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27、在被别人彻底厌烦之前走开,是我能做到的最酷的事了 。Walking away before being completely bored by others is the coolest thing I can do.
28、年纪越大,想要的越简单,只愿家人健康平安就好 。
The older you are, the simpler you want, the better you just want your family to be healthy and safe.
29、过好当下的生活,努力让自己活得洒脱,这才是对自己负责 。
Live a good life now and try to make yourself live freely. This is responsible for yourself.
30、人活一世,就是一场修行,参禅悟道,只是一个善念,天必佑之 。
A man who lives for a whole life is a practice, meditation and Taoism, but a good idea, and heaven will bless it.
31、一个有真正大才能的人却在工作过程中感到最高度的快乐 。
A man with real talent feels the highest level of happiness in the process of work.
32、断断续续、叙说曾经,曾经最美的回忆,回忆那时的你 。
Intermittently, narrate once, once the most beautiful memories, memories of you at that time.
33、不要让过去的记忆,来折磨现在的自己 。
Don't let the past remember to torture yourself.
34、你的笑,唯美了那一束紫蓝色的薰衣草 。
Your smile, only beautiful that bunch of purple blue lavender.
35、只有靠自己拥有的经济来源,才能永远属于自己,谁也抢不走 。
Only by the economic source that they own can they belong to themselves forever and no one can rob them.
36、这一切当然无法早知道,历史总有偶然的岔口 。
Of course, all of this can not be known early. There are always occasional twists in history.
37、希望是生命的源泉,失去它生命就会枯萎 。
Hope is the source of life, and life will wither if it is lost.
Truth is not a word, but a man who says it!
39、健身,是为了让讨厌的人心平气和的跟你说话 。
Fitness, is to let the annoying people calm and talk to you.
40、没心没肺活着不累,愿你一生可爱一生被爱 。
I am not tired to live without heart. I wish you a lovely life to be loved.
41、人的一生总会面临很多难以抉择的单选题,得与失是并存的 。
People's life will always face many difficult to choose single-choice questions, the gain and loss are coexisting.
42、生活的风风雨雨是一把无形的刻刀,在给每个人雕像 。
Life is an invisible knife, in the statue of everyone.
43、其实你我这美梦,气数早已尽,重来也是无用 。
In fact, you and I this dream, the number of Qi has already been exhausted, again is useless.
44、汗水能浇出成功的鲜花,拼搏能赢来胜利的喜悦 。
Sweat can pour out the flowers of success, and the joy of victory can be won by hard work.
45、懒,一个字足以毁了你,无论你拥有多大的梦想,多好的天赋 。
Laziness, a word is enough to destroy you, no matter how big your dream is, how good your talent is.
46、你出现在我的人生,是上天对我的怜悯 。
You appear in my life, is heaven to me pity.
47、你不再需要我了,这是我给自己的理由 。
You don't need me anymore, that's why I give myself.
How a love, can not help floating to the distance?
49、别总拿自己饱经风霜的脸说事,美得不突出,丑得不别致的 。
Don't always talk about things with your face that has been beaten with wind and rain. It is not so beautiful and ugly.
50、一个人一座城,一种无助感,在夜深人静的时候,沉沉的压过来 。
A person a city, a sense of helplessness, in the night when the quiet, heavy pressure.
51、有时候理智叫我们做一些清醒正确的事,可感情偏偏逆道而行 。
Sometimes reason asks us to do something sober and correct, but we can go against the way.
52、人生最烦恼的.是争名利 。人生最大的罪过是自欺欺人 。
The most worrying thing in life is to fight for fame and fortune. The biggest sin in life is self deception.
Invite a bright moon, pull a clean wind, cook a pot of years, smile to see cold and warm life!
54、路途或许很辛苦,但请再加把劲一定会走过去的 。
The road may be hard, but please try to make it harder and you will go.
55、如果不能做你所爱的,就必须爱你所做的 。
If you can't do what you love, you have to love what you do.
56、希望时间能够给你一点启发,希望新的一年,我们可以重头来过 。
Hope time can give you a little inspiration, hope that the new year, we can come over again.
57、我要挥霍青春的岁月,然后去做铁石心肠的船长 。
I will spend my youth and then I will be a captain of iron heart.
58、庸者在泪水中懊悔昨天,而智者在汗水中把握今天 。
The mediocre regrets yesterday in tears, while the wise man holds today in sweat.
59、为了活着本身而活着,才能觉知生命的意义 。
Only when you live for the sake of living can you realize the meaning of life.
60、你强大,就选自己爱的人,你不够强大,那就选爱自己的人 。
If you are strong, you choose the person you love. If you are not strong enough, you will choose the one who loves yourself.
1、时间真如流水,我们的青春总是在不经意间逝去 。
Time is like water, our youth always passes by inadvertently.
2、一切的郁闷和寂寞,基本上源于缺钱和缺爱 。
All depression and loneliness, basically from the lack of money and lack of love.
3、请别辜负我对你的深爱,也请努力奋斗给我一个未来 。
Please don't live up to my deep love for you, and please strive to give me a future.
4、起早摸黑,忙忙碌碌 。就这样一天一天的,过着重复的生活 。
Get up early and get dark and busy. It's just like this day, and live a repetitive life.
5、首先要活出自己的最高能量,才能孝出爸爸哈哈哈性 。
First, we must live out of their highest energy, in order to filial piety out of the parents' sex.
6、不能摆脱是人生的苦恼根源之一,恋爱尤其是如此 。
It is one of the root causes of life's distress that cannot be rid of, especially in love.
7、再好的'过去,回忆的次数多了,味道也就淡了 。
What a good past, the number of times of memories, the taste is also light.
8、不要艳羡他人,谁都有苦痛;不要输掉自己,振作比一切都强 。
Don't envy others, everyone has pain; don't lose yourself, and cheer up better than everything.
9、你越善解人意,就越没人在意你的委屈和计较 。
The more understanding you are, the less concerned you are about your grievances and concerns.
10、想不开,都是事,想的开,都那么回事 。
I can't think about it. It's all about it. I think it's all about it.
11、你只有竭尽全力之后,才有资格说你运气不好 。
You have to do your best to say you are not lucky.
12、世界上最脆弱的是男人的誓言,最坚强的却是女人的痴心 。
The most vulnerable in the world is the vow of men, the strongest is the infatuation of women.
13、人生之事十有八九不如意,但我希望我们之间只有如意 。
Life is not going to be the best thing, but I hope we have only one.
14、穿了蹩脚的鞋,不管它再美,伤的还是自己 。
Wearing a bad shoe, no matter how beautiful it is, hurt or yourself.
15、我也很喜欢很喜欢我男神,可是我们没有在一起 。
I like my male God very much, but we are not together.
16、努力的时候,不计形象,样子真的很丑,不过却更加迷人 。
When trying, regardless of the image, the appearance is really ugly, but it is more charming.
17、这个世界上没有不带伤的人,真正能治愈自己的,只有自己 。
There are no people without injuries in the world. What can really heal themselves is themselves.
18、重要的人越来越少,剩下的人越来越重要 。
The less and less important people, the rest are more and more important.
19、当你站在巨人肩上时,请你务必记住:是一个巨人撑起了你 。
When you stand on the shoulders of a giant, remember: it is a giant who supports you.
20、愚蠢的行动,能使人陷于贫困;投合时机的行动,却能令人致富 。
Foolish action can lead to poverty; action that coincides with time can make people rich.
21、志骄者必败,气盈者必覆 。百里不同风,十里不同俗 。
The proud will lose, and the gas will be covered. Hundred Li is different from wind, ten li is different from customs.
22、愿你成为自己喜欢的模样,不抱怨,不将就,有自由,有光芒 。
May you be your favorite appearance, not complaining, not will, free, have light.
23、生命力的意义在于拼搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场 。
The meaning of vitality is to fight, because the world itself is a arena.
24、人不要等明天,因为没有人知道自己有没有明天 。
People don't wait for tomorrow, because no one knows if they have tomorrow.
25、人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义 。
Only by devoting to society can we find out the meaning of that short and risky life.
26、你信不信有一种感情,一辈子都不会输给时间 。
You believe it or not, there is a feeling, and you will never lose time in your life.