我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-06-13 13:38:43 英语四级 我要投稿



  刺绣 embroidery


  双面秀 two-sided embroidery

  剪纸 paper Cutting

  书法 calligraphy

  赋诗 inscribe a poem

  对对联 matching an antithetical couplet

  猜拳 finger-guessing game

  皮影 shadow puppet

  糖人 sugar-molded

  踩高跷 stilt walk

  说书 monologue story-telling

  老字号 time-honored

  相声 cross talk

  挂毯 tapestry

  蜡染 batik

  藤条制品 wickerwork

  真丝 pure silk

  图章 seal

  盆景 potted landscape

  屏风 screen

  烟嘴 cigarette holder

  鼻烟壶 snuff bottle

  下象棋 to play Chinese chess

  练习书法 to make special studies of calligraphy

  画国画 to do traditional Chinese painting

  题诗 to inscribe a poem

  拨浪鼓 shaking drum

  竹苗 bamboo flute


  风车 pinwheel

  杂技 acrobatics

  老字号 time-honored

  火药 gunpowder

  指南针 compass

  造纸术 paper-making techniques

  印刷术 paper-printing techniques


  low water 最低水位

  map/plan/chart 平面图

  market gardening 商品蔬菜种植业

  marsh/swamp 沼泽

  meadow 草甸

  mechanization of farming 农业机械化

  mechanized farming 机械化耕作

  meridian 子午线,经线

  meteorology 气象学


  North pole 北极

  northern 北的

  oasis 绿洲

  ocean 大洋

  oceanography 海洋学

  parallel 纬线

  parasite 寄生虫

  pasture land 牧场

  peninsula 半岛

  pest 农业害虫

  pesticide 农药

  physical geography 自然地理

  plain 平原

  plot/parcel/lot 地块

  polar circle 极圈

  pond 池塘

  port/harbour 港

  prairie 大草原

  producer 农业工人

  ranch 大农场/牧场

  rancher 牧场主

  reef 礁石

  relief 地形,地貌

  rural exodus 农村迁徙

  rural population 农村人口

  seaquake 海震,海啸

  season 季节

  shepherd 牧人

  shore 海岸

  source 源头

  South pole 南极

  southern 南的

  straw/hay 麦秆

  temperate zone 温带

  termite 白蚁

  terra firma 陆地

  tilled land 耕地

  torrid zone 热带


  Tropic of Cancer 北回归线

  Tropic of Capricorn 南回归线

  the universe/the cosmos 宇宙

  vegetation 植被

  virgin forest 原始森林

  wasteland/barren land 荒地

  weed killer除草剂

  weed 除草


  knowledge /information /learning

  knowledge“知识”,一般是指正确而且系统的知识,它可指个人的知识,也可指全人类所积累的知识。它前面常用表示“获得”的动词,如acquire,obtain,get等。但它不与study或learn连用。常用词组to sb?’s knowledge表“据某人所知”; information“知识”,指个人从他人、书本、观察、实际中所得来的真实的或想象的'知识或信息,常指零碎的知识,亦有“资料,情报”之意;learning“知识,学问”,指通过刻苦钻研后获得的反映客观事物的系统知识。它还表“学习”。

  e.g.book knowledge 书本知识

  acquire knowledge 求得知识

  accumulate a great amount of information 积累大量的资料

  firsthand information 第一手资料

  officialinformation 官方消息

  a man of learning 有学问的人,学者

  典型考题:To my ,Tom has been there severaltimes.

  A.knowledge B.view C.information D.learning




  jet lag时差反应

  join hands with互相合作/携起手来

  join in参加(活动)

  join up参军/入伍/联合起来 j

  udging by从…判断

  jump at急忙接受/立即抓住

  jump off开始/开始进攻

  just about差不多/几乎

  just as正象/正当…的时候

  just now现在/眼下/刚才

  just the same完全一样








  It‘s interesting that some leading Japanese car dealers were the first to _______pay attention to women customers.

  空白处前的were the first表明此处的to是不定式的构成部分,通常来说,to后应该是动词原形,但是此空白处后已有一个原形动词,to pay…是一个完整的动词不定式。因此,空白处应填入修饰动词pay的副词。



  This modern _______for pain management has led to a wealth of innovative treatments which are more effective and with fewer side effects than ever before.

  根据句子成分分析可首先确定空白处应为名词,然后根据原文该句中的wealth,innovative,effective等内容可以推断空白处的单词应具有积极的含义。两者结合,可在词库中的几个名词 respect,range,issues,result中立刻选出respect为本题答案。



  Times have changed.Today,we take pain _____.

  A) gravely B)respect C)limited

  D) specialize E)seriously D prompting

  G) involves H) relieved I)significant

  J) magnificent K)range L)issues

  M) result N)determining O)complained

  在看选项的时候就应该注意到选项A和选项E是一对同义词。虽然它们的含义几乎没有区别,两个词都有“严重地”“严肃地”的意思,但是,从搭配上可以区分它们:take只与seriously搭配,构成take sty. seriously,而不可以说take sty.gravely。由此可见.本题应选seriously。



  That’s why a growing number of hospitals now depend upon physicians who _______ in pain medicine.

  考点在定语从句里充当谓语成分,结合从句的先行词physicians可以推断此处需要动词原形,并能与in搭配。可供选择的动词原形有:respect,specialize,range,result,其中只有specialize和result可与in搭配;而 specialize的主语可以是“某人”,result的主语通常应为“某事”,由此可见,specialize为本题答案。这样即使不知道个别选项的准确含义.也可以从搭配上选出正确答案。


  Nowadays, adv. 现今,当今,时下

  Consequently, adv. 结果是

  As a result, adv. 因此...

  As for me, / In my opinion, / As far as I am concerned, / From my point of view, 在我看来

  Firstly, Secondly, Moreover / Furthermore, Finally,


  On one hand, On the other hand,

  一方面 。另一方面 。

  As a saying / proverb goes, 正如名人名言 / 正如谚语说:.

  According to, 根据

  In conclusion, 总而言之

  For instance / example, 举例


  popular adj. 流行的,受欢迎的

  excessive adj. 过多的,极度的

  renowned adj. 著名的 = well-known=famous

  impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的

  harmful adj. 有害的

  beneficial adj. 有益的

  positive adj. 积极的

  negative adj. 消极的

  convenient adj. 方便的

  convenient and efficient 既方便又高效


  1. in order to


  He worked very hard in order to realize his dream。

  2. in order that


  She worked hard in order that everything would be ready by 6 oclock.

  3. sothat


  They were all so tired that they could do nothing but yawn.

  4. suchthat


  It was such a cold day that there was nobody on the street.

  5. would rather dothan do


  He would rather listen to others than talk himself.

  6. prefer doing to doing


  He prefers making speeches after careful preparation.

  7. prefer to dorather than do


  Compared with women, men always prefer to sleep at home rather than spend so much time shopping.

  8. not onlybut also


  In just three years, she had not only finished all the lessons, but also received her doctors degree.

  9. eitheror


  You could either buy an MP3 or go to Yunnan for a visit if you pass the exam.

  10. Neithernor


  He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.


  (1) 改变时态

  The bell is ringing now. (一般)

  There goes the bell! (高级)

  (2) 改变语态

  People suggest that the conference be put off. (一般)

  It is suggested that the conference be put off. (高级)

  (3) 使用不定式

  He is so kind that he can help me. (一般)

  He is so kind as to help me. (高级)

  (4) 使用过去分词

  She walked out of the lab and many students followed her. (一般)

  Followed by many students, she walked out of the lab. (高级)

  (5) 使用v-ing 形式

  When he arrives, please give me an e-mail. (一般)

  On his arriving, please give me an e-mail. (高级)

  (6) 使用名词性从句

  I happened to have met him. (一般)

  It happened that I had met him. (高级)

  (7) 使用定语从句

  The girl is spoken highly of. Her composition was well written. (一般)

  The girl whose composition was well written is spoken highly of. (高级)

  (8) 使用状语从句

  I won’t believe what he says. (一般)

  No matter what he says, I won’t believe. (高级)

  (9) 使用虚拟语气

  The ship didn’t sink with all on board because there were the efforts of the captain. (一般)

  But for the efforts of the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board. (高级)

  (10) 使用强调句型

  Regular radio broadcasts began in 1920. (一般)

  It was not until 1920 that regular radio broadcasts began. (高级)

  (11) 使用倒装

  Though I‘m weak, I’ll make the effort. (一般)

  Weak as I am, I‘ll make the effort. (高级)

  (12) 使用并列句

  If you go through the gate, you‘ll find the entrance to Bear Country. (一般)

  Go through the gate, and you‘ll find the entrance to Bear Country. (高级)


  As a result, the plan was a failure. (一般)

  The plan turned out to be a failure. (高级)

  Because the weather was good, our journey was comfortable. (一般)

  Thanks to the good weather, our journey waas comfortable. (高级)

  When she heard he had died, she went pale with sorrow. (一般)

  At the news of his death, she went pale with sorrow. (高级)


  odd a. 奇特的,古怪的;奇数的

  omit vt. 省略

  opponent n. 敌手,对手

  opportunity n. 机会,时机

  orchestra n. 管弦乐队

  semester n. 学期;半年

  semiconductor n. 半导体

  seminar n. 研讨会

  terminal a. 末端的,极限的 n. 终点

  territory n. 领土

  approximate a. 大概的,大约 v. 近似

  arbitrary a. 随意的,未断的

  architect n. 建筑师

  architecture n. 建筑学

  biology n. 生物学

  geography n. 地理(学)

  geology n. 地质学

  geometry n. 几何(学)

  arichmetic n. 算术

  algebra n. 代数

  entertainment n. 娱乐;招待,款待

  enthusiasm n. 热情,热心

  entry n. 进入,入口处;参赛的人(或物)

  enviroment n. 环境

  episode n. 插曲,片段

  equation n. 方程(式)

  restrain vt. 阻止,抑制

  restraint n. 抑制,限制

  resume v. (中断后)重新开始

  severe a. 严重的

  sexual a. 性的`

  simplicity n. 简单;朴素

  simplify vt. 简化

  sorrow n. 悲哀,悲痛

  stuff n. 原料,材料 vt. 填进,塞满

  temporary a. 暂时的,临时的

  temptation n. 诱惑,引诱

  terror n. 恐怖

  thrust v. 挤,推,插

  treaty n. 条约,协定

  arise vi. 产生,出现,发生;起身

  arouse vt. 引起,激起;唤醒

  burden n. 重担,负荷


  杂费 miscellaneous (incidental) expenses

  砸牌子 ruin reputation

  再贷款 re-lending; subloan

  在孵(孵化器)企业 incubated enterprises (incubator)

  灾后重建 post-disaster reconstruction

  在建工程 project under construction

  在建项目后续资金 additional funding for projects under construction

  再就业服务中心 re-employment service center

  再就业工程 re-employment project / program

  宰客 swindle money out of customers

  在联合国的框架内 within the framework of the United Nations

  灾民 flood victims; flood-stricken people

  在全国范围内实行群防群控 mobilize the general public throughout the country to control the outbreak

  宰人 rip somebody off

  载人飞船 manned spacecraft

  载人卫星 manned satellite

  再生环保纸 recycled paper

  再生纸 recycled paper

  在途资金 fund in float

  在线(计算机) on-line

  在线网上书店 online bookstore

  载誉 come with the honor a person has won

  在职博士生 on-job doctorate

  在职研究生 on-job postgraduates

  在字面上兜圈子 festoons of words

  载人航天工程 the manned space flight project

  暂住证 temporary residence permit (card)

  脏弹 dirty bomb

  赃款赃物 proceeds of crime

  藏羚羊 Tibetan antelope

  脏乱差 dirty, disorderly and bad

  藏学 Tibetology

  藏学家 Tibetologist

  暂行办法 interim measure

  暂行规定 interim provisions

  造福子孙 bring benefits to our posterity

  造假帐 falsified accounts

  早恋 puppy love

  造林运动 afforestation drive (campaign)

  糟粕 dross

  噪声治理 noise abatement

  早市 morning session

  造型艺术 formative arts; plastic arts

  早发现,早报告,早隔离,早治疗 early detection, prompt reporting, swift isolation and early treatment

  责权利三结合 combination of responsibility, power and interest

  责任编辑 editor in charge

  责任田 farmland covered by contract

  责任制 responsibility system

  责任追究制度 accountability system


  1、京剧 Peking opera

  2、昆曲 Kunqu opera

  3、中国画 traditional Chinese painting

  4、人物画 portrait

  5、秦腔 Qin opera


  7、太极Tai Chi

  8、口 技 ventriloquism

  9、木偶戏puppet show

  10、皮影戏 shadow play

  11、折子戏 opera highlights

  12、杂技 acrobatics

  13、相声 witty dialogue comedy

  14、刺绣 embroidery

  15、苏绣 Suzhou embroidery

  16、泥人 clay figure

  17、书法 calligraphy

  18、中国画 traditional Chinese painting

  19、水墨画 Chinese brush painting

  20、中国结 Chinese knot

  21、山水 landscape painting

  22、花鸟 flower and bird

  23、草虫 grass and insect

  24、泼墨 paint-splashing style

  25、写意 impressionistic style

  26、工笔 elaborate style

  27、毛笔 writing brush

  28、书法 calligraphic art

  29、书法家 calligraphic artist

  30、楷体 formal script/regular script

  31、行书 running script

  32、宋体 Song-dynasty script


  1.As a commander, you should not _______ the soldiers to unnecessary danger.





  2.This newspaper often _______ the government’s opinion, not the public opinion





  3.Although in great danger, the wounded still did not want to _______ from the front.





  4.This movie has a _______ ending. You can not imagine who will be killed finally.





  5.During the graduation _______, the president gave a wonderful opening speech.





  6.The dog _______ the rabbit but could not catch it.





  7.If your letter is over weight, you must pay for the _______.





  8.In the class the teacher asked the students to _______ their bad habits.





  9.When you study in the United States, usually you have to buy your own health _______.





  10.Chocolate and ice-cream have different _______.





  11.Even though he knew that I should study, he still ______ me to go to the movies.





  12.We _______ that it will take another four months to finish this plan.





  13.He read the paper several times but be still _______ some printer’s errors.





  14.She often talks with a _______ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.





  15.If the students can not support themselves during their study in university, they may ask for a student _______ from the government.










  1. The mother sat by the window____the hole in her coat.

  A. healing B. resuming C. mingling D. patching

  2. The owner of the auto plant refused to raise the workers’ wages, saying that it would ____the profit.

  A. cut off B. cut short C. cut into D. cut up

  3. Her ____ to executive manager is an acknowledgement of her hard work and unusual talent.

  A. profession B. occupation C. resignation D. promotion

  4. We had to learn to work with others and many of our own ideas had to be____for the good of the whole.

  A. thrown away B. compensated C. brushed aside D. neglected

  5. The old couple were not rich themselves, but they hated to turn away anyone who were____ food and shelter.

  A. at the mercy of B. on the point of C. with the exception of D. in need of

  6. The clumsy movement of the giant panda amused all the____.

  A. visitors B. witnesses C. watchers D. spectators

  7. He wanted very much to run for a second term, but owing to poor health, he was ____to give it up.

  A. driven B. permitted C. rebuked D. compelled

  8. You can ____different kinds of people, dictionaries or encyclopedia to find out what you wish to know.

  A. contact B. contain C. consult D. convert

  9. Part of the lake has been polluted. You can see the water is covered with ____oil.

  A. a coat of B. a story of C. a film of D. a pad of

  0. Applications have poured in____assignments to remote regions of the country.

  A. requiring B. begging C. requesting D. awaiting

  1. In his____to further his knowledge of the universe, man has now begun to explore space.

  A. endeavor B. expedition C. trail D. chase

  2. After a careful examination, the doctor____a new medical and a two-day rest for the patient.

  A. described B. inscribed C. prescribed D. transcribed

  3. The little girl wore a very thin coat. A sudden gust of cold wind made her ____.

  A. shake B. sweat C. shiver D. swing

  4. The groom’s hand____the soft mane of the horse.

  A. struck B. provoked C. fondled D. remarked

  5. If the right kind of extracurricular activities is organized, those children who have a(an)____of energy will have a chance to develop their talents much more quickly.

  A. consumption B. exploration C. exhaustion D. excess


  1. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 妈妈坐在窗边补衣服上的洞。

  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “heal”含义为“治疗”,“resume”含义为“恢复”;“mingle”含义为“使混合”;“patch”含义为“补……”。根据句意,D最合适。

  2. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 车厂老板拒绝涨工人工资,说那会减少公司利润。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “cut off”含义为“切断”;“cut short”含义为“中断”;“cut into”含义为“侵犯(利益)”;“cut up”含义为“切碎”。根据句意,C最合适。

  3. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 她被升为执行经理是对她工作努力且有非凡才能的确认。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “profession”含义为“职业”;“occupation”含义为“职业,工作”;“resignation”含义为“辞职”;“promotion”含义为“提升”。根据句意,D最适合。

  4. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 我们不得不学会与他们一起工作且很多个人想法要为了全局利益而抛弃。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “throw away”含义为“扔掉”;“compensate”含义为“补偿”;“brushaside”含义为“不顾”;“neglect”含义为“忽视”。根据句意,C最合适。

  5. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 那对老夫妻自己并不富有,但他们不却不愿拒绝帮助那些需要食宿的人。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “at the mercy of”含义为“在……支配中”;“on the point of”含义为“正要……时……”;“with the exception of”含义为“除……之外”;“in need of”含义为“需要……”。根据句意,D最适合。

  6. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 大熊猫笨拙的举动逗笑了所有的.观看者。

  【试题分析】 本题是近义词辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “visitor”含义为“参观者”;“witness”含义为“见证人”;“watcher”含义为“看守人”;“spectator”含义为“观众”。根据句意,D最合适。

  7. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 他很想参加第二轮竞争,但因为身体不好,他不得不放弃。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “driven”含义为“出于不得已的”;“permit”含义为“同意,允许”;“rebuke”含义为“排斥”;“compel”含义为“迫使屈服”。根据句意,A最合适。

  8. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 你可以通过查询不同的人,字典或百科全书来找到你想要知道的。

  【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “contact”含义为“接触、联络”;“contain”含义为“包含”;“consult”含义为“查询,咨询”;“convert”含义为“转变,转换”。根据句意,C最合适。

  9. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 湖被部分污染了。你可以看见水面上覆盖着一层油。

  【试题分析】 本题是一道词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “a coat of”含义为“一层…涂层”;“a story of”含义为“一层……楼”;“a film of”含义为“一薄层……”;“a pad of”含义为“一层……垫层”。根据句意,C最合适。

  10. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 要求赴边的申请不断涌来。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “require”含义为“需要,要求,命令”;“beg”含义为“乞求”;“request”含义为“请求,要求”;“await”含义为“等候”。根据句意,C最合适。

  11. 答案 A

  【参考译文】 试图发展对宇宙的了解,人类已经开始探索太空。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “endeavor”含义为“试图”;“expedition”含义为“远征”;“trail”含义为“追踪”;“chase”含义为“追逐”。根据句意,A最合适。

  12. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 在仔细检查后,医生给病人开了一种新药和两天休假。

  【试题分析】 本题是形近词辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “describe”含义为“描述”;“inscribe”含义为“题写”;“prescribe”含义为“开处方”;“transcribe”含义为“抄写,译”。根据句意,C最合适。

  13. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 那个女孩衣服穿得太薄,一阵冷风使她全身发抖。

  【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “shake”含义为“摇动,抖动”;“sweat”含义为“出汗”;“shiver”含义为“颤抖,哆嗦”;“swing”含义为“摆动”。根据句意,C最合适。

  14. 答案 C

  【参考译文】 马夫的手抚摸马的软鬃毛。

  【试题分析】 本题为词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “stick”含义为“刺”;“provoke”含义为“挑逗”;“fondle”含义为“爱抚,抚弄”;“remark”含义为“觉察”。根据句意,C最合适。

  15. 答案 D

  【参考译文】 如果能组织更好的课外活动,那些有余力的孩子就有机会更快地发展自己的能力。

  【试题分析】 本题是词义辨析题。

  【详细解答】 “consumption”含义为“消费”;“exploration”含义为“探险”;“exhaustion”含义为“竭尽”;“excess”含义为“额外的”。根据句意,D最合适。




  hear from 听到某人消息

  get along 与……相处

  be mad with 对某人生气

  get in touch with 和……联系

  intimate relationship 关系亲密

  be kind/friendly to 对……亲切

  easygoing 易相处的

  generous 慷慨的












  sworn brother结拜兄弟;


  bosom friend知心朋友


  a cold 感冒

  dizzy 头晕

  cough 咳嗽

  a fever 发烧

  exhausted 筋疲力尽的

  have the ankle twisted 扭到脚踝

  appetite 胃口

  high blood pressure 高血压

  blood vessel 血管

  over weight 超重

  obesity 过度肥胖

  anemia, anaemia 贫血

  angina pectoris 心绞痛

  appendicitis 阑尾炎

  arthritis 关节炎

  bronchitis 支气管炎


  catarrh 卡他,粘膜炎

  chicken pox, varicella 水痘

  cholera 霍乱

  diabetes 糖尿病

  diphtheria 白喉

  eczema 湿疹

  epilepsy 癫痫

  German measles, rubella 风疹

  indigestion 消化不良

  influenza, flu 流感


  1. He came to know that the knowledge from books can be useful only ______ it is linked with practice.

  A. as

  B. when

  C. while

  D. for

  2. ____ , it is quite easy to drill a hole in it with laser.

  A. Hard although a diamond is

  B. As a diamond is hard

  C. Hard as a diamond is

  D. How hard is a diamond

  3. Silk, printing, paper, the compass and powder originated in China, and ____ introduction in the west had far reaching effects.

  A. these

  B. their

  C. those

  D. its

  4. The problem is believed ____ at the meeting two days ago. A. to have discussed

  B. to have been discussed C. being discussed

  D. having been discussed

  5. Ultrasonic sounds produce pulsed signals ____ various defects in metal can be detected.

  A. for which

  B. of which

  C. as a result of which D. by means of which

  6. In computer programming, this model is ____ to any of the others we have ever had.

  A. more superior

  B. the more superior

  C. the most superior

  D. superior

  7. The introduction of the coal pulverizing system in Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant vastly reduces the time it took ____

  A. to mill the coal B. milling the coal

  C. for milling the coal

  D. while milling the coal

  8. Some members suggested ____ a party for the visitor, but the Chairman didn’t approve. A. to arrange

  B. arrange

  C. arranging

  D. to be arranging

  9. If the maid comes today, please have her ____ my shirts.

  A. washed B. washing

  C. to wash

  D. wash

  10. ____ racial problems have not been solved and full

  equality has not been attained yet, progress in these directions has been quite remarkable.

  A. Since B. Although

  C. Now that

  D. Before

  11. ____ they are alarmed at the interference with the

  natural balance of the environment, and its possible consequences.

  A. All in all

  B. After all

  C. Above all

  D. In all

  12. Rumor ____ it that the man has been nominated many times for the Nobel Prize.

  A. has B. spreads

  C. carries

  D. learns

  13. Just because I’m ____ to him, my boss thinks he can order me around without giving me any respect.

  A. redundant

  B. versatile

  C. trivial

  D. subordinate

  14. In our society, a wedding invitation is also an ____ invitation for a gift.


  B. intelligible

  C. implicit

  D. inclusive

  15. The strong scent of Kate’s perfume ____ the air in the small room.

  A. radiated

  B. permeated

  C. extracted

  D. dispersed

  16. An atom bomb would ____ a city.

  A. destroy

  B. damage

  C. spoil

  D. wreck

  17. The climate here is pleasant. It is ____ all the year round.

  A. damp

  B. humid

  C. moist

  D. wet

  18. The room is partly ____ with a few old chairs.

  A. provided

  B. decorated

  C. beautified

  D. furnished

  19. If Karl were more ____ about her voice, she would never sing outside of the shower.

  A. punctual

  B. practical

  C. sensitive

  D. objective

  20. Renewing my driver’s licence today is ____ . Otherwise, the licence will expire at midnight.

  A. imaginative

  B. feasible

  C. imperative

  D. empirical

  21. For those with poor eyesight, large print ____ reading.

  A. facilitates

  B. rectifies

  C. reinforces

  D. magnifies

  22. Nancy complained about the ____ air conditioner she bought from the department store.

  A. inefficient

  B. deficient

  C. ineffective

  D. defective

  23. ____ the large amount of time devoted to listening every day, most college students do not listen effectively.

  A. However

  B. If

  C. Despite

  D. Even










