我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-04 18:33:54 英文求职信 我要投稿
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  as a professional automotive graduates. in school, i was always to improve their overall quality as the goal, self-direction for the comprehensive development, establish a correct outlook on life, values and world view. through four years of study and life, and participated in a number of social practice, i have a sound of life, the correct political orientation, have a certain analyze and solve the problem of capacity, there are strong practical ability.

  car through the system sound knowledge of learning, i have a solid professional foundation of knowledge, and have some knowledge of automotive management. a lot of hunting through extra-curricular reading library books and materials in automobiles. i understand the direction of chinas auto industry developments, particularly in the automotive after-market services. know the status of the vehicle maintenance industry and trends. good at learning new knowledge and methods of process analysis and problem-solving ability, and can be trained using the internet to check vehicle maintenance information, collect the latest information on the industry.

  feet on the ground is a fundamental base of society, which i always remember the words. have a good professional quality and ethics, to be loyal to their own business, personal career planning and development of enterprises in close combination. innovative, good at creating, can withstand the higher operating pressure; hard, pay attention to cooperation and work with young people, like fire and passion and vitality.

  to become a technology, and management, good business car people. i have been working and will be striving for. of course, many talented people in this society i am not necessarily the best, but i will definitely try to acquire a niche in the ranks among the best. chinas auto industry to realize their social value.

  附: 很多人说写好一份简历是求职的关键,让我们先看几个有趣的数字:在美国,平均一个职位会有200人应聘,其中100份是合格的,在北京,平均一个职位会收到1000封求职信,其中200封是合格的;在美国,如果你想找到一份合适的职业,一个人平均要递出1470封简历,在北京,跨国公司还没有700家;有人说网上招聘方兴未艾,但有统计说,平均只有1%的人网上求职会成功,从事高新技术的人求职成功率会高些。






  简历外观漂亮、简洁明了会给招聘者留下良好印象,但你不能在简历中撒谎,外企都要中、英文简历,简历一张纸则可,用高质洁白的A4纸,激光打印的,不要手写,不要出现语法、拼写或其他错误,不要放照片和其他用处不大的附件。   简历中应包括姓名、联系办法、教育程度、工作经验、技能等,一些个人数据、喜好等不必包括在内。简历要强调你适应该职位的相关经历,强调你的成绩,使用一些生动的动词。内容要具体实在,例如'我是清华的IMBA,2000年毕业,曾在一家会计师事务所工作3年',这些比起'本人诚实,工作努力,有团队精神'这类话更为有用。


  在招聘广告中,一般情况,会列出户口、学历、年龄限制、经验需求及需要具备的专业技术等的条件。不过这并非是绝对的限制。 和公司条列的条件不全然吻合,还是有被任用的机会。例如说要六年以上工程师的经验,四年的资格也有可能被录取。年龄限制往往只是一个标准罢了。即使有很明确的年龄限制理由,但超过一点点,如果职业适性非常相合,也有丰富的经验,出线机会仍是非常浓厚。不管如何,如果你对该公司真的很有兴趣,不妨先问问看。