我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2023-05-18 16:02:37 其他合同范本 我要投稿




英文合同 篇1


  编号: no:

  日期: date :

  签约地点: signed at:


  地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

  电话:tel: 传真:fax:


  地址:address: 邮政编码:postal code:

  电话:tel: 传真:fax:


  the sellers agrees to sell a nd the buyer agrees to buy the undermentioned goods on the terms a nd conditions stated below.

  1 货号 article no.

  2 品名及规格 description&specification

  3 数量 quantity

  4 单价 unit price

  5 总值:


  total amount

  with _____% more o r less both in amount a nd quantity allowed at the sellers option.

  6 生产国和制造厂家 country of origin a nd manufacturer

  7 包装: packing:

  8 唛头: shipping marks:

  9 装运期限:time of shipment:

  10 装运口岸:port of loading:

  11 目的口岸:port of destination:

  12 保险:由卖方按发票全额110%投保至_____为止的_____险。

  insurance:to be effected by buyers for 110% of full invoice value covering _____ up to _____ only.

  13 付款条件:

  买方须于_____年_____月_____日将保兑的,不可撤销的,可转让可分割的即期信用证开到卖方。 信用证议付有效期延至上列装运期后15天在中国到期,该信用证中必须注明允许分运及转运。


  by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable a nd divisible l/c to be available by sight draft to reach the sellers before ___/___/_____ a nd to remain valid for ingotiation in china until 15 days after the aforesaid time of shipment. tje l/c must specify that transhipment a nd partial shipments are allowed.

  14 单据:documents:

  15 装运条件:terms of shipment:

  16 品质与数量、重量的异义与索赔:quality/quantity discrepancy a nd claim:

  17 人力不可抗拒因素:


  force majeure:

  either party shall not be held responsible for failure o r delay to perform all o r any part of this agreement due to flood, fire, earthquake, draught, war o r any other events which could not be predicted, controlled, avoided o r overcome by the relative party. however, the party affected by the event of force majeure shall inform the other party of its occurrence in writing as soon as possible a nd thereafter send a certificate of the event issued by the relevant authorities to the other party within 15 days after its occurrence.

  18 仲裁:



  all disputes arising from the execution of this agreement shall be settled through friendly consultations. in case no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted to the foreign trad arbitration commission of the china council for the promotion of international trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. the decesion made by this commission shall be regarded as final a nd binding upon both parties. arbitration fees shall be borne by the losing party, unless otherwise awarded.

  19 备注:remark:

  卖方: sellers: 买方:buyers:

  签字:signature: 签字: signature:


  本合约由买卖双方于公元 年 月 日共同签订。

  this contract is made entered ——, ——XX. by a nd between:

  the seller卖方

  company 公司名称 :

  address 公司地址 :

  tel no. 电话号码 :

  fax no. 传真号码 :

  e-mail 电子邮件 :

  the buyer 买方

  company 公司名称 :

  address 公司地址 :

  tel no. 电话号码 :

  fax no. 传真号码 :

  e-mail 电子邮件 :

  the seller herewith sell a nd the buyer herewith purchase iron ore lump accordance with the specifications a nd quality described in this contract (hereinafter called good)


  whereas each of the persons executing this agreement on behalf of the seller a nd on behalf of buyer respectively, do each represent that he/she has the full authority from the respective company to execute this agreement. a nd that the seller company a nd buyer company hereto each agree to be bound by the terms a nd conditions stated herein.


  the seller shall sell a nd deliver, a nd the buyer shall buy a nd accept delivery of:


  1. name of commodity:iron ore lump as per detailed specification below.


  2. country of origin:indonesia.


  3. unit price:usd. ___。00 per dmt, cnf___port, china


  quantity:total contract quantity : ___dmt +/- 10% / year .


  quantity / shipment : ___dmt +/- 10 %, (partial shipment allowed by ___dmt x _vessel)

  出货量:___万吨干吨/月+/- 10 %, (允许分批装船___吨 x _vessel )

  5. contract total value合约总值:

  subject price variations a nd quantity as stated herein, the value of the contract us. dollar ___。- only.


  for first contract for usd ____/dmt

  第一次合同总额:美元 ____/干吨

  discharging port卸货港口:

  __port, china


  7. delivery date起运日期:

  shipment will commence within 45 days after receiving the l/c.


  8. loading port装载港:

  _____port indonesia


  9. advice of shipment装运通知:

  seller to notify buyer within 3 days after completion of loading giving details number, name of commodity, gross weight, loading date, name of vessel, approximate invoice value, a nd etx at discharge port.


  10. payment terms & procedures付款条件及程序:

  after contract sign, the selling party is open by first-rate bank in 3 workdays a can‘t cancel of fulfill contract and performance bond, with 2% of the total payment amount. the buyer receives to fulfill contract to protect the letter, being opened a list by the bank of china in 7 workdays the irrevocable, transferable confirmed “at sight” documentary letter of credit, the amount of money is 100% of the total payment, from open a day valid for 60 days, a nd should in the selling party bank in time 95% documents against payment in counter. 5% payment of the surplus, at the arrival of the goods purpose harbor, business the both parties examine the report at the port of discharge ciq result to settle accounts. pb open once receive l/c, l/c shall automatic active once pb open. has the ciq to report in 10 work days, business the both parties settle accounts the tail style with the method of t/t.

  合同签订之后,卖方在3个工作日内由第一流银行开出不可撤销的履约保函,金额为总货款金额的2%;买方收到履约保函,在7个工作日内由中国的银行开出不可撤销、可转让,确认信用证,金额为总货款的100%,从开证之日起60天内有效,信用证应在卖方银行柜台95%付款交单。剩余的5%货款,在货物到达目的港,买卖双方以卸货港ciq 检验报告结果来结算。pb开立一次信用证,pb将自动积极一次启动信用证。出具ciq报告10个工作天内,买卖双方以t/t方式结算尾款。

  11.documents required for payment付款所需单证:

  (1) signed commercial invoice indicating the contract number, name of the carrying vessel a nd b/l number ,the l/c number ,3 originals a nd 3 copies.


  (2) full set (3/3) of original clean on-board bills of lading made out to order; blank endorsed a nd marked “freight prepaid”, indicating the name of the carrying vessel with the buyer as the “notifying party”。

  全套(3/3)正本已装船清洁提单; 空白背书,标有“运费预付”写明装运船的名称,买方作为“通知方”

  (3) certificate of quantity certificate issued by sgs (pt.sucofindo) at the port of loading. : 1 original a nd 3 copies.


  (4) certificate of origin issued by the chamber of commerce in the country of the loading:

  1 original a nd 1 copy……


  the bank charge(s) for the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the buyer. the bank charge(s) after the issuance of the letter of credit shall be borne by the seller. the bank charge(s) for amendment of the letter of credit, if any, shall be borne by the responsible party.


  upon completion of the loading, the seller shall advise the buyer the contract number, name of the commodity, weight, a nd invoice value, name of the carrying vessel, b/l number a nd date by fax within three working days from b/l date.


  12. banking information银行资料:

  the sellers & buyers banking details卖方与买方之银行资料明细

  buyer‘s bank information买方银行信息

  issuing bank开证银行

  bank name 银行名称:

  address 银行地址:

  tel no. 银行电话:

  fax no. 银行传真:

  acct. holder 开户名称:

  account no. 账号:

  swift 密押:

  seller‘s bank information卖方银行信息

  bank name 银行名称 :

  address 银行地址 :

  tel no. 银行电话 :

  fax no. 银行传真 :

  acct. holder 开户名称 :

  account no. 账号 :

  swift 密押 :

  13.chemical composition a nd physical properties of commodity sold:


  chemical composition 化学成分 %

  total fe 铁 65 basis(标准值)

  sio2 二氧化硅 3.0 basis(标准值)

  al2o3 三氧化二铝 3.0 basis(标准值)

  mgo 镁 0.5 basis(标准值)

  na 钠 0.5 basis(标准值)

  tio2 二氧化钛 0.6 basis(标准值)

  phosphorous(p)磷 0.05 basis(标准值)

  sulfur(s)硫 0.05 basis(标准值)

  moisture 湿气含量 8 basis(标准值)

  size 尺寸:100-300 mm 100% basis(标准值)

  16. without any penalty to buyer买方不须负担任何罚款:

  seller then to offer another cargo that complies with contract terms, time being of the essence o r the buyer has the right to cancel the contract, a nd in that event under clauses in sections 15 the seller shall pay all the penalty to buyer include the fees of the discharge port.



  the invoice weight shall be determined by draft survey at load port, certified by sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq at sellers expense, after adjustment to obtain quantity (see below) weight as obtained at load port, in the above manner shall be final a nd accepted by seller a nd buyer.

  发票上的实际重量应以船舶在装货港的吃水鉴定作为货品实际重量,鉴定报告是由sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq以实际货量调整额为基准所开出,费用由卖方负担,此一数量额为买卖双方共同所接受。

  buyer shall be entitled, at its own expense, to have his representative present at the draft survey, a nd any difference of opinion is to be settled by the master of the charter vessel, whose decision shall be final.


  buyer shall be entitled to have draft survey conducted by sgs o r another independent international inspection agency at the discharge port, at its own expense.

  买方亦有权以自费方式,由sgs (pt.sucofindo)或其它国家检验公证机构于卸货港实施船身吃水鉴定。

  18.chemical analysis化学成分分析:

  the chemical composition of the cargo shall be determined by an independent international agency at load port, seller cost.


  19. moisture content水分含量:

  the moisture content shall be determined by obtaining the moisture loss at 105 degrees centigrade. if the moisture loss exceeds 8 % seller shall adjust the final weight obtained from draft survey by the excess moisture content so found, a nd invoice only the resulting net weight.


  20. sampling a nd analysis抽样及分析:

  all sampling a nd analysis relevant to the contract terms shall be conducted at load port.


  supposing the cargo gets any discrepancy between the inspection at discharge port a nd the sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq(according to the agreement) the ending result by ciq for this contract.

  若买方在卸货港检验时与卖方的sgs (pt.sucofindo)/ciq证明(符合合约规范)有所差异时,以ciq检验为最终检验标准结果。

  21.title to cargo货物所有权:

  the title with respect to the shipment shall pass from the seller to the buyer when the seller receives reimbursement of the proceeds from the opening bank through the negotiating bank against the relative shipping documents as forth herein. the seller shall have full right a nd title to dispose of the cargo in any manner that he should think fit, if the payment is delayed o r any unreasonable objection is raised by the opening o r negotiating bank.


  22. inspection检测:

  draft survey weight at loading port certified by sgs (pt.sucofindo) at the loading port shall be final subject to 0.5% franchise against b/l weight.

  in case, there is a difference in weight compared to b/l weight exceeding 0.5%, buyer o r seller will compensate the amount in excess o r shortage (including 0.5%) seller may appoint a surveyor at discharging port at the seller‘s expense. inspection certificates issued by ciq at the discharging port shall be deemed as final. all compensation amounts in excess o r shortage between the buyer a nd the seller will be paid within 7 (seven) banking days.


  卖方可以自费指定卸货港检测员。在卸货港由 ciq颁发的检测证书应为最终结果。


英文合同 篇2

  出租方(甲方)Lessor (hereinafter referred to as Party A) :

  承租方(乙方)Lessee (hereinafter referred to as Party B) :


  In accordance with relevant Chinese laws 、decrees and pertinent rules and regulations ,Party A and Party B have reached an agreement through friendly consultation to conclude the following contract.

  一、 物业地址 Location of the premises


  Party A will lease to Party B the premises and attached facilities all owned by Party A itself, which is located at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in good condition for_____________ .

  二、 房屋面积 Size of the premises


  The registered size of the leased premises is_________square meters (Gross size).

  三、 租赁期限 Lease term


  The lease term will be from _____(month) _____(day) _______(year) to ________(month) _____(day) _______(year). Party A will clear the premises and provide it to Party B for use before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year).

  四、 租金 Rental

  1. 数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整, 乙方以___________形式支付给甲方 。

  Amount: the rental will be ____________per month. Party B will pay the rental

  to Party A in the form of ____________in ________________.

  2. 租金按_____月为壹期支付;第一期租金于_______年_____月_____日以前付清;以后每期租金于每月的'______日以前缴纳,先付后住(若乙方以汇款形式支付租金,则以汇出日为支付日,汇费由汇出方承担)。甲方收到租金后予书面签收。

  Payment of rental will be one installment everymonth(s). The first installment will be paid before_______(month)______(day)__________(year). Each successive installment will be paid_____________each month.

  Party B will pay the rental before using the premises and attached facilities (In case Party B pays the rental in the form of remittance, the date of remitting will be the day of payment and the remittance fee will be borne by the remitter.) Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the payment.

  3. 如乙方逾期支付租金超过十天,则每天以月租金的0.5%支付滞纳金;如乙方逾期支付租金超过十五天,则视为乙方自动退租,构成违约,甲方有权收回房屋,并追究乙方违约责任。

  In case the rental is more than ten working days overdue, Party B will pay 0.5 percent of monthly rental as overdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days overdue, Party B will be deemed to have with drawn from the premises and breach the contract. In this situation, Party A has the right to take back the premises and take actions against party B's breach.

  五、 保证金 Deposit

  1. 为确保房屋及其附属设施之安全与完好,及租赁期内相关费用之如期结算,乙方同意于______年_____月_____日前支付给甲方保证金人民币 _________元整,甲方在收到保证金后予以书面签收。

  Guarantying the safety and good conditions of the premises and attached facilities and account of relevant fees are settled on schedule during the lease term, party B will pay _________to party A as a deposit before _____(month) _____(day) _______(year). Party A will issue a written receipt after receiving the deposit.

  2. 除合同另有约定外,甲方应于租赁关系消除且乙方迁空、点清并付清所有应付费用后的当天将保证金全额无息退还乙方。

  Unless otherwise provided for by this contract, Party A will return full amount of the deposit without interest on the day when this contract expires and party B clears the premises and has paid all due rental and other expenses.

  3. 因乙方违反本合同的规定而产生的违约金、损坏赔偿金和其它相关费用,甲方可在保证金中抵扣,不足部分乙方必须在接到甲方付款通知后十日内补足。

  In case party B breaches this contract, party A has right to deduct the default fine, compensation for damage or any other expenses from the deposit . In case the deposit is not sufficient to cover such items, Party B should pay the insufficiency within ten days after receiving the written notice of payment from Party A.

  六、 甲方义务 Obligations of Party A

  1. 甲方须按时将房屋及附属设施(详见附件)交付乙方使用。

  Party A will provide the premises and attached facilities (see the appendix of furniture list for detail) on schedule to Party B for using.

英文合同 篇3
































英文合同 篇4

  Party A (Inviter):甲方(邀请方):

  Person in Charge:负责人:

  Phone: 电 话:

  Party B (Performer):Festival Chamber Orchestra 乙方(演出方): 节日室内乐团

  Person in Charge:负责人:

  Phone: 电 话:

  As Party A requested, Party B will provide orchestra performance service for Party A. The contract of the performance service is as following after friendly negotiation between the two parties:



  A, Number of people in the performance: 演出人数:

  B, Venue of the performance: 演出地点:

  C, Time of the performance: year/month/date/time____ (All the performers will arrive at the venue 15 minutes prior to the start of the performance. Each performance will be within 90 minutes. There include 10 minutes break between the two halves. Extra time's performance required by Part A cost extra pro rata.)

  演出时间:____年___ 月___日 (演出人员提前15分钟到现场,每场演出时间为90分钟之内,包括中间休息10分钟。如果甲方要求额外增加演出时间,将需按比例额外支付演出费于乙方。)

  D, Main performance programs 主要演出节目包括

  圣诞节及新年欢庆爵士 Christmas & New Year's Holiday Jazz

  约翰斯特劳斯圆舞曲 Strauss Walts

  春之声 Voices of Spring

  南国玫瑰 Roses from the South

  维也纳森林的故事 Tales from the Vienna Woods

  蓝色多瑙河 On the Beautiful Blue Danube

  多瑙河之波 Danube Waves

  意大利名歌 Italian Songs


  A, Party A will pay Party B____(US DOLOLLAR) as the service fee (including tax).

  甲方向乙方支付演出服务费____ 美元 (含税);

  B, Way/s of Payment: 付款方式:

  a. Party A will pay Party B 30% of the total fee of the performance service one week before the performance. The remaining 70% of the performance fee will be paid to Party B on the same day of the performance by Party A.


  b. Party A must guarantee to pay Party B the whole amount of service fee on the same day when the performance is finished. The way of payment can be cash.


  C, If Party A needs to have a receipt from Party B, Party A must pay extra fee which is equal to the tax later on paid by Party B.



  A, Party A should provide proper venue and some room/s for performers to have a rest. During the performing time, it is Party A's responsibility to make sure of good order inside the venue so as to let the performance go smoothly without any interference or disruption. During the recess, person/s in charge of Party A should provide a cup of soft drink for each performer from Party B.


  B, Party B will guarantee that all the performers have the skills/standard/expertise agreed on the contract.


  C, Party B must guarantee that all the performers will arrive at the venue punctually and be ready for the performance service. Any performers from Party B should not either arrive late or leave early. If there is an emergency, Party B must inform Party A beforehand and get approval from Party A.


  D, Party B will guarantee the number of ...... performers. The ensemble members will wear costumes for the performance and use make-up so as to look nice and elegance. If any other equipment/s is/are needed for the performance, Party B must meet all the requirements.

  乙方保证乐队演出人数 人,乐队统一服饰,演员必须化装,穿演出服,仪表整洁、大方;如该场演出需要乙方携带附属演出所需其它设备,乙方必须完全按要求做到。


  A, If there is no guarantee to send the performers for Party A agreed in the contract, Party B should inform Party A 15 working days prior to the performance. It is also Party B's responsibility to recommend some other performers who have the same skills/expertise for Party A. Otherwise Party A reserves the right to seek for compensation from Party B.


  B, Both Party A and Party B must reconfirm the contract seven days prior to the performance. After the reconfirmation, any cancellation of the contract either from Party A or Party B will be regarded as the violation of the contract Consequently, whoever cancelled the contract will pay another party 50% of the total service fee as the compensation of the violating the contract.


  C, Any other affairs or the dispute/s caused by the contract will be kindly negotiated between the two parties.



  A, There are two copies of this contract. Party A and Party B will keep one copy each.


  B, This contract starts to be legally bounden to both parties since the day when it is signed. The fax has the same legal bound as the formal contract.


  Party A (Inviter): Party B (Performer):

  甲方(邀请方): 乙方(演出方):节日室内乐团

  Year / Month / Date Year / Month / Date

  年 月 日 年 月 日

英文合同 篇5

  Ⅰ Party A ___________wishes to engage the service of Party B______________ as______________. The two parties, in a spirit of friendly cooperation, agree to sign this contract and pledge to fulfill conscientiously all the obligations stipulated in it.

  ⅡThe period of service will be from the______day of______,20__ to the ______day of______,20__

  Ⅲ The duties of Party B (see attached pages)

  Ⅳ Party B's monthly salary will be ¥_______ yuan RMB,__ % of which can be converted into foreign currency monthly.

  Ⅴ Party A's Obligations

  1. Party A shall introduce to Party B the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government, the Party A' work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts.

  2. Party A shall conduct direction, supervision and evaluation of Party B's work.

  3. Party A shall provide Party B with necessary working and living conditions.

  4. Party A shall provide co-workers.

  5. Party A shall pay Party B's salary regularly by the month.

  Ⅵ Party B's obligations

  1. Party B shall observe the laws, decrees and relevant regulations enacted by the Chinese government and shall not interfere in China's internal affairs.

  2. Party B shall observe Party A's work system and regulations concerning administration of foreign experts and shall accept Party A's arrangement, direction, supervision and evaluation in regard to his/her work. Without Party A's consent, Party B shall not render service elsewhere or hold concurrently any post unrelated to the work agreed on with Party A.

  3. Party B shall complete the tasks agreed on schedule and guarantee the quality of work.

  4. Party B shall respect China's religious policy, and shall not conduct religious activities incompatible with the status of an expert.

  5. Party B shall respect the Chinese people's moral standards and customs.

  Ⅶ Revision, Cancellation and Termination of the Contract

  1. Both parties should abide by the contract and should refrain from revising, canceling, or terminating the contract without mutual consent.

  2. The contract can be revised, canceled, or terminated with mutual consent. Before both parties have reached an agreement, the contract should be strictly observed.

  3. Party A has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to Party B under the following conditions;

  (1) Party B does not fulfill the contract or does not fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, and has failed to amend after Party A has pointed it out.

  (2) According to the doctor's diagnosis, Party B cannot resume normal work after a continued 30 day sick leave.

  4. Party B has the right to cancel the contract with a written notice to party A under the following conditions:

  (1) Party A has not provided Party B with necessary working and living conditions as stipulated in the contract.

  (2) Party A has not paid Party B as scheduled.

  Ⅷ Breach Penalty

  When either of the two parties fails to fulfill the contract or fails to fulfill the contract obligations according to the terms stipulated, that is, breaks the contract, it must pay a breach penalty of US$500 to 2,000 (or the equivalent in RMB).

  If Party B asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, it should produce certifications by the department concerned, obtain Party A's consent, and pay its own return expenses; If Party B cancels the contract without valid reason, it should pay its own return expenses and pay breach penalty to Party A. If Party A asks to cancel the contract due to events beyond control, with the consent of Party B, it should pay Party B's return expenses; if Party A cancels the contract without valid reason, it should pay Party B's return expenses and pay a breach penalty to Party B.

  Ⅸ The appendix of this contract is an inseparable part of the contract and has equal effect

  Ⅹ This contract takes effect on the date signed by both parties and will automatically expire when the contract ends. If either of the two parties asks for a new contract, it should forward its request to another party 90 days prior to the expiration of the contract, and sign the new contract with mutual consent. Party B shall bear all expenses incurred when staying on after the contract expires.

  Ⅺ Arbitration

  The two parties shall consult with each other and mediate any disputes which may arise about the contract. If all attempts fail, the two parties can appeal to the organization of arbitration for foreign experts affairs in the State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and ask for a final arbitration.

  This Contract is signed at_____________ , in duplicate, this_____ day of _______,20__, in the Chinese and _______ languages ,both texts being equally authentic.

  Party A Party B

  (Signature) (Signature)

英文合同 篇6

  Advertising Agreement

  PART A: General Terms and Provisions

  This Advertising Insertion Order ("Agreement") is a contract between Advertiser and OOO.com and hereafter referred to as "OOO", for the placement of Advertiser's advertisement(s) on the Website. All contracts are approved and accepted in the jurisdiction of British Columbia, Canada. By signing "I have read and agree to the terms" of this Agreement, and for good and sufficient consideration, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Advertiser makes the following warranties and representations to OOO and its licensors, licensees, successors and assigns, and agrees to be strictly bound by the following general terms and provisions.

  1. Advertiser's Assurances. Advertiser hereby represents and warrants that Advertiser (a) is 18 years of age or older; (b) has read, understood, and agrees to be bound by all terms of this Agreement, front and back; and (c) owns, controls and is duly authorized to grant the rights and permissions which are granted below.

  2. Advertiser Content. Advertiser hereby warrants and represents that all words, images, sounds and/or other matter provided by Advertiser for use in connection with

  Advertiser's advertisements on the Website ("Advertiser Content") are owned wholly and solely by Advertiser, are lawful, accurate and authentic, depict the name (whether given or assumed), image, likeness, voice, signature, personality or other characteristics of Advertiser only and no other person, and may be freely used without risk of liability for any purpose contemplated under this Agreement, including but not limited to liability for obscenity, defamation, invasion of privacy, infringement of copyright, trademark, or right of publicity, or otherwise.

  3. Advertising Guidelines. Advertiser represents, warrants, acknowledges and agrees as follows: (a) OOO do not engage in, or provide advertising for any illegal activities of any kind, including but not limited to solicitation of prostitution and/or

  prostitution; (b) OOO shall enjoy the right to rescind this Agreement and remove Advertiser's advertising from the Website without refund or further obligation in the event that OOO determines that Advertiser is in breach of any term of this Agreement or the OOO Advertising Guidelines, including but not limited to a determination that Advertiser has used the advertising in connection with any illegal activities of any kind.

  4. Advertising Policies. All contracts and advertising subscriptions are deemed as transacted in the Province of British Columbia, Canada. Advertiser acknowledges and agrees as follows: OOO enjoys the right to decline or remove Advertiser's

  advertisement(s), or any portion thereof, from the Website if, in the sole discretion of OOO, Advertiser's advertisement(s) is in violation of the OOO Advertising Guidelines or is deemed otherwise inappropriate.

  6. Arbitration. If any dispute shall arise between Advertiser and OOO regarding any aspect of this Agreement, such disputes shall be referred to binding private arbitration in the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and any arbitration award shall be fully enforceable as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction.

  Picture Agreement

  For and in consideration of my advertising with OOO, I hereby grant to you, your assigns, licensees and legal representatives, and their assigns and licensees, including, without limitation, those for whom you are acting, and those acting with your authority and permission, the absolute and irrevocable right and permission to copyright and use, all photographs of me or in which I may be included, whether in whole or in part, through my mutual consent. This grant shall also include the right to change or alter, from time to time, all such photographs, for the purpose of advertising both in print and on the Internet.

  I hereby warrant and represent that I am of full age, 18 years or older, and have every right to contract in my own name with respect to the above. I hereby also warrant and represent that the pictures are that of myself and at the time of the picture I was

  fully over the age of 18 years, and have every right to contract in my own name with respect to the above

  I further represent that I have read this release and the terms thereof, prior to its execution and that I am fully familiar with the contents thereof.




  Legal Name ________________________________________ (please print) OOO Escort Name __________________________________ (please print)

  Legal Signature _____________________________________ OOO City / Phone Number ____________________________ (please print)

  PART B: Advertising Information

  Please print when filling out the form.

  Name: (The name you wish it advertise with)

  City: The city you will be based in. (please circle one)

  New York Los Angeles San Francisco Las Vegas Denver Seattle

  Chicago Dallas Boston Miami Toronto Vancouver

  Categories: The category you would like to list your ad in. (please circle one):

  Blonde Brunette Redhead Fetish

  Description: You get 25 words so make them memorable!

  Contact information: We require either a phone number and/or an email address as valid pieces of contact information for your ad. We will be more than happy to also include a link to your website on your ad; all we ask is that you place our banner on your website!

  Phone: (optional)

  Email: (optional)

  Website: (optional)

  Photos: The photos you would like to use on your ad. You can email your photos to [email protected], or send in physical copies with this advertising agreement. If you decide to email your photos please include your Escort Name and City in the subject line of the email.



  000 - 000 Blundell Rd. Suite #000

  Richmond, BC

  V6Y 1K3



英文合同 篇7

  产 品 购 销 合 同

  甲 方(买方) :




  乙 方(卖方) :Supplier

  买卖双方同意成交下列产品,订立条款如下:The undersigned Seller and Buyer agree following transaction, terms and conditions are specified as below:

  第一条 定购产品: Art.1 Ordered products:


  第二条 质量要求及技术标准:

  Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications:


  2.1 In accordance with prescribed products description of Art.1, the quality standard is based on manufacturer’s technical standard.

  第三条 发货时间和发货方式:

  Art. 3 Delivery time and terms of shipment:

  3.1 发货时间:

  3.1 Lead Time: 3.2 发货方式: 3.2 Terms of shipment:

  第四条 付款方式:

  Art. 4 Terms of payment:

  第五条 收货和验收条款:

  Art. 5 Goods reception and acceptance:

  5.1 验收标准:按照本合同第二条约定的质量要求及技术标准。

  5.1 Acceptance criteria: according to the Art. 2 Quality requirements and technical specifications of the present


  第六条 违约责任:

  Art. 6 Liability for breach of contract:

  6.1 甲方延期付款的,乙方交付产品的时间可相应顺延,甲方按照延期支付金额的/日向乙方支付滞纳金,直至款项付清之日。甲方延期支付超过三十日的,乙方有权选择解除合同,甲方按照合同滞纳金标准向乙方支付违约金(支付至乙方提出解除日),向乙方返还产品,甲方已经支付的款项作为赔偿,如不足以弥补乙方的损失的,由甲方另行赔偿。

  6.1 Should Party A postpone payment, Party B has right to delay shipment date; Party A should consequently pay late fees of 0.5% per day of the contract amount to party B till date of full payment. Should party A defers payment over 30 days, party B may dissolve the contract and Party A, according to above stipulated late fees rate, should pay Party B liquidated damages (until dissolution date released by party B) and Party A should return the goods to Party B. Actual amount paid by party A is considered as a compensation to Party B; party A should compensate the loss of party B additionally if above said compensation is not able to cover all the damage caused.

  6.2 乙方按照本合同约定的时间、地点、质量要求和技术标准向甲方提供定购产品,如延期交付的,按照未交付产品金额的 0.5% /日向甲方支付滞纳金。因乙方延期到货给甲方造成的.损失由乙方赔偿。(因甲方未按期支付价款导致延期交货的除外)

  6-2 Party B should provide ordered goods to party A based on lead time, place, quality requirements and technical specifications stipulated on the present contract. Late fees, charged to party B, of 0.5% per day will be applied on values of goods overdue. Compensation of loss & damage caused by late delivery should be charged

  to party B. (except late shipment due to overdue payment by party A)

  6.3 甲方未按合同约定收货或无正当理由提出异议拒绝收货的,乙方将产品运输至交货地点之日视为甲方收到货物和验收合格的时间,由此造成的损失由甲方负责。

  6.3 Should party A fails to receive goods or refuse receiving goods delivered without justified or valid reason, the day when goods shipped to stipulated location will be considered as the day of reception and acceptance, party A is responsible for loss & damage caused.

  第七条 不可抗力: Art. 7 The force majeure:

  战争、动乱、瘟疫、地震、台风、洪水、物体坠落或其他非合同双方责任造成的爆炸、火灾、意外事故和自然灾害。 任何一方由于不可抗力原因不能履行合同时,应在不可抗力事件发生后3日内通知对方,尽力减少损失。不可抗力造成的损失,由双方自行承担。

  Definition: war, uest, plague, earthquake, typhoon, flood, falling objects or any other explosion, fire, accidents and natural disasters which are excluded by both parties’ responsibilities of the present contract. Should one party is unable to fulfill the contract due to the force majeure, the party concerned should inform the other party in 3 days from the date of the event and should try all means to reduce loss caused. The damage caused by the force majeure should be born by each party’s own risk.

  第八条 争议解决: Art. 8 Dispute resolutions:

  双方发生争议的,应协商解决,协商不成的,由非第一和第二方所在地有管辖权的人民法院 裁决。 All eventual disputes should be settled through friendly negotiation. If consultation fails, arbitration should be settled by a jurisdiction court located in a country other than both parties’ ones.

  第九条 其他: Article 9 Miscellanea:

  9.1 双方应对合同履行过程中的技术信息和商业秘密承担保密责任,如因任何一方未尽此义务导致他方经济损失,应予赔偿。

  9.1 Both parties are responsible to maintain confidentiality regarding all technical and commercial information. Economic losses caused by lack of fulfillment of the duty should be compensated by the party concerned. 9.2 本合同未尽事宜或合同变更,经双方协商一致后签订补充合同,效力与本合同一致。

  9.2 Any modification or complementary clauses to the present contract should be negotiated and amended

  which will have the same valid effect as the present contract.


  9.3 This present contract is in duplicate, one original for each party; effective once signed by both parties. Fax

  copy is also valid and applicable.

英文合同 篇8

  Individual Mortgage Loan Contract for Purchasing

  Commercial Housing

  Agricultural Bank of China

  GF Zi No.12105200500001133

  Guarantor: HUANG Wenya (sealed)

  In accordance with relevant state laws and rules, the contract is made after negotiations between the both parties.

  Loan items

  Article 1. Loan money:

  The debitor provides loan to the creditor to purchase the residential house. The contracted loaning amount: Article 2. Loan purpose:

  To purchase the housing locate The contract number of the debtor: Article 3. Loan period

  Article 4. Loan interests

  1. by the Bank of China. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, from Jan.1 the next year, the debtor performs the interest payment according to the new loans confirmed by the floating scope between the adjusted standard interest and the lending rate agreed in the contract. It will not notify the debtor, the guarantor and the mortgager again.

  2. If the borrower doesn’t refund the loan in accordance with the contract, from the overdue time, the lender has the right to call for additional money as penalty until the corpus and interests are paid off. Following the measure will be complied with. day

  3. The creditor has the right to call for percent raising money as penalty at the basis of the annual interest rate stipulated in the contract. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, the loan rate under the contract shall comply with the relevant regulation from the day of adjusting rate.

  4. If the borrower does not use the money according to the purpose stipulated in the contract, the lender has the right to call for percent raising money as penalty at the basis of the annual interest rate stipulated in the contract. In the event that the Bank of China adjusts the interest rate of the loan, the loan rate under the contract shall comply with the relevant regulation from the day of adjusting rate.

  Article 5.

  Under the circumstances that the following conditions are not achieved, the lender has the right not to provide the loan stipulated in the contract.

  1. The borrower shall offer relevant documents, materials and credence in accordance with the requirements of the lender. And the borrower shall

  handle the relevant procedures.

  2. The purchasing money of the first period and the money related to the contract have been paid off.

  3. If the contract has a guarantor and the procedures of relevant registration and/or insurance have been settled in accordance with the requirements of the borrower, this guarantee keeps effective.

  4. The borrower, the guarantor and the mortgager don't make any disadvantageous matters which will affect the safety of loan.

  Article 6. Transferring methods:

  The borrower opens an account in the lender’s bank. The account name is The opening bank iscard number is measure.

  1. The debtor irrevocably accredits the lender to transfer the money to the above settle account, then transfer to the house seller ), to pay the money agreed in the contract of purchasing house.

  2. The borrower irrevocably accredits the lender to transfer the money to ) (Account number),

  Article 7 Loan payment

  1. The borrower pays the principal and interest of the load under this of If there is not the day of borrowing, the payment day is the last day of every month. The borrower

  (1) Equal capital and interest payment.

  (2) Equal capital descending payment.

  (3)Other methods of payments

  2. If picking up the equal capital and interest payment, the borrower shall pay Article 8 Prepayment

  1. If Borrower needs to refund in advance, it shall note Lender one month before refund day and the notice is irrevocable upon delivery. On the precondition that the borrower promises to refund the money agreed in following item 2 due to breach of contract and the premises that the borrower abides by the prescription of prepayment, the lender may agree prepayment.

  2. If the borrower has prepayment days after the real day of loan lender in advance.

  Article 9 Change of payment time

  If the borrower wants to change the payment time, he shall submit a written application to the lender 30days in advance. After the approval of the guarantor and the mortgager, the borrower can sign the agreement of the changing of the limit time and handle relevant insurances and guarantee procedures.

  Article 10 Transfer of creditor's rights and debt

  The borrower can transfer the rights and interests to the third party without the permission of the lender, guarantor and the mortgager.

  Article 11 Borrower’s declaration and guarantee

  Article 12

  Between the time of signing and the time of distributing money, if the borrower and the house seller have disputes about the rights and quality of the house, or it occurs some matters that may cause the borrower incapable of paying money, the lender has the right to terminate the contract.

  Guaranty of the Loan

  Article 13 Premises Guarantee

  The scope of mortgage is principal and interest of loan punished interest and the cost of real claims.

  Article 14 Mortgage Guarantee

  1. The mortgager voluntarily mortgager the following belongings The above guaranty is an integral part of the contract. moment.

  3. The scope of mortgage include the capital, the interest, the fine, compound interest, the money of breach of the contract, the compensation for damage of loan and all the fees that realize the creditor’s rights.

  4. The declaration and guarantee of the mortgager

  5. The efficacy of mortgage rights

  6. The control and management of the guaranty

  7. The insurance of the mortgage

  8. The registration of the mortgage

  9. The realization of the mortgage rights

  The duties of breach of the contract

  Article 15 Duties of the debtor

  When the Mortgager fails to pay the principal, interest and relevant expenses in full amount on time or fails to wholly perform its states or warranties under the contract, it will constitute a breach of contract. The mortgager shall pay the money of breach of the contract according to the quantity and the delaying days.










