我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2024-05-29 09:06:42 句子 我要投稿
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  1、Hard work is the guarantee of success. 只要不放弃,一切皆有可能。

  2、As long as you don't give up, anything is possible. 永不言败,坚持到底。

  3、Never say die, persevere to the end. 没有付出就没有收获。 No pain, no gain. 成功来自每一次不懈的努力。

  4、Success comes from every relentless effort. 只要努力,梦想总会实现。

  5、Dreams will come true as long as you work hard. 谁的付出多,谁的收获大。

  6、The more you give, the more you gain. 坚持不懈,方可成功。

  7、Perseverance is the key to success. 成功需要持之以恒的努力。

  8、Success requires persistent effort. 不断奋斗,不怕失败。

  9、Keep fighting, not afraid of failure. 持续付出一切,必将获得成功。

  10、Continue to give everything, and you will achieve success. 勇往直前,必能成功。

  11、With courage and determination, you will succeed. 只要不停步,必能达到目标。

  12、As long as you don't stop, you will reach your goal. 我们相信,通过不懈的努力,一定能成功。

  13、We believe that through relentless effort, we will succeed. 不畏艰难,永远向前。

  14、Fear no difficulty, always move forward. 没有放弃的理由,只有坚持到底的决心。

  15、There is no reason to give up, only the determination to persevere. 所有的努力都会有回报的。 All efforts will be rewarded. 每一个尝试都是向成功迈出的一步。 Every attempt is a step towards success. 没有不努力的成功,没有不拼搏的人生。

  16、There is no success without effort, and no life without struggle. 不断努力,成功终将属于你。

  17、Continual effort, success will eventually belong to you. 努力不懈,成功必将到来。

  18、Unremitting efforts will lead to success. .只要有梦想,就要努力实现。

  19、As long as you have dreams, you should strive to achieve them. 每一次坚持都是向成功迈进的一步。

  20、Every perseverance is a step towards success. 持之以恒,必将有所成。

  21、Perseverance will definitely lead to success. 付出的汗水都会成为成功的砝码。

  22、The sweat you invest will become the stepping stone to success. 坚持不懈,定能成功。

  23、Persistence will lead to success. 不怕辛苦,只求成功。

  24、Not afraid of hardship, only seeking success. 付出总会有回报,成功终将会到来。

  25、There will always be a return for your efforts, success will eventually come. 决心和努力永远是成功的法宝。

  26、Determination and effort will always be the key to success. 继续前行,成功近在咫尺。

  27、Keep moving forward, success is within reach. 坚持不懈的努力是成功的关键。

  28、Persistent effort is the key to success. 不停地努力,成功迟早会降临。

  29、Keep striving, success will come sooner or later. 不怕失败,只求不懈。

  30、Not afraid of failure, only seeking perseverance. 只要有信心,成功一定会如约而至。

  31、As long as you have confidence, success will definitely come as promised. 没有拼搏,哪来的成功?

  32、Without struggle, where does success come from? 勇往直前,必定能到达成功的彼岸。

  33、With courage and determination, you will definitely reach the shore of success. 面对困难,越要坚持到底。

  34、In the face of difficulties, we must persevere to the end. 没有努力,哪来的成功?

  35、Without effort, where does success come from? 信念和努力是成功的双翼。

  36、Faith and effort are the two wings of success. 只要不放弃,成功就在眼前。

  37、As long as you don't give up, success is within reach. 不断努力,必能找到成功的钥匙。

  38、Continual effort will lead to finding the key to success. 勇往直前,成功属于你。

  39、With courage and determination, success belongs to you. 坚持不懈,必定能见到成功的曙光。

  40、Persist and you will definitely see the dawn of success. 只要不停歇,成功就在不远处。

  41、As long as you don't stop, success is not far away. 拼搏不息,未来必有所成。

  42、Struggle without cease, and you will achieve something in the future. 勇敢面对挑战,成功自会降临。

  43、Face challenges bravely, and success will come naturally. 不断努力,终将璀璨登场。

  44、Continual effort will eventually shine. 没有放弃的理由,只有成功的借口。

  45、There is no reason to give up, only excuses for success.









