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  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 1

  For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 ——邓不利多

  This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。 ——邓不利多

  We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。 ——邓不利多

  Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。 ——韦斯莱先生

  The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所俱有的能力更重要。 ——邓不利多

  If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要杀哈利,那你要把我们也杀死! ——罗恩

  Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守护神是一种正面力量,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望、快乐、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那样感到绝望,因此摄魂怪就没法伤害它。 ——卢平

  Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了总比背叛朋友强,我们也会为你这样做的! ——小天狼星布莱克

  Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的'时候,他在你身上表现得最清楚。 ——邓不利多

  Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我们只有团结才会强大,如果分裂,便不堪一击。 ——邓不利多

  As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。 ——邓不利多

  I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些欢笑。我们可能都需要一些欢笑。我有一种感觉,我们很快就会需要比往常更多的欢笑了。 ——哈利

  The past will always come and we will accept it.该来的总归会来,来了我们就接受它。 ——海格

  But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。 ——邓不利多

  It is easy to forgive someone elses mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone elses right.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。 ——邓不利多

  Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人,对不对,波特? ——斯克林杰

  It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.一个人的出生并不重要,重要的是他长大之后会变得怎么样。——邓布利多

  Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.时间不会因为不好的事情即将发生而慢下来。——邓布利多

  Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf,and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.多比没有主人,多比是个自由的精灵,多比来救哈利·波特和他的朋友。 ——多比

  Weve all got both light and darkness inside us.What matters is the part we choose to act on.Thats who we really are.每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。——小天狼星

  A childs voice, however honest and true,is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen.孩子的声音,虽然无比真诚,但对不愿倾听的人,也没有价值。——邓布利多

  “Weve all got both light and darkness inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. Thats who we really are.” — Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。 ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  “If you want to know what a mans like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” — Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.如果你想知道一个人怎么样,看看他如何对待他的下属,而不是与他平级的人。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” —Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.只有团结我们才能强大,分裂只会让我们越来越弱。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.我傲娇地认为,言语是魔法世界永不枯竭的资源。他既能造成伤害,也能修复他。

  “You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” —Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.你应该意识到:一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他会成长为什么。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us?” — Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.同学们,历史中那些伟大的巫师和我们一样,一开始他们什么都不是。既然他们可以有所作为,我们为什么不能? ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  “Greatness inspires envy; envy engenders spite; spite spawns lies.” — Tom Riddle, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.伟大招来嫉妒;嫉妒滋生怨恨;怨恨产生谎言。 ——《哈利波特与混血王子》

  “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.你终将意识到:暂时麻痹疼痛只会使事情变得更糟。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.冷漠与忽视往往比直截了当的不喜欢带来更大的伤害。 ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 2


  Prof. McGonagall: This boy will be famous. There won"t be a child in our world who doesn"t know his name.



  Uncle Vernon: There"s no such thing as magic!



  Hagrid: You are a wizard, Harry!



  Mr. Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.



  Draco Malfoy: You"ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don"t wanna go ma-ki-ng friends with the wrong sort.



  Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.



  Ron: Harry, it"s you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You!



  Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery.



  Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.



  Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.


  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 3

  Harry Potter Classic Chinese English Dialogue 2


  Indulging in illusory dreams and forgetting about real life is useless, remember it—— Harry Potter


  For people with a clear mind, death is just a great adventure—— Harry Potter


  Resisting your enemies requires extraordinary courage, while standing firm in front of friends requires even greater courage—— Harry Potter


  The truth is a beautiful yet terrifying thing that needs to be treated with extra caution—— Harry Potter


  Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our abilities—— Harry Potter


  What kind of person you want to become does not depend on your abilities, but on your choices—— Harry Potter


  Dont rely on dreams and forget about life—— Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone


  Humans tend to choose things that are least beneficial to them—— Harry Potter


  Dumbledore: "Has it always been like this


  Snape: "Always." - Harry Potter


  Never trust anything that can think independently, unless you see where it hides your mind—— Harry Potter


  Speaking the truth is always better than lying—— Harry Potter


  To deal with enemies, we need superhuman courage, and to stand firm in front of friends, we also need great courage—— Harry Potter


  Death is actually like going to bed after a long day.


  Moreover, for those with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure—— Harry Potter


  What determines your life is not your abilities, but your choices - Harry Potter


  Dear Muggles, all the people and things who truly love us and are truly loved by us will always be by our side, just like this set of magic books that have influenced a generation, this magical dream that has lasted for ten years, this fantasy movie that circulates on the big screen, and also like those beautiful moments that pass by people, each persons past, youth, and childhood that have passed away. Even if there is no Harry Potter or Hogwarts to accompany them in the next 10 years, no little wizards or magical dreams to accompany them, they and every moment they experience, and all the best and worst times recorded in these 10 years, will continue to stay by your side, like love and youth... Harry Potter


  Being deeply loved by someone like this, even though the person who loved us is already dead (referring to Harrys parents), will leave us with an eternal talisman—— Harry Potter


  What should come will come, but once it comes, we must accept it—— Harry Potter


  He (Severus) may be the bravest person I have ever met—— Harry Potter


  He will only leave this school when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore)—— Harry Potter


  People should not forget about life just because they rely on their dreams—— Harry Potter


  Just because you have only one teaspoon of emotions doesnt mean everyone is like this - Harry Potter


  Death is actually like going to bed after a long day. Moreover, for those with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure—— The Original Harry Potter


  People tend to forgive others mistakes, but find it difficult to forgive others correctness—— The Original Harry Potter


  Being deeply loved by someone like this, even if the person who loved us is dead, will leave us with an eternal talisman—— The Original Harry Potter


  But I forgot another mistake of the elderly - some wounds are too deep and difficult to heal—— The Original Harry Potter


  Always use the correct names for things. The fear of a name reinforces the fear of the thing itself—— The Original Harry Potter


  He is so busy destroying his own soul that he has no time to understand the unparalleled power of a pure and sound soul—— The Original Harry Potter


  Truth is a beautiful yet terrifying thing that needs to be treated with extra caution—— Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone


  What matters is not your abilities, but your choices—— Harry Potter


  Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than the abilities we possess—— The Original Harry Potter


  When we face death and darkness, all we fear is the unknown, nothing else—— The Original Harry Potter

  这足以使任何一个孩子冲昏头脑。不会走路、不会说话的时候就一举成名!甚至为他根本不记得的事情而成名!让他在远离过去的地方成长,直到他能接受这一切,再让他知道,不是更好吗? 《哈利波特原著》

  This is enough to make any child dizzy. When you cant walk or speak, you become famous overnight! Even becoming famous for things he doesnt even remember! Isnt it better to let him grow in a place far away from the past until he can accept it all, and then let him know? The Original Harry Potter


  Do you think the deceased we loved will truly leave us? Do you think that when we have trouble, we wont remember them more clearly than before—— The Original Harry Potter


  Love cannot be created or imitated—— The Original Harry Potter


  As I am much smarter than most people, my mistakes will correspondingly be more serious—— The Original Harry Potter


  Sirius Black: The world is not divided into good and bad people. Everyone has light and darkness in their hearts. What really matters is how we choose and know who we really are—— Harry Potter















  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 1

  For a very sober-minded people, death is just another great adventure.对于头脑十分清醒的人来说,死亡不过是另一场伟大的冒险。 ——邓不利多

  This was a man deeply loved, despite the love our people have died, also left us with a protective shield Forever.被一个人这样深深地爱过,尽管那个爱我们的人已经死了,也会给我们留下一个永远的护身符。 ——邓不利多

  We need to deal with the enemy superhuman courage, and to adhere to a friend in front of their position, but also a great deal of courage.对付敌人我们需要超人的胆量,而要在朋友面前坚持自己的立场,同样也需要很大的勇气。 ——邓不利多

  Forever Do not believe any thing is capable of thinking independently, unless you see it to where the minds of the Tibetan.永远不要相信任何能够独立思考的东西,除非你看清了它把头脑藏在什么地方。 ——韦斯莱先生

  The performance of our true self, is our own choice, all this than we have the capacity even more important.表现我们真正的自我,是我们自己的选择,这比我们所俱有的能力更重要。 ——邓不利多

  If you kill Harry, then you should we have to kill.如果你要杀哈利,那你要把我们也杀死! ——罗恩

  Patron saint is a positive force, it is something initiated by Dementors food - hope, happiness, the desire to live - but it does not like real people do despair, so Dementors on the impossible It hurt.守护神是一种正面力量,它所倡导的东西正是摄魂怪的食粮——希望、快乐、活下去的愿望——但它不能像真正的人那样感到绝望,因此摄魂怪就没法伤害它。 ——卢平

  Die than betray a friend, and we will do so for you!死了总比背叛朋友强,我们也会为你这样做的! ——小天狼星布莱克

  Your father live in you, Harry, you need him, he was in you know.你爸爸活在你身上,哈利,在你需要他的'时候,他在你身上表现得最清楚。 ——邓不利多

  Only through unity can we have a strong, if the split, then a single blow.我们只有团结才会强大,如果分裂,便不堪一击。 ——邓不利多

  As long as we share the same objectives and open our hearts, habits and language differences will not be an obstacle.只要我们目标一致,敞开心胸,习惯和语言的差异都不会成为障碍。 ——邓不利多

  I do not want it, nor need it. But I need some laughter. We may all need some laughter. I have a feeling that we will soon need a laugh more than usual.我不想要它,也不需要它。但是我需要一些欢笑。我们可能都需要一些欢笑。我有一种感觉,我们很快就会需要比往常更多的欢笑了。 ——哈利

  The past will always come and we will accept it.该来的总归会来,来了我们就接受它。 ——海格

  But indifference, but also turned a blind eye is often straightforward than the harm to much larger offensive.可是漠不关心,还有视而不见,往往会比直截了当的厌恶造成的伤害大得多。 ——邓不利多

  It is easy to forgive someone elses mistake, it is difficult to forgive someone elses right.人们容易原谅别人的错误,却很难原谅别人的正确。 ——邓不利多

  Out-and-out is Dumbledore and more people, right, Potter?彻头彻尾是邓不利多的人,对不对,波特? ——斯克林杰

  It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.一个人的出生并不重要,重要的是他长大之后会变得怎么样。——邓布利多

  Time will not slow down when something unpleasant lies ahead.时间不会因为不好的事情即将发生而慢下来。——邓布利多

  Dobby has no master, Dobby is a free elf,and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends.多比没有主人,多比是个自由的精灵,多比来救哈利·波特和他的朋友。 ——多比

  Weve all got both light and darkness inside us.What matters is the part we choose to act on.Thats who we really are.每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。——小天狼星

  A childs voice, however honest and true,is meaningless to those who have forgotten how to listen.孩子的声音,虽然无比真诚,但对不愿倾听的人,也没有价值。——邓布利多

  “Weve all got both light and darkness inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. Thats who we really are.” — Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.每个人心中都有阳光和阴暗的一面。重要的是我们选择成为什么,那才是真正的我们。 ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  “If you want to know what a mans like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals.” — Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.如果你想知道一个人怎么样,看看他如何对待他的下属,而不是与他平级的人。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” —Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.只有团结我们才能强大,分裂只会让我们越来越弱。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Words are, in my not-so-humble opinion, our most inexhaustible source of magic. Capable of both inflicting injury, and remedying it.” — Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.我傲娇地认为,言语是魔法世界永不枯竭的资源。他既能造成伤害,也能修复他。

  “You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” —Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.你应该意识到:一个人的出身并不重要,重要的是他会成长为什么。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Every great wizard in history has started out as nothing more than what we are now, students. If they can do it, why not us?” — Harry Potter, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.同学们,历史中那些伟大的巫师和我们一样,一开始他们什么都不是。既然他们可以有所作为,我们为什么不能? ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  “Greatness inspires envy; envy engenders spite; spite spawns lies.” — Tom Riddle, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.伟大招来嫉妒;嫉妒滋生怨恨;怨恨产生谎言。 ——《哈利波特与混血王子》

  “Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.” — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.你终将意识到:暂时麻痹疼痛只会使事情变得更糟。 ——《哈利波特与火焰杯》

  “Indifference and neglect often do much more damage than outright dislike.” — Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix.冷漠与忽视往往比直截了当的不喜欢带来更大的伤害。 ——《哈利波特与凤凰社》

  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 2


  Prof. McGonagall: This boy will be famous. There won"t be a child in our world who doesn"t know his name.



  Uncle Vernon: There"s no such thing as magic!



  Hagrid: You are a wizard, Harry!



  Mr. Ollivander: It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when its brother gave you that scar.



  Draco Malfoy: You"ll soon find out that some wizarding families are better than others, Potter. You don"t wanna go ma-ki-ng friends with the wrong sort.



  Dumbledore: It does not to do dwell on dreams, and forget to live.



  Ron: Harry, it"s you that has to go on, I know it. Not me, not Hermione. You!



  Hermione: Me? Books and cleverness. There are more important things: friendship and bravery.



  Voldemort: There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.



  Dumbledore: It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.


  哈利波特中英对照经典台词 3

  Harry Potter Classic Chinese English Dialogue 2


  Indulging in illusory dreams and forgetting about real life is useless, remember it—— Harry Potter


  For people with a clear mind, death is just a great adventure—— Harry Potter


  Resisting your enemies requires extraordinary courage, while standing firm in front of friends requires even greater courage—— Harry Potter


  The truth is a beautiful yet terrifying thing that needs to be treated with extra caution—— Harry Potter


  Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than our abilities—— Harry Potter


  What kind of person you want to become does not depend on your abilities, but on your choices—— Harry Potter


  Dont rely on dreams and forget about life—— Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone


  Humans tend to choose things that are least beneficial to them—— Harry Potter


  Dumbledore: "Has it always been like this


  Snape: "Always." - Harry Potter


  Never trust anything that can think independently, unless you see where it hides your mind—— Harry Potter


  Speaking the truth is always better than lying—— Harry Potter


  To deal with enemies, we need superhuman courage, and to stand firm in front of friends, we also need great courage—— Harry Potter


  Death is actually like going to bed after a long day.


  Moreover, for those with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure—— Harry Potter


  What determines your life is not your abilities, but your choices - Harry Potter


  Dear Muggles, all the people and things who truly love us and are truly loved by us will always be by our side, just like this set of magic books that have influenced a generation, this magical dream that has lasted for ten years, this fantasy movie that circulates on the big screen, and also like those beautiful moments that pass by people, each persons past, youth, and childhood that have passed away. Even if there is no Harry Potter or Hogwarts to accompany them in the next 10 years, no little wizards or magical dreams to accompany them, they and every moment they experience, and all the best and worst times recorded in these 10 years, will continue to stay by your side, like love and youth... Harry Potter


  Being deeply loved by someone like this, even though the person who loved us is already dead (referring to Harrys parents), will leave us with an eternal talisman—— Harry Potter


  What should come will come, but once it comes, we must accept it—— Harry Potter


  He (Severus) may be the bravest person I have ever met—— Harry Potter


  He will only leave this school when the people here are no longer loyal to him (Dumbledore)—— Harry Potter


  People should not forget about life just because they rely on their dreams—— Harry Potter


  Just because you have only one teaspoon of emotions doesnt mean everyone is like this - Harry Potter


  Death is actually like going to bed after a long day. Moreover, for those with a clear mind, death is just another great adventure—— The Original Harry Potter


  People tend to forgive others mistakes, but find it difficult to forgive others correctness—— The Original Harry Potter


  Being deeply loved by someone like this, even if the person who loved us is dead, will leave us with an eternal talisman—— The Original Harry Potter


  But I forgot another mistake of the elderly - some wounds are too deep and difficult to heal—— The Original Harry Potter


  Always use the correct names for things. The fear of a name reinforces the fear of the thing itself—— The Original Harry Potter


  He is so busy destroying his own soul that he has no time to understand the unparalleled power of a pure and sound soul—— The Original Harry Potter


  Truth is a beautiful yet terrifying thing that needs to be treated with extra caution—— Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone


  What matters is not your abilities, but your choices—— Harry Potter


  Expressing our true self is our own choice, which is more important than the abilities we possess—— The Original Harry Potter


  When we face death and darkness, all we fear is the unknown, nothing else—— The Original Harry Potter

  这足以使任何一个孩子冲昏头脑。不会走路、不会说话的时候就一举成名!甚至为他根本不记得的事情而成名!让他在远离过去的地方成长,直到他能接受这一切,再让他知道,不是更好吗? 《哈利波特原著》

  This is enough to make any child dizzy. When you cant walk or speak, you become famous overnight! Even becoming famous for things he doesnt even remember! Isnt it better to let him grow in a place far away from the past until he can accept it all, and then let him know? The Original Harry Potter


  Do you think the deceased we loved will truly leave us? Do you think that when we have trouble, we wont remember them more clearly than before—— The Original Harry Potter


  Love cannot be created or imitated—— The Original Harry Potter


  As I am much smarter than most people, my mistakes will correspondingly be more serious—— The Original Harry Potter


  Sirius Black: The world is not divided into good and bad people. Everyone has light and darkness in their hearts. What really matters is how we choose and know who we really are—— Harry Potter