《新约全书》记载 ,耶稣被钉死在十字架上,第三天复活节日因此得名 。 复活节宗教起源与节期在欧美各国,复活节是仅次于圣诞节的重大节日。按《圣经·马太福音》的说法,耶稣基督在十字架上受刑死后三天复活,因而设立此节。根据西方教会的传统,在春分节(3月21日)当日见到满月或过了春分见到第一个满月之后,遇到的第一个星期日即为复活节。东方教会则规定,如果满月恰好出现在这第一个星期日,则复活节再推迟一周。因此,节期大致在3月22日至4月25日之间。
英国大部分节日都起源于宗教。复活节发生在过了春分月圆后的第一个星期日,原是纪念耶稣复活的日子。而现在对大多数人来说,复活节只是一个人们享受美好春光的普通节日。对于孩子们来说,没有比复活节彩蛋或巧克力蛋更重要的了。 复活节早上,有的家里把早餐用的蛋分放在几个盛有不同颜色的植物染料的锅里煮,这样端上来的蛋不再是白色或浅棕色的,而是黄色或粉红色,蓝色或绿色的。当然,染料是不会渗透到蛋壳里去的。
圣诞节一过,复活节巧克力蛋便在糖果店里摆出来了。那些最小和花样最简单的很便宜,孩子们用自己的`零花钱就可以买下来。这段时期上市的彩蛋有两种。小的一种叫方旦糖,长一英寸多一点,外面是一层薄薄的巧克力,里面是又甜又软的面团,然后再用彩色的锡箔纸包装成各种形状。另外一种是空蛋,稍为大一点,一般比鸭蛋还大一点。里面什么也没有,只是包着一个巧克力外壳。只需打碎外壳,吃巧克力片。 复活节临近时,糖果店的橱窗里会摆满比这些更精美的彩蛋。同时还有各种各样的用来吸引孩子们的小礼物出售。上面装饰有毛绒绒的羊毛做的小鸡,小鸡的嘴和脚都粘在卡片上。幸运的孩子可能从亲友那儿得到好几种这样的礼物。
The new testament records that Jesus was crucified and the third day of the resurrection was named. Easter religious origins and festivals in Europe and the United States, Easter is second only to Christmas day. According to the bible, Jesus Christ was resurrected three days after his death on the cross. According to the tradition of the western church, on the first Sunday of the first full moon after the first full moon is seen on the vernal equinox (March 21), the first Sunday is Easter. The eastern church says that if the full moon happens to be on the first Sunday, Easter is postponed for another week. Therefore, the period is roughly between March 22 solstice and April 25.
The death of Jesus Christ, according to Christian doctrine, is to redeem the SINS of the world. Therefore, in Christianity, Easter is of great significance. But, like Christmas, with the progress of society, the religious colors of Easter are becoming less and less. As a feature of folk festival, it becomes more and more obvious.
Most festivals in England originate from religion. Easter falls on the first Sunday after the full moon, which commemorates the resurrection of Jesus. Now for most people, Easter is just an ordinary day for people to enjoy a good spring. For children, nothing is more important than an Easter egg or a chocolate egg. Easter morning, some home used his breakfast of egg placed in a few different colors of plant dyestuff pot, so end up egg is no longer white or light brown, but yellow or pink, blue or green. Of course, the dye doesn't penetrate the eggshell.
As soon as Christmas is over, the Easter eggs are laid out in the candy store. The smallest and simplest are cheap, and the children can buy it with their own pocket money. There are two kinds of Easter eggs. The small one, fondant, is a little more than an inch long, with a thin layer of chocolate on the outside, which is sweet and soft, and then wrapped in colorful tinfoil to form various shapes. The other is an empty egg, slightly larger than a duck's egg. There was nothing in it but a chocolate shell. Just break the shell and eat the chocolate chip. As Easter approaches, more elaborate eggs fill the window of the candy store. There are also a variety of small gifts for children to sell. It was decorated with a chicken with fluffy wool, and the chick's mouth and feet were stuck to the card. Lucky children may get several of these gifts from friends and family.
Easter eggs are meant to bring happiness to people - indeed! These colorful eggs are beautiful and decorative, they represent people's good wishes, and share the joy of changing seasons with you.