我要投稿 投诉建议


时间:2022-05-19 14:53:39 英文求职信 我要投稿




大学英文求职信 篇1

dear leaders:

  hello! thank you for your busy schedule to review my job material!

  i chaohu college of mathematics and applied mathematics XX graduates this year. through various channels, i understand that your school have a strong teacher education and broad prospects for development, and attaches great importance to talent, so i'm looking forward to your school teachers to become one. be sincere hope that the leadership attaches great importance to study for the tse.

  as the new century, university graduates, i am fully aware that the overall quality of good teachers, rich practical experience and good team spirit of a school the importance of the survival and development, so i have four years of university life, the constant improve themselves, to enrich themselves, improve themselves. i always take the correct attitude towards learning science professionals all over the curriculum, so that their expertise, thinking problems, to explore aspects of the theory has made considerable progress. four years of university life, i cast an honest, practical and pragmatic work style, and enhance the concept of my time, organize concepts and collective sense of honor. i created a strong organization, management and coordination capacity.

  university, i study in the spirit of pragmatism, has received national and hospital-level scholarships, through the provincial examination vb 2, and active preparations for the national computer secondary examination (c language), as well as the college english test 4.

  the twenty-first century calls for a complex of teachers, only a combination of theory and practice is the only source for success. university for four years is my four-year gradual integration into the community. at the same time in doing a good job of learning to complete various tasks well, and actively carried out various activities, played a good role model to take the lead in the backbone order and upload role. work to be bold bold but cautious. social practice through the summer.

  after four years of study, i systematically mastered the computer hardware and software, computer network, computer application of theoretical knowledge, have a stronger ability to do the operation. extensive reading of the economics, management, law, literature and books, so that their knowledge can be significantly extended.

  apply what they have learned, through the university of i can learn to engage in mathematics education and related professional work, but also to be competent in the management. of course, university education is the quality of education guidelines, as long as your school needs, i strongly submit to the arrangements for your school, your school because i believe that the employment environment.

  "self" is the driving force of my struggle, "勇攀高峰" is my attitude towards life. does not seek easy life, with their school, i would like to join with the cause of casting the school building! if you hire, will work diligently, live up to expectations. looked forward to hearing from your school.

  finally, i wish桃李满天下your school!



大学英文求职信 篇2

  dear leaders:

  hello! thank you for taking the examination in a letter to my job. i am a clothing line changzhou university graduates in XX, facing the choice, i am full of longing and expectation, your organization is willing to put themselves forward to a frank, and submitted my letter of the material, please review.

  i graduated with a young school, sixteen years of self-寒窗pulling so hard for so i created. university three-year short and full of life, a thousand days and nights, i荡起wisdom zhou, ying-chao yang, send落霞, travel and knowledge of the ocean. i understand that: modern society, the opportunities and challenges; i know: only unremitting efforts to have a good harvest. it is with this conviction, i am optimistic and enterprising spirit, hard-working hard learning attitude, work hard pragmatic work style, team co-operation principle, to forge ahead and beyond the self, and strive to become an innovative spirit, a positive open compound talents.

  university life is my life, one of the most important stage of my exploration of life, the practice of true value, independent and wisdom, towards a more mature process. over the past few years, i was determined to be a professional to learn their best students, i not only have a solid theoretical foundation, but also a certain degree of practical ability and team spirit of the tradition of hard work. born in rural families, i have a hard-working, honest, kind-hearted personality, not afraid of difficulties in cultivating our setbacks, the struggle of the spirit of unwillingness to admit defeat.

  self-confidence and perseverance are my principles, i am calm and optimistic attitude, a broad-loving enrich me. facing the choice, i have full confidence in their own community and the desire to be recognized by society, to have the opportunity to play to their wisdom, have contributed to society.

  distinguished leadership and in urgent need of a party to the sky eagle wings, good horse riding to be a party to the path. i sincerely wish to become a member of your company.

  trust and believe that your combination of strength, i will bring to our common success. meng gu you抽暇a letter, be grateful!

  this self-salute

大学英文求职信 篇3

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  It’s greatly appreciated that you can share your time to read my self—recommendation letter. My name is Wang Jiang,22,majoring in English. I will graduate from HuBei Normal University in June XX with honors. In the course of four—year university study,I was appointed as vice monitor and the chairman of the League Member. Now I am the member of CPC. Thanks to my industry,I have passed TEM4, CET6 ,TEM8.Meanwhile,four years I reaped many rewards,such as national scholarship,the first ranking scholarship,the second ranking scholarship,3 good’s student,outstanding student leader9 f2 m and excellent League Member,etc.

  : | H,“Only after polishing, the sword will be sharp; only after suffering severe winter, the plum blossom will be fragment.” After four—year hard study, I have possessed the quality to be a qualified English teacher. I got the second price in teacher skill competition in HuBei Normal University as well as the first price in normal students’ teaching lesson .

  Four—year hard working arms me with solid specialized knowledge. Now, I have mastered the basic English skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation; and also have a good knowledge of grammar, phonetics, linguistics etc. Additionally, extensive reading has broadened my mind. It acquainted me with western countries’ culture and custom. Hard working also rewards me with high scores in examination.

  With a perfect mastery of specialized knowledge, I also developed myself in all-round way. I have been paying special attention to foster my managerial ability, coordinate ability and cooperative ability. So I have done lots of jobs during my college life, such as working as a student secretary of the college of foreign studies, an English training teacher of Info Tech Essentials, Inc. HuangShi Branch, a private tutor. I have not only done a good job but also have leant a lot from such experiences.

  Moreover, my self-confidence, industry, and enthusiasm as well as great passion pave the way for conquering the difficulties which would occur in future work.

  All in all, please do believe I am competent enough and I can feel up to this position. I am positive about a success in this post.

  Your sincerely,

  Wish your business!

大学英文求职信 篇4

  Dear S×r/Madam:

  Please cons×der me for your Sales Management Program. My background ×s one of sell×ng ×deas, concepts and programs, and of mot×vat×ng myself and others to real×ze our potent×al.

  Att×tudes pred×ct behav×or - or so goes the say×ng ×n sales. ×f th×s holds true, × am sure to be as successful ×n sales management as × am ×n my college endeavors. My unceas×ng opt×m×sm, self-determ×nat×on and ab×l×ty to set goals have allowed me to ach×eve academ×c and personal object×ves.

  Because of my can do att×tude, sales w×ll prov×de the challenge and opportun×ty to cont×nue my successful h×story of sett×ng and ach×ev×ng goals. Please allow me the opportun×ty to elaborate on how my background pred×cts sales success. × guarantee you ll be prov×d×ng your corporat×on w×th an outstand×ng sales management . Thank you for your attent×on.


大学英文求职信 篇5

  dear sir or madam,

  your recruiting advertisement for overseas trainee on is of great interests to me. with a sound educational background – two master degrees awarded by university of wollongong australia and one bachelor degree awarded by nanchang institute of aeronautical technology, china - and a keen desire to be a part of a professional firm, i am submitting my resume and wish to apply for the position referred above.

  in addition to my academic excellence, my various aptitudes displayed in extra curriculum activities combined with fluent english ability as well as proficient it skills prepare me a qualified candidate. i hold the belief that i will make positive contribution to your company.

  thank you for your time and consideration and i am looking forward to becoming an integral member of your motivated team and would appreciate your evaluation by granting me an interview.

  with enthusiastically personal regards.

  sincerely yours,

  li fang

大学英文求职信 篇6

  Dear S×r,

  × w×ll graduate from the Un×vers×ty of Kansas w×th a Masters degree ×n June of th×s year. My major ×s Pharmacy and × am very ×nterested ×n secur×ng a pos×t×on before × graduate, ×f poss×ble.

  × am a Ch×nese and my bachelor's degree ×s from Zhej×ang Un×vers×ty.

  × have long been hopeful of work×ng for you after × graduate, because × cons×der you the f×nest hosp×tal ×n th×s reg×on, × as sure that ×f × have the pr×v×lege of serv×ng ×n your pharmacy, × w×ll greatly ×ncrease my educat×on and my exper×ence.

  Needless to say, × w×ll have completed a standard course ×n pharmacy before × graduate ×n June. ×n add×t×on, × have chosen to elect all the courses ava×lable at my school ×n Hosp×tal Pharmacy. × d×d th×s because × have always wanted to be a hosp×tal pharmacy. My professors, Sr. John Hark×n, Dr. M×ldred Carter, and Dr. ×r×ny Schultz have g×ve me perm×ss×on to use the×r names as reference.

  ×f you have a pos×t×on ava×lable after × graduate, × would apprec×ate ×t. ×f not, please keep my name on your f×le, because × cons×der your Pharmacy the best ×n th×s reg×on.

  S×ncerely yours,










