影片故事发生在2700年,由于人类无度的破坏环境,地球此时已经成为漂浮在太空中的一个大垃圾球,人类不得已移居到太空船上,并且聘请 Buy & Large 公司清除地球上的垃圾,等待着有一天垃圾清理完重新回到地球上。 于是 B&L 公司向地球运送了大量机器人来捡垃圾,最后只剩下一个机器人还在日复一日的按照预定程序捡垃圾。他就是我们的主人公WALL-E!孤独的瓦力,每天都在自娱自乐中执行着自己清理垃圾的任务,只有一个小虫子与他为伴,直到那个为了找寻植物的伊文到来的时候,他努力接近伊文,和她分享自己的快乐,给他看自己发现的那个宝贵的植物,谁知伊文把植物装进自己的身体里后却突然不动了,瓦力伤心极了,他多么希望自己可以和伊文七指紧扣啊!
皮克斯的对于人类对自然的反省,不像宫崎骏那样严肃,在轻松中发人深思; 这时的瓦力和伊文一起来到了船长室,却发现植物不见了!失望的'船长还不知道到底是谁在阻止他们回家。伊文发现瓦力就在自己身边的时候不顾一切想把瓦力送回地球,无意中却发现原来是船长的机器人亚当在阻止船长得到能启动回家程序的植物。经过一番磨难可怜的人类终于在瓦力伊文和一群机器人朋友的帮助下启动了回家程序,但瓦力却遭到了严重的损坏,伤心的伊文在飞船到达地球后飞速回到了瓦力的工作室修好了他,可瓦力却失去了记忆重新变成了只会清理垃圾的清洁工,伊文伤心欲绝于伊文第一次与瓦力七指紧扣希望瓦力恢复记忆,我们希望见到的结果终于出现了——有情人终成眷属。
德鲁. 斯坦顿他始终都不承认自己制作这部电影的初衷与环保有任何关系,不过,如果你看完本片,会发现“环保”议题无所不在,而且十分抢眼。Andrew对这个的解释是,他一开始只想讲一个关于地球上最后一个小机器人的故事,而描述重点在于他的孤独,与外界失去联系,和他想要摆脱这种孤独。所以关于“垃圾地球”、 “未来人类社会"及“拯救地球”等想法都是基于发展WALL-E这个角色和他寻找爱的衍生物。环保议题从本片的创意本身来讲只是故事发展过程中产生的附属品,但它最后产生的效果是强大的。
Good morning everyone . I am honored to have the opportunity to give this presentation to you. At the start, thanks to our respectful English teacher and my diligent teammates.
The topic I want to talk about today is the movie Walle which has already been discussed before. But it is just a little part in others presentation , so I’d like to introduce it to you in a systematic way as it is one of my most favourite movies.
Then I will introduce this movie in the aspects of story synopsis, profound connotation and the achievements of it.
Now let’s begin.
The story take place in 2700 ,a distant but not so unrealistic future where mankind has abandoned earth because the earth at that time has become a big ball of rubbish .The earth is no longer suitable for human survival, so the human moved to the out space by a huge spaceship as their last resort.
Walle, the hero of this film , is a rubbish collecting robot that has been left to clean up the mess . Although there are a large amount of robots to do this task at first ,but these robot are not suitable for the severe environment and gradually broken .In the end walle became the only one that survived . He is alone on earth except for a sprightly pet ,a cockroach .Although the task is impossible ,he insist on it year by year .In this period of time ,Walle gradually has self-awareness .What is most surprising about walle is how sad it is !The early portion of the film ,almost 20minutes are in completely silence .Although it has many playfulness ,it evoke us a striking and powerful feeling of loneliness .Seen this , have you ever have such feelings ?
When he go out to work ,he will carry a small case with him to bring something meaningful he thinks back to his home . One day ,he find a small plant that he has never seen before and carefully bring it back to home .
The day go round and begin again to live ,Walle always pray for a company and it come true ,finally .
A space ship landed and leave a beautiful female robot ,Eve , to find proof that whether life is once again sustainable on the earth . Walle falls in love with Eve at the very first sight .Walle rescues Eve from a dust storm and take her home to show his precious collections over these years in order to make her happy .
When walle shows her the living plant he found amongst the rubble ,consist with her “directive” ,Eve takes the plant into her body and lost consciousness at the same time ,except for a blinking green beacon .
Walle doesn’t know what happened to his lover ,but true to his love ,he uses various method to wake her .He protects her from sand storm and rain ,take her to row a boat on the so-called
lake ,decorated her with colorful lights ,watching the sunset with her ,even as she is unresponsive and can’t know all about this .
One day ,a massive spaceship comes to reclaim Eve ,but Walle ,out of love hitches a ride on the outside of the ship ,at all cost ,to rescue Eve .
The ship arrives at a large space cruise ship ,which is carrying all of the humans who escaped from earth 700 years earlier
The people of the earth ride round this space on hovering chairs which give them a constant feed of TV and video chatting .They drink all of their meals through a straw because of their laziness and bone loss .They are all so fat that they can barely move .
When the captain see the grass ,he said :I don’t want to survive ,I want to live .it’s time to go home ,our lonely earth .Other human also thought that the outer space life were not they want .But the auto-pilot computer tries to prevent the people back to the earth .
Then Walle ,Eve ,the captain ,and a band of broken robots fight against the auto-pilot computer .Finally they returned the earth successfully .And Walle realizes his dream and joins his hands with Eve .Life come a sweet for the Walle and Eve since then .
This is the whole story .
Although Walle is a cartoon movie ,but it’s not only prepared for children .We can see the movie contains many profound connotations .
First , it’s a movie about environment protection .Can you imagine what the earth will be in the future ?Some of us will give a wonderful picture of our future lives ,but the movie gives us a contrary description .In the movie ,the earth is covered with amount of rubbish ,and the only residents are a robot and his pet .It’s seems not in the alarmist .If we are not in harmony with nature ,we will come to a sticky end sooner or later .
Most important ,it’s a movie about love .This movie tells a love story between robots .In the real world ,love is not simply but confined by a lot of things so when we find our love we will list many conditions .We need a house ,a car ,a wealthy family ,but just don’t need love .Contrasted with human’s love ,love between robots is pure and innocent .For example ,when Eve become resting state ,Walle protects her even though she doesn’t know at all and when the spaceship takes her away ,Walle goes with her without hesitation .They cannot communicate with each other ,so walle can not express his feeling to Eve by words ,but through his deeds ,we can and Eve also can feel the love from walle .Compared with action ,words are so pale .In our life ,sometimes we say too much but do too little .We say “love you” ,but actually we love ourselves more than love others .Speaking with this ,what are you thinking about ?
At last ,I want to introduce the awards of this film .It was the best animated feature of the Golden
Globe Awards ,and has obtained many Oscar nominations . The audience also give it a high evaluation .They said Walle is one of the most cutest ,lovable characters Pixar ever invented .They said Walle is not only great ,but a new plateau in animation ..There are so many high evaluations like this .
This film is touching ,involving ,and beautiful .I may be saying this too soon ,but I don’t think I have ever seen an animated film that satisfied me more than “Walle” .You can enjoy this film when you are free and I am sure it will not let you down .
Thank you !