colloquial expressions and even slang may be found in standard dictionaries but will be so identified. both colloquial usage and slang are more common in speech than in writing.

  colloquial speech often passes into standard speech. some slang also passes into standard speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by obscurity. in some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but nevertheless retains them in their collective memories.

  every generation seems to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events. it has been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. first, the introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society; second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third, association among the subgroups and the majority population.

  finally, it is worth noting that the terms "standard" "colloquial" and "slang" exist only as abstract labels for scholars who study language. only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expressions. most speakers of english will, during appropriate situations, select and use all three types of expressions.


  Directions: Some international students are coming to your university. Write them an email in the name of the Students' Union to 1) extend your welcome and 2) provide some suggestions for their campus life here.

  Dear Friends, On behalf of the Students’ Union of Beijing Foreign Studies University, I would like to extend our heartfelt welcome to all of the overseas students from all over the world to study in our university. It is my great pleasure to propose several practical suggestions to you. In the first place, life in this prestigious university perhaps is not as satisfactory as what you expected. You may be tightly bound by continual classes, excessive homework and exams. In the second place, in spite of all these adversities, you will still enjoy your life in this esteemed institution. All types of extracurricular activities such as sports meets, speech contests, different social gatherings and dancing parties provide ample opportunities to make All in all, although there are many things lacking, life in our campus is a worthwhile period in your whole lifetime. Wish you enjoy your life here!!


  From the table chart given above, we can observe that it reflects the statistics of students’ graduation intention. From 20xx to 20xx, the proportion of students who are determined to further study increased rapidly from 45% to 76%. During the same period, the percentage of students who are willing to work after graduation remains steady.

  The table chart informs us of the phenomenon that students in increasing numbers are willing to further study after graduation. What exactly contribute to this phenomenon? Reason can be listed as follows: for one thing, facing with intense competition in the employment market, quite a few students regard further study as a buffer. moreover, they are convinced that a higher education will put them in a competitive position in the future employment market. their decision could also be attributed to the power of so-called “group dynamics”: when their friends and classmates choose to study after graduation, they will be influenced easily and imitate others’ behaviors.

  By observing the tendency of the past, we may forecast that the proportion of further study will continue to rise. However, students should bear in mind that a higher education will not guarantee them an ideal job. It is capabilities and skills that determine their future.






  大作文对于重点题材,需要提前背诵素材,例如:社会类、生活类、人际类、个人品质类等。英语一的题目重学术、观念,具有一定的抽象性,英语二的题目重数据和调查,和现实生活热点联系紧密。小作文,对于尚未考过的书信类别,做重点准备,包括模板化的开头和结尾句型,正文中常用的素材等。考研辅导专家提醒考生,有些意志品质类的文章,如果加入一句相关的'谚语会让你的文章大放光彩。但是大家不要直接写句子,可以加一个模板句型,如An ancient oriental philosopher said。有同学会问西方的谚语为什么用东方的先哲呢?其实文化大都是相通的,比如:Where there is a will,there is a way是西方的谚语,同中国的有志者,事竟成是一个意思。考研辅导专家提醒考生,文化都是相通的,可以放心来用,大家在闲暇的时候要多翻看一下英文的谚语,积少成多,相信对大家一定有所帮助。


  THE dollar s tumble this week was attended by predictable shrieks from the markets; but as it fell to a 20 month low of $1.32 against the euro, the only real surprise was that it had not slipped sooner. Indeed, there are good reasons to expect its slide to continue, dragging it below the record low of $1.36 against the euro that it hit in December 20xx.

  The recent decline was triggered by nasty news about the American economy. New figures this week suggested that the housing market s troubles are having a wider impact on the economy. Consumer confidence and durable goods orders both fell more sharply than expected. In contrast, German business confidence has risen to a 15 year high. There are also mounting concerns that central banks in China and elsewhere, which have been piling up dollars assiduously for years, may start selling.

  Yet cyclical factors only partly explain why the dollar has been strong. At bottom, its attractiveness is based more on structural factors-or, more accurately, on an illusion about structural differences between the American and European economies.

  The main reason for the dollar s strength has been the widespread belief that the American economy vastly outperformed the world s other rich country economies in recent years. But the figures do not support the hype. Sure, America s GDP growth has been faster than Europe s, but that is mostly because its population has grown more quickly too. Dig deeper and the difference shrinks. Official figures of productivity growth, which should in theory be an important factor driving currency movements, exaggerate America s lead. If the two are measured on a comparable basis, productivity growth over the past decade has been almost the same in the euro area as it has in America. Even more important, the latest figures suggest that, whereas productivity growth is now slowing in America, it is accelerating in the euro zone.











  Directions: Write a letter to a store, making a complaint about its delivery.

  You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET

  Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use “Wang Hua” instead. Do not write the address.

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I am writing to make a complaint against your bad delivery service.

  I’m afraid that the enclosed CD player doesn’t work. It is the third one I’ve got to return this month.

  Other than the three I’ve had to return recently, I’ve always found your products to be excellent. I would be grateful if you could send a replacement and refund my postage.

  I look forward to your reply and proper resolution of my problem, and will until the end of this week before seeking help from a consumer protection agency or the Better Business Bureau. Please contact me by the address on the envelope or by phone at 6668888.


  Wang Hua




  Restrictions on the use of plastic bags have not been so successful in some regions. "White pollution "is still going on. Write a letter to the editor(s) of your local newspaper to give your opinions briefly and make two or three suggestions.

  You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use "Li Ming" instead. You do not need to write the address.


  Dear Editor:c

  I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the deteriorating situation of white pollution in some regions despite the implementation of restrictions on the use of plastic bags.

  In order to put an effective stop to the wide spread of white pollution, I would like to make the following suggestions . Firstly, the price of plastic bags should be further raised; Secondly , special government departments should be established to supervise the making and using of plastic bags to ensure they are used when really needed.

  I hope my suggestions would be of help and thank you for your attention.


  Conflict resolution is very important. The technique is the same whether it’s between people, between groups, or between nations. You need to find a common ground; you need to learn what both sides want; and you need to plan steps to resolve the conflict.

  Finding a common ground is the first important step in any conflict resolution. For example, if two countries are fighting, a mediator could do what is the single thing that both counties are concerned about. One answer might be their children’s future. Agreeing on the future of their children is an important first step.

  The next step would be to try to determine what both sides want for their children. For example, Country X says, “Security from Country Y.” Country Y says, “Security from Country X.” Obviously, they feel threatened by one another.

  The third step is to plan steps to resolve the conflict. A mediator might ask what would make each side more secure: Stronger borders? Increased trade? Smaller military forces? Once the steps are established, the peace process has begun.

  I don’t mean to imply that this is easy. Resolving long-term disputes is not simple. But the process can be broken down into three steps (common ground, needs, steps to resolution) and then repeated and repeated until there is peace.


  Many years ago, as China was poor and a lot of people believed that studying abroad was a good choice for them, because they not only could get the high degree, but also could find a job in foreign countries. Now the situation has changed, and many people choose to come back to China.

  According to a research, the number of students who go to study abroad is increasing since 20xx, so as the number of students who return to China. It can be seem that more and more people pay attention to receive foreign education, but unlike people who decide to stay in foreign countries, now more young people have sensed the great market potential in China.

  The change inspires the young generation to develop their future career at home. We are so proud that our country is becoming stronger all the time and many foreigners have come to China to seek for cooperation. What’s more, the world is crazy about learning mandarin, so as to find the chance to develop career here.

  There is no doubt that China’s economy is booming and the job market is favored by the world. We need to equip ourselves with all kinds of skills.


  Emerging from the bar chart are the significant changes in the number of the private cars in a city during the period from 20xx to 20xx. To be specific, the past three years has witnessed a steady increase in the number of the private cars from approximately 5 million to 5.5 million.

  What has triggered this phenomenon? Firstly, with the fast development of economy, the living standard together with the income of citizens in this city has been greatly improved. Therefore, a considerable number of people can afford a car. Secondly, the car industry, especially the self-owned brand ones in recently years, has experienced a rapid advancement, which has led to the decrease of the price of private cars. Last but not the least, individuals show more concern about the faster and more convenient way of traveling.

  By observing the past trends, we may forecast that the growth tendency will continue. However, the inevitable impact or consequence that the rise of private cars number brings, such as the traffic pressure and increasingly serious air pollution, should also be attached greater importance to.


  Book Knowledge vs.

  Experience Knowledge can be acquired from many sources. Theseinclude books, teachers and practical experience, and each hasits own advantages. The knowledge we gain from books andformal education enables us to learn about things that we haveno opportunity to experience in daily life. We can study all the places in the world and learn from people we will never meet in our lifetime, just by reading about them in books. We can alsodevelop our analytical skills and learn how to view and interpret the world around us in different ways. Furthermore, we can learn from the past by reading books. In this way, we won't repeat the mistakes of others and can build on their achievements. Practical experience, on the other hand, can give us more useful knowledge. It is said that one learns best by doing, and I believe that this is true, whether one is successful or not. In fact, I think making mistakes is the best way to learn. Moreover, if one wants to make new advances, it is necessary to act. Innovations do not come about through reading but through experimentation. Finally, one can apply the skills and insights gained through the study of books to practical experience,making an already meaningful experience more meaningful.

  However, unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless. That is why Ibelieve that knowledge gained from practical experience is more important than that acquired from books.

  参考译文: 书本知识与实际经验





  51. Directions:The Student Union of your university has assigned you to inform the international students of an upcoming singing contest. Write a notice in about 100 words.Write your answer on the ANSWER Sheet. Do not use your name in the notice.



  It is so great to inform you that a singing contest will be held by our Student Union, and this notice is for the purpose of introducing the relevant arrangements and details.Firstly, this contest is scheduled to start at 19:00 on October 5 in the Center of Students’ Activities and it will last for approximately two hours. Secondly, provided that your are contestants as individuals or groups, it is advisable for you to have a rehearsal in the center the day before the contest. Lastly, do not forget to prepare your musical instruments and accompaniment. Of course, you are welcome to watch the contest as audience.We deem that with your support and participation, this contest will be successful and fabulous.

  the Student Union







  Being optimistic means being hopeful about the future and the success of something in particular. Being pessimistic, on the other hand, means being sad about the future and always thinking that something bad is going to happen.

  Lets take the challenges in our everyday life as an eample. faced with a challenge, a pessimistic person may feel gloomy, distressed, and even afraid of it. he considers himself powerless, and complains about it all day long, refusing even to have a try before giving it up in the end. an optimistic person, however, may adopt an entirely different approach. He may not regard the challenge as something bad, instead, he takes it as an ecellent opportunity todisplay his abilities and talent. pressure simply adds to his enthusiasm to realize his dream.obviously, being optimistic and being pessimistic are two different attitudes towards life, which always mean the difference between failure and success. it is natural that we encounter

  Challenges of one kind or another in our life. if we are pessimistic whenever we are confronted with challenges we are destined to have one failure after another. if we are pessimistic, we are destined to fail, ending up accomplishing nothing. but if we approach the challenges in an optimistic way, we may go from victory to victory.

  Therefore, be optimistic, all the time.


  the concept of obtaining fresh water from icebergs that are towed to populated areas and arid regions of the world was once treated as a joke more appropriate to cartoons than real life. but now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.

  glaciers are a possible source of fresh water that has been overlooked until recently. three-quarters of the earths fresh water supply is still tied up in glacial ice, a reservoir of untapped fresh water so immense that it could sustain all the rivers of the world for 1,000 years. floating on the oceans every year are 7,659 trillion metric tons of ice encased in 10000 icebergs that break away from the polar ice caps, more than ninety percent of them from antarctica.

  huge glaciers that stretch over the shallow continental shelf give birth to icebergs throughout the year. icebergs are not like sea ice, which is formed when the sea itself freezes, rather, they are formed entirely on land, breaking off when glaciers spread over the sea. as they drift away from the polar region, icebergs sometimes move mysteriously in a direction opposite to the wind, pulled by subsurface currents. because they melt more slowly than smaller pieces of ice, icebergs have been known to drift as far north as 35 degrees south of the equator in the atlantic ocean. to corral them and steer them to parts of the world where they are needed would not be too difficult.

  the difficulty arises in other technical matters, such as the prevention of rapid melting in warmer climates and the funneling of fresh water to shore in great volume. but even if the icebergs lost half of their volume in towing, the water they could provide would be far cheaper than that produced by desalinization, or removing salt from water。


  For over a decade, the craze of Chinese college graduates taking qualifying examinations to become civil servants has remained unabated. An important proportion of graduates view civil service as their top priority in job selection and they spare no efforts in preparing for those examinations, sometimes years before their graduation.

  To some extent, this craze is a modern revival of the ancient notion that “those who excel in academics end up in officialdom.” In the present-day China, however, there are complicated reasons underlying this phenomenon. The jobs in sectors other than civil service are insecure and unstable, and employees have to work under greater stress faced with growing competitions in the workplace and the industry. Some government departments are related to monopolized industries and civil servants can enjoy unusually high salaries and welfare benefits. Finally, government officials are usually regarded as occupying the highest rung of the social hierarchy and a student who succeeds in becoming government official is considered the pride of the family, adding prestige and glory to the entire clan.

  For all the apparent attractions of the officialdom, the craze of entering the civil service is a distorted one. In the United States, truly ambitious students enter the industry instead of civil departments, where they apply their individual initiative to achieve personal success. It has already been pointed out that, with so many best minds of the nation fighting their way into the civil sectors, the consequences are catastrophic. The civil servants system, with its inherent bureaucracy and rigid rules, would inevitably turn the otherwise energetic and aggressive young people into docile followers of their superiors’ instructions and dutiful but mediocre implementers of executive orders. This will considerably undermine the vitality of a whole generation and the competitiveness of the entire country in the international arena. All forms of craze are accompanied by elements of irrationality and abnormality and, the sooner this craze vanishes, the better.










