我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-08-30 13:11:05 英文求职信 我要投稿




英文求职信 篇1


  I wish to apply for the position of editorial assistant advertised in JobsPower.com.

  I have had considerable editorial experience and am familiar with proofreading, rewriting, and production, as well as the more creative aspects of this type of work. I should like to summarize briefly my experience:


  For two years I was employed as managing editor on an ABC weekly newspaper having a circulation of about 30,000. Here I did a great deal of original writing, wrote the headlines, and worked directly with the printer in setting up the paper.


  Previous to 1978 I worked as assistant editor in Baker International Guide Book, where my duties consisted chiefly of reading proof and rewriting, as well as composing lengthy articles and shorter item.


  I also worked as assistant editor on a trade journal in the food field the Dairy Weekly, where my tasks were similar to those described above, but also included a great deal of interviewing and personal contact with members of the industry.

  All in all, I have had eight years of business experience, and am familiar with all phases of office routine. At present I am employed as promotion manager on an advertising magazine, the future of which is so uncertain as to make its employees desirous of securing a foothold in a more firmly established organization.

  I was graduated from Boston College in June, 1979 with honors, after six years of attendance in the evening session, while working full-time during the day. I majored in English literature and am continuing my studies in this field at present at Thornton University, where I expect to receive my master's degree in June, 1985. At Boston I was for two years managing editor of the evening session newspaper.

  As much as I should like to join your organization, it would not be advisable for me to do so for less that $9,500, which is my present salary.

  I shall be able to call for an interview at your convenience, and shall be able to supply any necessary or examples of my previous work.

英文求职信 篇2

respect your company leadership:

  how do you do!

  i am sorry to take up your valuable time, thank you in spite of being very busy to read my letter of recommendation. i am a from xx college environmental engineering specialized XX sessions of graduates undergraduate course graduate, in university life shall come to an end, opening a new page in life, i with the mood of excitement to your duty and accept your chosen and test.

  more than ten years of parents of diligence, kindness and simple are exposed and system study, trained me to bear hardships and stand hard work, self-improvement and the spirit of honesty and diligence quality. four years, in the "diligent dynamics" school spirit gradually influencing, i study hard, made outstanding achievements, also had some valuable experience, and mastery of the pollution control, pollution control, environmental monitoring, environmental planning and management, environmental evaluation of the basic theoretical knowledge. thought, i have a firm belief of communism, and constantly improve their political quality and theoretical accomplishment.. learning, i study hard theory knowledge and professional skills, and pay attention to theory and reality, take an active part in social practice and all kinds of practice, has the very good environment engineering professional knowledge and practical experience. through unremitting efforts, master the windows operating system, officeXX, autocadXX, photoshop etc application software operation.

  in line with want to exercise their own ideas, i worked as a tutor, i took part in the metalworking practice, electrical engineering practice, professional practice.

  brave the wind and waves, exhibition lofty ambition; proceed with caution, and people. although no prestigious university aura, but i have a solid theoretical knowledge and are not afraid of difficult to bear hardships and stand hard work spirit. looking back university life, enrich learning improve my knowledge structure, constantly thinking and learning makes me step by step to mature. please give me a chance, i will return you a satisfactory returns.

英文求职信 篇3

  Dear Sir,

  Application for Temporary Secretary

  I am writing in response to your advertisement in the 30 April 20xx issue of JobsPower.com for a temporary secretary.

  A graduate of City Commercial College, I am well trained and experienced in the duties of a professional secretary. I have taken a Higher Certificate in Secretarial Studies with Languages, I am fairly fluent in English and Mandarin. Having work as a secretary for senior executives in XX Trading Company for three years, and in the international manufacturing company for two years before that, I believe that I have developed practical skills that would be useful to your company.

  My past experience has given me a in-depth knowledge and thorough understanding of import-export trading business. In the last five years, I have also learnt the importance of being efficient and time management in my work. I am confident that these skills are required in being senior and professional secretarial staff.

  I enclose my curriculum vitae for your consideration. If my qualifications interest you, I should be glad to come for an interview at any time convenient to you.

  Yours sincerely


英文求职信 篇4

  dear sir/madam:

  my name is liu ying and i will graduate from xi’an fanyi university in the year 20xx.my major is secretary in english department.it’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity to improve our mutual understanding.during the three –year college study,i tried my best to learn all kinds of knowledge,and weigh the hard work of my teachers and myself; i have mastered english listening,speaking,writing and reading skills.

  three-year college life that makes me rich in knowledge,and it’s also my three-year college.life that makes me form my life attitude. honesty,trust,diligence is principle of how to be a man.

  yours faithfully,


英文求职信 篇5









  9. 到最后检查你的求职信,反复阅读,看清楚没有问题才寄出你这封信。

英文求职信 篇6


  首先应该表明你是在何家媒体看到应聘广告以及所要应聘职位的名称,如:(1)in answer to your advertisement in(媒体名称,括号里只要按照实际情况填写,下同)

  for(职位名称),i wish to tender my services.(2)with reference to your advertisement in(媒体名称)for(职位名称),i respectfully offer myself for the post.


  通常在这段里介绍你的工作经验,特别需要注意的是,和所应聘工作无关的经历就不要赘述了,如:(1)i have been serving for over(数字)years in(以前供职单位).(2)i have had(数字)years‘experience with(以前供职单位)as a(以前职务).

  秘笈3 说明原因

  这里包含两个方面的原因,一是离开现职的原因,二是申请新职位的原因,如:(1)my reason for leaving my present employer is

  that i wish to get into the(申请职位的性质,如:advertising)business.(2)i left the office on account of the discontinuance of the business.

  秘笈4 证明能力

  这部分非重重要,因为这体现你究竟能为公司做些什么,直接关系到求职的成功率,但是也要注意一定要用最少的文字表达最多的意思。还是那句话,和所应聘职位无关的能力(包括证书、资格等),也应该坚决予以剔除,如:(1)i have received a special english education(你的专业),and have a fair command of japanese(你的副业).in addition,i know a little french.(2)during my education,i have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice. not only have i passed tem-8(你所通过的水平测试或其它职业技能考核),but more important i can communicate with others freely in english(你个人的`能力,尤其是强项).my ability to write and speak english is out of question.


  这是个比较敏感的问题,如果一定要在信中提及的话,也是可以应付的,如:(1)i am willing to serve on trial(试用)for some months at a low salary.(2)i should require a salary of2,000rmb a month to begin with.


  成功的求职信决不是虎头蛇尾的,往往会在此提及关于希望得到面试的事情。因此,结尾一样要引起重视,如:(1)i should be glad to have a personal interview and can furnish references if desired.(2)i should appreciate the privilege of an interviews.i may be reached by letter at the address given below(如这样使用的话,就要在后面附上你的联系地址),or by telephone at 88888888(你的电话号码).


  这个部分视具体情况而定,如果有详细的简历,或者是用人单位需要的材料,附在求职信中时,需要注明,如:(1)enclosed please find a resume,a photo and an autobiography.(2)a copy of my transcript is enclosed.




英文求职信 篇7






  Dear Sir,

  In response to your advertisement in the newspaper of January 15, I wish to apply for the position of (secretary, accountant, clerk, salesman, etc).

  I am twenty-five years old and a graduate of ____ college. My experience in this line of work includes six years as an assistant accountant with the ABC Company. The reason for leaving my present employment is because they are closing their office.

  I am enclosing my resume together with my photo, and believe that they may be found satisfactory. With respect to salary, I shall expect HK$5,000 a month. I assure you that if appointed, I will do my best to give your satisfaction. Very truly yours,



英文求职信 求职信范文英文03-10

英文求职信 写英文求职信02-14

英文求职信 一封英文的求职信11-11





